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 The Crossing

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MordenGreyhawk Posted - 02 Mar 2021 : 20:41:06
The campaign I'm currently running for my players is entitled 'The Crossing'. Powerful dragons and gods are at war with each other, leaving the Realms in smoking ruins where their battles have taken place.

Survivors are fleeing to the Underdark, for it is said there is a massive portal being constructed to teleport the survivors to a new realm before Toril is destroyed.

Yet, the city is hidden. The Forge of Dumathoin is kept secret to prevent the forces of evil and darkness from destroying any hope the survivors have of escape.

So, because the good folks here are more familiar with Forgotten Realms lore than most, I wanted to share this. My younger brother (who is playing in the campaign) composed this and we did the lyrics and vocals together.
I basically got a theme song for my campaign!

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Delnyn Posted - 21 Jun 2021 : 01:32:41
Make sure the portals are well away from any faezress sources. You are otherwise dealing with teleportation malfunctions.
ale62 Posted - 20 Mar 2021 : 17:30:57
Very nice! A card congrats to your bro.

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