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 Doresirrenth: the Kingdom of the Ghouls

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
George Krashos Posted - 07 Sep 2022 : 13:58:54
Eric and I have done another thing based on some random FR musings. So somehow, the Kingdom of the Ghouls exists in Faerūn as well as Greyhawk, and we paid a visit to Ilythiir and had a play with gnolls. Throw in an ancient Ilythiiri spellbook, and you have something we hope will entertain.

— George Krashos
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Seethyr Posted - 15 Oct 2022 : 00:33:23
Really enjoyed this. The White Kingdom was always a cool bit of lore I wanted to take from other settings (was it Mystara or Greyhawk first? I forgot) and bring it to the Realms. You did so in a way that totally makes sense.
MandarinB Posted - 12 Sep 2022 : 13:16:12
It was a good read, which has satisfied my need for Doresain lore (with the Illithyr bits satisfying my love of drow/dark elf lore). I might include the Kingdom of Ghouls in my ongoing Out of the Abyss game, and use some of it when I play my Doresain warlock I've planning to use when one of my players runs Curse of Strahd.
Derulbaskul Posted - 10 Sep 2022 : 02:43:52
Excellent work.

I was so happy to see you two had returned to DM's Guild.

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