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T O P I C    R E V I E W
aXuS Posted - 06 Sep 2023 : 14:10:53
Longtime adventurer looking for a place to rest and clean my muddy boots. Thank you for having me!
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Sep 2023 : 05:10:01
Welcome to Candlekeep!

Feel free to ask any questions you may have... A lot of us have been Realms fans for years, and we know a thing or three about the setting. Plus, we've got some of the authors and creators here!

As for the rest of us, we are friendly, mostly harmless, and occasionally strange... Enjoy your stay!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Sep 2023 : 05:09:24
Originally posted by Ayrik

Bah! Ulraunt will rumble and grumble, it is true. But his grumpiness is easily drowned under a few flagons. And it fades away quick enough when he tells animated improbable tales of his adventures in the moors.

It is Wooly the Blue Rupert you must beware. That sneaky hamster will have your boots promptly cleaned and returned to you - no doubt - but you might find walking in them somewhat uncomfortable when the magic mouth spells or grease cantrips "kick in" while you're interacting with the local folk.

I only did that once!
Ayrik Posted - 08 Sep 2023 : 21:22:04
Bah! Ulraunt will rumble and grumble, it is true. But his grumpiness is easily drowned under a few flagons. And it fades away quick enough when he tells animated improbable tales of his adventures in the moors.

It is Wooly the Blue Rupert you must beware. That sneaky hamster will have your boots promptly cleaned and returned to you - no doubt - but you might find walking in them somewhat uncomfortable when the magic mouth spells or grease cantrips "kick in" while you're interacting with the local folk.
aXuS Posted - 08 Sep 2023 : 13:54:15
Kind sir! Your hospitality is boundless! Many thanks.
Delnyn Posted - 07 Sep 2023 : 21:56:09
aXuS, I will take care of the boots immediately. Once you pass the Emerald Door, ask an Avowed for your bunk at the House of Rest. I will return with your cleaned boots in three bells.

While you're here, it's prudent to avoid Ulraunt. He is even grumpier than the rumors imply.
AJA Posted - 07 Sep 2023 : 07:37:57
Originally posted by aXuS

Longtime adventurer looking for a place to rest and clean my muddy boots. Thank you for having me!

aXuS, welcome indeed! But, by Illenghal the Traveller, do step into the cleaning alcove to the left side! Acolyte Delnyn will assist you with your boots.

Any knowledge you seek awaits within, any muddy footprints from without are definitely not allowed! We just went through this with that great big sloppy Wooly Space Hamster – For the sixteenth time!!

...seriously, I really don't know why Alaundo allows him in here...

Delnyn Posted - 06 Sep 2023 : 22:28:13
Welcome to Candlekeep.

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