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 Shadowdale Teleportation circle

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rangerstranger Posted - 10 Jan 2023 : 18:58:24
I am running a 5E campaign set in late Fall/Winter of 1368, and in the Dales. The party is currently 8th level and has gained access to a teleportation circle via the dwarves of Anathar's Dell. Although they are unable to cast the actual spell, the party wizard has a scroll of Teleportation Circle which he received from Elminster as part of their reward when they helped Randal Morn. Elminster also gave said party wizard the sigil sequence to 2 permanent teleportation circles, one in Shadowdale and the other in Dagger Falls.

The party is preparing to use the teleportation circle they have access to, to travel to Shadowdale only they don't know where in Shadowdale this circle will be. Obviously it will not be the one Elminster operates in his tower but will be in the surrounding country side somewhere. I am thinking of having this take them to the home of a prominent resident of Shadowdale. But I am having trouble coming up with ideas for who. I also like the idea of them showing up unexpected and the NPC having no idea what to do with them.

I am curious what are your ideas for making this a memorable and maybe humorous encounter.
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sleyvas Posted - 11 Jan 2023 : 15:50:59
Another option could be that there's someone watching, but from remote, and that when someone shows up at the portal an illusory version of said person appears to greet them as a simple ward like a wall of force surrounds the portal (or multiple glyphs of warding flare into life giving warning). You could have it that a magic mouth goes off as well saying "speak the password" or asking a riddle that only someone who knows Elminster or the seven sisters might know the answer to. If they speak the answer, that's the key to turning off some effect that allows someone to exit. It might be that after this happens the person watching from remote appears as an illusion, even as Sylune rises out of the ground behind them.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Jan 2023 : 15:32:55
I personally wouldn't go the route of having someone come check the circle after the fact -- even if it only takes 5 minutes to get there, that's plenty of time for someone to vacate the area. Even someone with the most noble intentions could be in a hurry and gone before someone gets there.

I'd go for some sort of magical surveillance, and/or having someone with a line of sight staying there. Maybe Harpers in training could have a hidden watchpost nearby, and part of their training is to spend shifts watching the circle.
rangerstranger Posted - 11 Jan 2023 : 14:51:07
Originally posted by Karthak

If you're not opposed to using realms npcs, there's Elminster's scribe Lhaeo who turned out to be royalty and left his service early in 1368, with Elminster recruiting a new "Lhaeo" and using illusions to disguise that it's a different person. Could go with Wooly's suggestion and have "Lhaeo" come and check the circle after an alarm set by Elminster went off, to see who came through it and struggle to keep up the act as he's not been hired for his acting skills. There's a couple of places nearby mentioned on the wiki that could be suitable, Toad Knoll or Sylune's Hut would be good as they're not in town but not so far that "Lhaeo" couldn't go check it out in a hurry.

Thanks Karthak, Lhaeo is a good suggestion. The party has already met the real Lhaeo but coming across an Illusion of Lhaeo could provide for an interesting encounter, especially once they realize something is odd about this "Lhaeo".
rangerstranger Posted - 11 Jan 2023 : 14:27:55
Originally posted by sleyvas

You could have it be that the circle is near where Storm lives and have the ghost sister Sylune Silverhand watching over it. Maybe its guarded by dragonbone golems made from the remains of the three dragons that she died fighting, such that the party might freak out seeing three "dracoliches" when they show up.

relevant picture below

Of course, Storm would also be nearby chopping wood. Relevant picture below

I like the idea of the group meeting Storm and Sylune. The party has run through a heavily modified version of the Sword of the Dales Trilogy and have met Lhaeo. I think meeting Storm could allow for some good RP since they already know Lhaeo and the two were/are lovers. At this point Lhaeo may already be off to Tethyr by this time of the year. I'll have to go check that.
Karthak Posted - 11 Jan 2023 : 06:48:39
If you're not opposed to using realms npcs, there's Elminster's scribe Lhaeo who turned out to be royalty and left his service early in 1368, with Elminster recruiting a new "Lhaeo" and using illusions to disguise that it's a different person. Could go with Wooly's suggestion and have "Lhaeo" come and check the circle after an alarm set by Elminster went off, to see who came through it and struggle to keep up the act as he's not been hired for his acting skills. There's a couple of places nearby mentioned on the wiki that could be suitable, Toad Knoll or Sylune's Hut would be good as they're not in town but not so far that "Lhaeo" couldn't go check it out in a hurry.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 Jan 2023 : 23:25:12
Me, I'd have the teleportation circle set somewhere outside of the town, maybe even a short distance into the forest. Putting it in ruins is a good idea, but I think the biggest thing is that it's going to be far enough out to give the locals time to prepare for hostile teleporters, and someone or something is going to be keeping an eye on it.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 Jan 2023 : 23:17:08
Originally posted by sleyvas

Of course, Storm would also be nearby chopping wood. Relevant picture below

I've always liked that artwork, though I would have preferred more than just a floating head, next to Storm. The artist is Dennis Fröhlich and that image can be found on Artstation.
sleyvas Posted - 10 Jan 2023 : 19:57:37
You could have it be that the circle is near where Storm lives and have the ghost sister Sylune Silverhand watching over it. Maybe its guarded by dragonbone golems made from the remains of the three dragons that she died fighting, such that the party might freak out seeing three "dracoliches" when they show up.

relevant picture below

Of course, Storm would also be nearby chopping wood. Relevant picture below
bloodtide_the_red Posted - 10 Jan 2023 : 19:40:10
Well, it depends on some things. Do you want to plug in and use a famous Realms NPC? Or would you rather have a custom one you made?

A retired adventurer would be a good choice. Someone who now has a farm or such.

An underground ruin "basement" or some stones out in the woods with something like a semi freindly undead, intelligent ooze or monster.

The Shadowdale garbage dumping grounds....

I do love the idea of the "Elminster Test" like:

They come into a small cave with a woman webbed to the wall. She gives a sad story and asks to be freed. Do the PCs just believe her and free her based on her word? Do they consider maybe El put her there for a good reason?

The small underground ruin with a treasure the evil, greedy PCs just "LOOT!"

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