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 Sages of Realmslore
 Known individuals/entities in the -20,000s DR?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
varyar Posted - 26 Jan 2024 : 13:29:38
Yet another weird question... I'm working on a potential DMs Guild book set in the ancient past of Faerun (or at least an ancient past before the Sundering warped the timeline) and I was wondering if there are any named individuals/entities around c. -27,000-25,000 DR? Aside from the primal gods like Selune, Shar and Chauntea, that is. A look at the relevant pages of Grand History of the Realms didn't provide much before the first handful of gold and moon elves showed up and ruined everything.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Delnyn Posted - 27 Jan 2024 : 13:56:40
Elves and humans both served the gold dragon King Orchtrien. The elven mage Rhespen Ash joined a rebellion against Orchtrien. Rhespen dies in battle against King Orchtrien while the rebel elves research and create the King Killer Comet.
varyar Posted - 26 Jan 2024 : 18:20:33
I'll try and track down a copy of the anthology. Thanks!
Marc Posted - 26 Jan 2024 : 17:21:48
There's a short story in Realms of Dragons that has some human characters that serve dragons, but I don't remember their names, other than that I think only elves from Evermeet novel, Sharlario, K'anarlist.

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