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 New Mobile Game - Warriors of Waterdeep

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Sunderstone Posted - 14 Feb 2018 : 22:29:23
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Aug 2019 : 17:51:46
Not sure if the post just above this one was a spam attempt or not; I can't read the website. I've removed the link from the post, since I am questioning it.
jorick1392 Posted - 09 Aug 2019 : 12:45:47
I love the series of Sage of Shadowdale and want to play the game and I ready to pay any amount to do it.

Mod edit: Removed URL from post.
moonbeast Posted - 17 Feb 2018 : 07:37:59
Originally posted by VikingLegion

But is $10 really what you're going to spend on it? From the brief bit I read, it mentioned additional packs that can be purchased to augment your characters. The real question is, are those packs just for impatient players that want to skip ahead, or will they skew the gameplay to make it all but mandatory for anyone that isn't willing to grind 10 hours a day on the game?

Ahh, didn't read that bit about potential add-on packs. Of course that would affect my decision as to the overall value of a (mobile) game.

Pay-for-play or Pay-for-premium-play has never been an attractive feature IMHO.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Feb 2018 : 03:28:11
Originally posted by VikingLegion

But is $10 really what you're going to spend on it? From the brief bit I read, it mentioned additional packs that can be purchased to augment your characters. The real question is, are those packs just for impatient players that want to skip ahead, or will they skew the gameplay to make it all but mandatory for anyone that isn't willing to grind 10 hours a day on the game?

That concerns me, as well. I've no issue with buying an expansion that adds to the game, but I'm not as enthusiastic about the bonuses only available via cash.
VikingLegion Posted - 16 Feb 2018 : 21:50:55
But is $10 really what you're going to spend on it? From the brief bit I read, it mentioned additional packs that can be purchased to augment your characters. The real question is, are those packs just for impatient players that want to skip ahead, or will they skew the gameplay to make it all but mandatory for anyone that isn't willing to grind 10 hours a day on the game?
moonbeast Posted - 16 Feb 2018 : 07:24:45
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

$10 for a mobile version of the board game?

I was a big console and PC gamer back in the Golden Age of Computer Games in the 90s and early 2000s, we were accustomed to paying an average price of $40-$50 per game (for top AAA games).

A $10 mobile game, while not relatively "cheap" compared to other mobile games, is still reasonable, as long as it's well made and has good replay value. My opinion.

Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Feb 2018 : 02:37:42
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

$10 for a mobile version of the board game?

That's not tremendously uncommon, sadly.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 16 Feb 2018 : 01:41:59
$10 for a mobile version of the board game?
sleyvas Posted - 16 Feb 2018 : 00:09:09
it said "get it on google play" and the app store as well. So it should be for android. I'm not a big fan of phone games, but this might fill the times when I'm bored in a meeting.
moonbeast Posted - 15 Feb 2018 : 18:55:35
Perfect game for my iPad!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Feb 2018 : 03:35:53
I just hope they don't do what they did with Lords of Waterdeep: wait two years before releasing the Android version.

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