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 Cleric Domains from various products & FR

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Outlaw Pope Posted - 01 Aug 2022 : 01:46:34
So this might be a bit of a weird question and dated. I am trying to find the book sources that wikis oft record but never seem to reference - particularly for 3.xe DnD.

for example:

The core 3e book, Faiths & Pantheons will list Gargauth as having:

Charm, Evil, Law, Trickery

But several places, like the FR wiki, or Realmshelps will list him as having:

Avarice, Charm, Corruption, Envy, Evil, Law, Pride,
Sloth, Trickery

I know these comes from various other supplements but not everything is usually attributed and I am wanting to find out what is "actual" and what is more fan speculation or whatever for my own purposes.

Anyone have any hints or ideas where I can figure out the bulk of FR deities, and what supplemental domains apply / do not?

(For example why is Cyric, the Mad God, not listed as receiving the Madness Domain anywhere online?)

Cheers fellow scholars.

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Outlaw Pope Posted - 10 Aug 2022 : 16:23:37
Yeah, what Tom said. I think its Dragon #283.
TomCosta Posted - 04 Aug 2022 : 17:53:52
The Aztec (not Maztica) pantheon got updated to 3E in a series of 4 Dragon articles in the short Class Acts articles toward the back of the magazine.
Outlaw Pope Posted - 04 Aug 2022 : 06:34:07
I mean the core Aztec pantheon which obviously Maztican stuff is inspired by. But if someone else has done a conversion I'd like to see!
Delnyn Posted - 03 Aug 2022 : 00:05:10
Originally posted by Outlaw Pope

Thanks again. A shame there isn't really anything out there but I suppose I can manage where-ever or eyeball the Aztec pantheon in some tomes.

By Aztec pantheon, do you mean Maztican or is this core D&D from whatever edition?
Outlaw Pope Posted - 02 Aug 2022 : 23:47:30
Thanks again. A shame there isn't really anything out there but I suppose I can manage where-ever or eyeball the Aztec pantheon in some tomes.
TomCosta Posted - 02 Aug 2022 : 16:52:43
Aside from the 3E OA, which was not faith specific (ditto with KAra Tur update in Dragon 315), I think there's some fan stuff on the web, but nothing official.
Outlaw Pope Posted - 02 Aug 2022 : 07:31:02
Thanks again!

[and thank you both for your work over the years. :)]

Would you happen to know of any places that make attempts at 3.x-ing additional deities like the extra Seldarine members such as Naralis Analor, Maztican pantheon, or the Kara-Tur/Hordelands beliefs, and Zakharan faiths?
TomCosta Posted - 01 Aug 2022 : 19:16:23
To add to Eric's post, the wiki sources the domains. Domains were sometimes added as they were created. This happened in Dragon magazine for example, where they sometimes added domains from other hardcover books or sometimes from magazine articles. I suggest going to the source in the wiki articles. The core domains were all established in the #E FRCS and updated in Faiths and Pantheons and Player's Guide to Faerun.
ericlboyd Posted - 01 Aug 2022 : 13:10:10
This is my go-to list of 3.5e clerical domains, including sources:

It's part of a larger set of files found here:
Outlaw Pope Posted - 01 Aug 2022 : 11:35:24
Thanks for the reply.

As to the canon, I am digging through stuff but the only source so far after the F&P is the Players Handbook for FR and it shows some stuff off but a lot of other stuff is not sourced. I am curious as to how much is arse-pull and how much is canon. Do you think some of this stuff comes from period Dragon Mags?

I might have had a breakthrough because one article I found sourced to specific dragon and other supplement tomes.


As to Cyric and the Mad God. That's a fair enough interpretation as it isn't in his portfolios and was stricken mad by his own schemes. He does however use madmen as vessels in the novels but those are basically the Hollywood of products, lol.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 01 Aug 2022 : 02:08:04
Originally posted by Outlaw Pope

So this might be a bit of a weird question and dated. I am trying to find the book sources that wikis oft record but never seem to reference - particularly for 3.xe DnD.

for example:

The core 3e book, Faiths & Pantheons will list Gargauth as having:

Charm, Evil, Law, Trickery

But several places, like the FR wiki, or Realmshelps will list him as having:

Avarice, Charm, Corruption, Envy, Evil, Law, Pride,
Sloth, Trickery

I know these comes from various other supplements but not everything is usually attributed and I am wanting to find out what is "actual" and what is more fan speculation or whatever for my own purposes.

Anyone have any hints or ideas where I can figure out the bulk of FR deities, and what supplemental domains apply / do not?

The problem with online sources is that sometimes mistakes are made, or someone puts out their own version of things, and doesn't make it clear that it's not canon.

When in doubt, always go with official, published material -- assuming you want to stick to canon.

Originally posted by Outlaw Pope

(For example why is Cyric, the Mad God, not listed as receiving the Madness Domain anywhere online?)

Because it's a nickname. He's not the god of madness, he's a god who is mad.

Kinda like how Torm the True isn't the god of truth.

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