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 The Night Barony of Erlkazar

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DoveArrow Posted - 08 Mar 2023 : 18:37:17
This is my latest product for the DM's Guild. It's a sandbox adventure for 15th - 20th level adventurers, set in the lands of Erlkazar. The adventure contains descriptions of each of the Five Baronies, detailed maps, locales, organizations, and NPCs that will be familiar to anyone who knows the region. Please enjoy.

The Baronies of Erlkazar, once a prosperous region of pastoral tranquility, is now a land of nightmares and dread. Bandit armies plague the region, terrorizing the populace and surrounding countries of Calimshan, Tethyr, Amn, and Turmish. Though these threats are terrifying enough, it is nothing compared to what awaits the people of Erlkazar at night.

In caves, tombs, and subterranean communities beneath the seemingly pastoral villages of Erlkazar live the secretive Night Barony. Ruled by the vampire Saestra and her legions of darkness, these monstrous denizens of the Five Baronies are the real power in the region. The country’s only hope of liberation is you.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
DoveArrow Posted - 15 Mar 2023 : 07:34:19
Originally posted by Thuumhammer

This looks fun! I've never run (or played in) an Underdark campaign. What made this region call to you? What kind of campaign would you play here?

I first came across Erlkazar when I was writing a side quest for Part Two of my Rise of the Genie Lords adventure series. There was a tower there that I wanted them to visit to retrieve an ancient artifact.

As I was writing that adventure, I was drawn to the descriptions of Saestra and the Night Barony from the 4E Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide. While I introduced the history of the region in that adventure, the characters were too low level and the political intrigue involving the Night Barony far too complex to explore either in any detail. Since the characters were also on a time crunch, trying to stop the return of the genie lord, Memnon, they couldn't spend much time in the region.

After I ran that side quest, however, one of my players came to me and said, "I really want to come back here and free the people from the vampires." This adventure was my response to his request.

As for what kind of campaign I would set in Erlkazar, this is that campaign. The characters have to travel to various locations throughout the region and recruit allies to defeat the Night Barony while evading the notice of Saestra and her legions.

Even if you don't decide to run the adventure, this product includes descriptions of all the major settlements in Erlkazar from 2E and 4E. It also includes familiar NPCs as well as many new ones. Since the Underdark in this area was never described in detail, the locations and NPCs are almost entirely new.

I hope this answers your questions. Feel free to ask me anything else you would like to know.
Thuumhammer Posted - 10 Mar 2023 : 03:57:01
This looks fun! I've never run (or played in) an Underdark campaign. What made this region call to you? What kind of campaign would you play here?

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