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 Spin A Yarn links

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Aug 2008 : 16:35:15
I decided to post this in its own separate topic... At the moment, when doing a search, if the result is found in a multipage thread, you have to look at every page until you find what you want. So to make things easy on anyone searching for all of the Spin A Yarn stories, I decided to have a new topic, dedicated only to all of those stories -- and, more specifically, the links to them.

I'll update this post each year, to keep all the links handy.

Edit: At this time (08/01/2022), all these links are broken. I'm leaving them, though, as a reference; some of the times that I've found lost content on WotC's site, it's been by extrapolating and/or combining old URLs and new.

The 2001-2008 Spin a Yarns can be found at

"Never A Warpig Born"

"Ladies Night at the Yawning Portal"

"Only a Woman Can Take This Sort of Abuse, Part One"
"Only a Woman Can Take This Sort of Abuse, Part Two"

Introducing "The Night Tymora Sneezed"
"The Night Tymora Sneezed, Part One"
"The Night Tymora Sneezed, Part Two"
"The Night Tymora Sneezed, Part Three"
"The Night Tymora Sneezed, Part Four"
"The Night Tymora Sneezed, Part Five"
"The Night Tymora Sneezed, Part Six"

"The Lady of the Mists"

Introducing "Every Revel a Masterpiece"
"Every Revel a Masterpiece" (part 1)
"Every Revel a Masterpiece" (part 2)
"Every Revel a Masterpiece" (part 3)

Introducing "The Weaver of Dreams"
"The Weaver of Dreams" (part 1)
"The Weaver of Dreams" (part 2)
"The Weaver of Dreams" (part 3)
"The Weaver of Dreams" (part 4)

Introducing "Volo Breaks a Hot Tale"
"Volo Breaks a Hot Tale" (Part One)
"Volo Breaks a Hot Tale" (Part Two)
"Volo Breaks a Hot Tale" (Part Three)
"Volo Breaks a Hot Tale" (Part Four)
"Volo Breaks a Hot Tale" (Part Five)
"Volo Breaks a Hot Tale" (collected pdf)

"Night of the Dread Pudding"

"The Rise of Bardic Beauty"

"Jantharl’s Surprising Journey"

"The Night Thelva Clovenaxe Flew" (not linked individually; see Dragon 425)

"The Unforking Family Tree"

30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 01 Aug 2022 : 23:51:52
*sigh* This is why I have long had issues with the folks in charge of the Wizards website. Some of these links have changed and been updated multiple times, and then WotC comes along and breaks them again...

You can find the 2008 one linked in an earlier post:

Originally posted by KanzenAU

I found a link to the Spin A Yarns from 2001-2008 for those interested:

Irrevrykal Posted - 01 Aug 2022 : 17:23:05
Indeed, the links no longer work. Does anyone have a copy of the compilation PDF of 2008's Spin a Yarn?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 01 Apr 2020 : 15:16:28
Originally posted by TopTrooper

Is there any word on links for these stories?

What about the links? Are they not working again? (I can't check; I'm at work)
TopTrooper Posted - 01 Apr 2020 : 10:52:46
Is there any word on links for these stories?
Falstaffsrevenge Posted - 04 Apr 2017 : 19:20:10
I am glad I requested notification on this thread.
Alaundo Posted - 04 Apr 2017 : 19:06:32
Well met

Excellent, thanks for locating this, KanzenAU.

I had put some of Ed's work starting with Never a Warpig Born over on the Bard's Rumours page in the Alaundo's Library section of the site, so will get it updated to including these too.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Apr 2017 : 15:31:19
I really, really hate how Wizards keeps arbitrarily moving stuff around on their website and never updates links.

I'm beginning to think their web folks move stuff around just to say they're doing something.
KanzenAU Posted - 02 Apr 2017 : 12:42:17
I found a link to the Spin A Yarns from 2001-2008 for those interested:
KanzenAU Posted - 29 Jun 2016 : 10:49:28
Does anyone have updated links for these? Keen to have a read :)
Falstaffsrevenge Posted - 28 Dec 2015 : 02:01:04
Hmm I wonder as well. Two years between post, doesn't look good.
George Krashos Posted - 15 Dec 2015 : 04:25:01
I wonder if we'll ever see a Spin a Yarn from the 2014 seminar. I suppose I should ask Ed ...

-- George Krashos
Wooly Rupert Posted - 31 Dec 2013 : 15:46:21
We have the 2013 Spin a Yarn!

The Unforking Family Tree

I can't do a separate link for the one for 2012 -- it was in Dragon 425, and either they took down the individual article link, or it was never done as an individual article.

I've checked all the other links, and they are working. You may get security warnings, though, as many of them remain (inexplicably!) https links.
Falstaffsrevenge Posted - 19 Jul 2013 : 23:33:10
Thanks Wooly. I have been gone (from the realms and this community) for a while. Trying to easy back into, and boy do I have alot of back gossip to catch up with. I wasn't sure what time GenCon was. I looked it up after I wrote the reply. I will keep my eyes open. :-)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 19 Jul 2013 : 21:51:50
Originally posted by Falstaffsrevenge

Has anyone see a posting of Ed's 2012 or 2013 spin a yarn tale. THO mentioned that Ed was going to incorperate my sign into he story and I have been dieing to see how that played out.

Well, the 2013 tale hasn't been written yet... The previous year's tale is usually present at roughly the same time as GenCon.
Falstaffsrevenge Posted - 19 Jul 2013 : 21:26:11
Has anyone see a posting of Ed's 2012 or 2013 spin a yarn tale. THO mentioned that Ed was going to incorperate my sign into he story and I have been dieing to see how that played out.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 Aug 2012 : 15:24:20
First post updated, thanks for the link, Red.

If anyone manages to locate some of the other Spin A Yarns, please PM me the URL, so I can get everything updated.*

*Again .
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 Aug 2012 : 15:19:09
Originally posted by The Red Walker

Originally posted by The Red Walker

2011 Spin a yarn link :

With options for PDF. eBook or Kindle book...very nice!

And a possible Larloch sighting??

also of seems only 2009, 2010 and 2010 are accessible...get your copies while you can!

I'm sure the others are out there, somewhere, but they keep moving stuff around and not bothering to update the links. I've had to chase some of these down multiple times.
The Red Walker Posted - 28 Aug 2012 : 14:52:18
Originally posted by The Red Walker

2011 Spin a yarn link :

With options for PDF. eBook or Kindle book...very nice!

And a possible Larloch sighting??

also of seems only 2009, 2010 and 2010 are accessible...get your copies while you can!
The Red Walker Posted - 28 Aug 2012 : 14:51:16
2011 Spin a yarn link :

With options for PDF. eBook or Kindle book...very nice!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 03 Aug 2011 : 05:07:46
Edited the main post and re-stickied the thread. I kept fiddling with the links until I made one work, and then extrapolated from there. All of the links above should be good, though most of them may give you security warnings.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Aug 2011 : 18:08:32
Originally posted by Matt James

2010 Spin a Yarn ->

Thank you for that link, Matt. I'll get the original post updated.
Eltheron Posted - 02 Aug 2011 : 17:04:00
I always love these.
Matt James Posted - 02 Aug 2011 : 05:30:22
2010 Spin a Yarn ->
Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 Jul 2010 : 11:55:53
Added link to 2009 Spin a Yarn. I tested all the other links, and they're all still good, save for the collected pdf of the 2008 tale. I'll have to search for that one, later, and update the link.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 Jan 2010 : 14:56:28
Heh, and now I'm glad I set this thread up the way I did. It would have been tedious to wade thru and change all of my posts, if I'd put the links in them instead of just in the original post.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 Jan 2010 : 14:54:02
The Wizards web team has once more earned my ire... They moved all the stories, and didn't bother to put redirects in place. This is a maneuver that appears to be SOP, because it's not the first time they've done it...

Anyway, all of the links are updated and working, as of the time of this post.

Note: For the stories that have an intro page, don't rely on the links Wizards gives you. Those links are aimed at the old location. My links work -- again, I just tested them all.
The Red Walker Posted - 10 Sep 2009 : 20:43:04
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Great idea!

Rino, I noticed that your tailess tressym I submitted to Ed on your behalf last year was very near the start!

Ed must favor you a bit I think!

And I can't wait to get home and pull out my notes from 08 and see how much else made it in.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 04 Sep 2009 : 15:46:11
Hey, while updating my own page of links, I noted that this year, they compiled the entire tale into a single pdf. That is also linked to above.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 04 Sep 2009 : 15:31:19
Someone finally remembered to give us the final bit of the 2008 Spin a Yarn. According to the Archives page, it's been up since August 10th -- but I've been keeping an eye out for it, checking daily, and it wasn't there yesterday or any time before then.

The link, of course, is in the original post.

I'll leave this thread stickied for a couple more weeks or so, and then desticky it until next year.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 08 Aug 2009 : 17:28:46
Part four now linked above.

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