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 Orva - The Lost Kingdom of the Vast Swamp

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
George Krashos Posted - 19 Feb 2024 : 12:58:32
Something new I cooked up in my spare time and due to Eric Boyd's incessant nagging.

-- George Krashos
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Delnyn Posted - 02 Jan 2025 : 00:33:07
Lore of any sort drives the Realms.
sleyvas Posted - 08 Mar 2024 : 16:34:32
Originally posted by Gary Dallison

Originally posted by George Krashos

Originally posted by kysus

does this mean you two are back writing more elven lore for your games?

We are always writing elven lore. Problem is, we are also always writing dwarven lore, human lore, orcish lore, halfling lore and even gnomish lore. It's a bit of a fight as to what gets our attention on any given day.

-- George Krashos

Dont forget giant lore

Just because you said this... it might be interesting to note a list of the various different "power groups" as an overview that might have long histories of impact to the world. I agree with the statement that giant lore being developed makes the world seem "real", and one of the strengths I've always felt for the realms is that it really is about "forgotten realms"... places, items, ideas, wars, times of growth etc... caused by/developed by many different cultures really feel like they've shaped the world.

So, just for fun... some of the many "groups" that I've been seeing people develop "lore" for that make the world seem more real.

beholder lore
illithid lore
doppelganger lore
aboleth lore
Sarrukh lore
Batrachi lore
Aearee lore
dragon lore
Old Ones lore (not much on them, but they were a power group long ago)
dark elven lore
fey / feywild lore
shadowfell lore
goblin lore
gnoll lore
duergar lore
demon lore
devil lore
"god" lore
primordial lore
portal lore
artifact/magic item lore
spelljammer/wildspace lore
geographic change lore
"mineral"/"metal"/"plant" lore on how they impacted history at times

THIS is why I love this world. It feels real because its not just "and the elves guided the world in this direction", which is kind of what I get from people who talk about Tolkien's silmarillion (not knocking Tolkien... just saying people saw his stuff and improved over time).
Gary Dallison Posted - 08 Mar 2024 : 15:11:45
Originally posted by George Krashos

Originally posted by kysus

does this mean you two are back writing more elven lore for your games?

We are always writing elven lore. Problem is, we are also always writing dwarven lore, human lore, orcish lore, halfling lore and even gnomish lore. It's a bit of a fight as to what gets our attention on any given day.

-- George Krashos

Dont forget giant lore

Delnyn Posted - 07 Mar 2024 : 13:17:16
Originally posted by sleyvas

I had heard from an elf whose ancestors dated back to being the estaervaelal that had found and recovered the gold circlet that housed Oomrith's sentience, and according to their family history, before becoming a soul larvae and advancing through the ranks of devilkind... the being that had become Oomrith had indeed been a living gnome. If you want to corroborate this detail, just reach out to the Nimbraii spellcaster named Mendacity Prevaricator

Of course such a spellcaster exudes trustworthiness worthy of Tyr. *Look over my shoulder for signs of an offended Hammer of Grimjaws*
sleyvas Posted - 05 Mar 2024 : 18:53:18
I had heard from an elf whose ancestors dated back to being the estaervaelal that had found and recovered the gold circlet that housed Oomrith's sentience, and according to their family history, before becoming a soul larvae and advancing through the ranks of devilkind... the being that had become Oomrith had indeed been a living gnome. If you want to corroborate this detail, just reach out to the Nimbraii spellcaster named Mendacity Prevaricator
George Krashos Posted - 05 Mar 2024 : 15:07:42
Originally posted by kysus

does this mean you two are back writing more elven lore for your games?

We are always writing elven lore. Problem is, we are also always writing dwarven lore, human lore, orcish lore, halfling lore and even gnomish lore. It's a bit of a fight as to what gets our attention on any given day.

-- George Krashos
Brimstone Posted - 03 Mar 2024 : 06:41:43
Originally posted by Delnyn

Wow, talk about "No good deed goes unpunished."

Lol that was what I thought when I read that.
Delnyn Posted - 03 Mar 2024 : 01:04:59
Wow, talk about "No good deed goes unpunished."
Brimstone Posted - 23 Feb 2024 : 11:47:47
Good stuff
kysus Posted - 22 Feb 2024 : 21:52:53
does this mean you two are back writing more elven lore for your games?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 22 Feb 2024 : 02:38:22
It's some good, solid lore, and it would be a bargain at 3 times the price.
varyar Posted - 20 Feb 2024 : 00:03:17
Very nice and lore-tastic work!
Dalor Darden Posted - 20 Feb 2024 : 00:00:37
Solid material for a $1?

Ummm...MORE fella. Publish more.
ericlboyd Posted - 19 Feb 2024 : 16:37:42
For the skeptics out there, George has proven that he actually can write Realmslore without revolving all his plots around gnomes. (At least until he release the sequel: Orva: The Untold Backstory.)

We have a bet going about the importance of this obscure piece of Realmslore, so please prove me right for the measly cost of a $1. If I win, I will never let him forget it.

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