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 Questions for Elaine Cunningham [II]

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Sage Posted - 14 Jul 2010 : 01:53:58
Well met

This being another collective scroll of any questions the Scribes and visitors of Candlekeep wish to put to a renowned author of the Realms, namely - Elaine Cunningham, whos works include: Elfshadow, Elfsong, Daughter of the Drow, Tangled Webs, Windwalker and of course Evermeet: Island of Elves, to name but a few.

Present your questions herein and check back to see what news may also come forth from the quill of this author.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ElaineCunningham Posted - 15 Apr 2024 : 18:04:05
So, I finally posted the first installment of DESTINY MUSIC, which was supposed to be a short story but is looking more like a novella-length serial.

This introduces Zeeka Jade, a half-orc bard, and is set in a newly created fantasy world. This is high magic, old school sword-and-sorcery fantasy, of the sort that will be very familiar to Forgotten Realms readers. It will be posted on my website, as soon as I can get around to resurrecting that, but you can read the first scene on my Facebook author page.
Athreeren Posted - 01 Apr 2024 : 04:43:18
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Yes, that sounds about right. Don't mind me--I'm about 15 months into "long Covid" and the brain fog is only just starting to lift.

That sounds absolutely horrible, that thing can really destroy your life. I hope things keep improving for you!
ElaineCunningham Posted - 28 Mar 2024 : 16:54:07
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Originally posted by Firestorm

I was curious why those sample chapters of "The serpent's daughter" that were once posted here have disappeared.

I still have those saved to my PC and have been asked multiple times on facebook to post them for fellow fans dying of thirst for Danilo/Arilyn stuff. But since they were removed here I did not feel comfortable posting them elsewhere

Hi, Firestorm.

I don't recall why those chapters were removed, whether by my request or forum policy, but to be honest, they shouldn't have been posted in the first place. Posting teasers is a valid marketing tactic when is book is in the pipeline, but it might run afoul of current NDA guidelines, especially now, when the story is long dead. In addition, it's quite likely that the chapters might contain details that contradict official lore published in the past 12 years. Continuity is important, and I would hate to contribute to the muddying of the waters.

For all these reasons, thank you for asking before sharing them elsewhere. I appreciate your consideration, and your discretion in keeping these files solely for your own use.

As I recall, it was by request. It certainly wasn't a forum policy issue.

Yes, that sounds about right. Don't mind me--I'm about 15 months into "long Covid" and the brain fog is only just starting to lift.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Mar 2024 : 23:33:04
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Originally posted by Firestorm

I was curious why those sample chapters of "The serpent's daughter" that were once posted here have disappeared.

I still have those saved to my PC and have been asked multiple times on facebook to post them for fellow fans dying of thirst for Danilo/Arilyn stuff. But since they were removed here I did not feel comfortable posting them elsewhere

Hi, Firestorm.

I don't recall why those chapters were removed, whether by my request or forum policy, but to be honest, they shouldn't have been posted in the first place. Posting teasers is a valid marketing tactic when is book is in the pipeline, but it might run afoul of current NDA guidelines, especially now, when the story is long dead. In addition, it's quite likely that the chapters might contain details that contradict official lore published in the past 12 years. Continuity is important, and I would hate to contribute to the muddying of the waters.

For all these reasons, thank you for asking before sharing them elsewhere. I appreciate your consideration, and your discretion in keeping these files solely for your own use.

As I recall, it was by request. It certainly wasn't a forum policy issue.
ericlboyd Posted - 27 Mar 2024 : 17:27:13
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Originally posted by Joran Nobleheart

Hello, Mrs. Cunningham. I was curious if you happened to know what year (roughly) Amnestria Moonflower was born. I was always curious, especially after reading through parts of Elfshadow and Silver Shadows once more. I also would like to add that it's actually because of your wonderful stories (which will always be canon in my campaigns) that I've started playing and DMing Forgotten Realms once more. Also, thank you for all of the wonderful stories you've given us to enjoy. They remain to this day my favorites of all the Realms stories I've read.

Thank you for your question, Joran. I don't recall offhand, and, unfortunately, I no longer have the copious notes I gathered when writing Evermeet. I did have a detailed timeline at one point, but honestly? Your guess is probably as good as mine.

George and I have been putting together some birth and death dates for members of the Moonflower clan. Our current guess is that Amnestria was born in the Year of the Lover's Eyes (1109 DR).
ElaineCunningham Posted - 27 Mar 2024 : 16:45:42
Originally posted by sleyvas

Just curious Elaine ..... would you ever have dreamed that the long time devotion to the lore your novels brought to the realms would be carried forward this long? I just mention because as I look back it seems like just a blink of my eye that these books came out, and then I start doing the math and realize that it was half my life ago. I've forgotten so much that I've read about this world as time passed, and in coming here I realize just how much lore I also glossed over and never fully absorbed in the first place. I've strongly thought about going back and rereading Evermeet several times in the last few years for the fun of it, before my old eyes start failing, and I'm continually driven to other things by life, social commitments, work, etc...

All this to somewhat say, it seems to me that you were only publishing for a handful of years in the realms (not sure how many), but your impact has lived so long past (much like how I feel that the works of Ed, Steven Schend, and Eric L. Boyd have lasted so long as well). It must feel weird on some level, because you've got other projects in path.

You know, I don't think I ever gave much thought to longevity. It's impossible to predict what stories will strike a chord in the moment, much less over time. Since I can't control this, I just do the best I can and leave the rest to the readers.

Elfshadow, my first novel, was published in 1991. That's 33 years ago. My last project was a collection of my short fiction, published in 2007, for a 16-year span. But since 17 years have elapsed since then, yes, I am sometimes a little surprised by the continuing interest in these characters and their stories.
sleyvas Posted - 27 Mar 2024 : 15:25:41
Just curious Elaine ..... would you ever have dreamed that the long time devotion to the lore your novels brought to the realms would be carried forward this long? I just mention because as I look back it seems like just a blink of my eye that these books came out, and then I start doing the math and realize that it was half my life ago. I've forgotten so much that I've read about this world as time passed, and in coming here I realize just how much lore I also glossed over and never fully absorbed in the first place. I've strongly thought about going back and rereading Evermeet several times in the last few years for the fun of it, before my old eyes start failing, and I'm continually driven to other things by life, social commitments, work, etc...

All this to somewhat say, it seems to me that you were only publishing for a handful of years in the realms (not sure how many), but your impact has lived so long past (much like how I feel that the works of Ed, Steven Schend, and Eric L. Boyd have lasted so long as well). It must feel weird on some level, because you've got other projects in path.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 26 Mar 2024 : 20:57:46
Originally posted by Joran Nobleheart

Hello, Mrs. Cunningham. I was curious if you happened to know what year (roughly) Amnestria Moonflower was born. I was always curious, especially after reading through parts of Elfshadow and Silver Shadows once more. I also would like to add that it's actually because of your wonderful stories (which will always be canon in my campaigns) that I've started playing and DMing Forgotten Realms once more. Also, thank you for all of the wonderful stories you've given us to enjoy. They remain to this day my favorites of all the Realms stories I've read.

Thank you for your question, Joran. I don't recall offhand, and, unfortunately, I no longer have the copious notes I gathered when writing Evermeet. I did have a detailed timeline at one point, but honestly? Your guess is probably as good as mine.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 26 Mar 2024 : 20:52:34
Originally posted by Firestorm

I was curious why those sample chapters of "The serpent's daughter" that were once posted here have disappeared.

I still have those saved to my PC and have been asked multiple times on facebook to post them for fellow fans dying of thirst for Danilo/Arilyn stuff. But since they were removed here I did not feel comfortable posting them elsewhere

Hi, Firestorm.

I don't recall why those chapters were removed, whether by my request or forum policy, but to be honest, they shouldn't have been posted in the first place. Posting teasers is a valid marketing tactic when is book is in the pipeline, but it might run afoul of current NDA guidelines, especially now, when the story is long dead. In addition, it's quite likely that the chapters might contain details that contradict official lore published in the past 12 years. Continuity is important, and I would hate to contribute to the muddying of the waters.

For all these reasons, thank you for asking before sharing them elsewhere. I appreciate your consideration, and your discretion in keeping these files solely for your own use.
Firestorm Posted - 22 Mar 2024 : 23:02:52
I was curious why those sample chapters of "The serpent's daughter" that were once posted here have disappeared.

I still have those saved to my PC and have been asked multiple times on facebook to post them for fellow fans dying of thirst for Danilo/Arilyn stuff. But since they were removed here I did not feel comfortable posting them elsewhere
Joran Nobleheart Posted - 10 Oct 2023 : 10:06:42
Hello, Mrs. Cunningham. I was curious if you happened to know what year (roughly) Amnestria Moonflower was born. I was always curious, especially after reading through parts of Elfshadow and Silver Shadows once more. I also would like to add that it's actually because of your wonderful stories (which will always be canon in my campaigns) that I've started playing and DMing Forgotten Realms once more. Also, thank you for all of the wonderful stories you've given us to enjoy. They remain to this day my favorites of all the Realms stories I've read.
Naeryndam Posted - 14 Feb 2022 : 00:26:36
Thank you for such a quick reply Elaine!

Someday, if FR novels or even short stories ever become a 'thing' again, I would love to hear about the lives of Matteo and Tzigone. Not to mention what happened to Amlaruil, Lamruil and the mysterious realm of Auseriel, etc.

Halruaa and Evermeet are my two favorite places in the Realms, largely because of the life you breathed into them. I hope that there will come a day when I can read about them again, even with new characters and in a new era.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 13 Feb 2022 : 23:00:35
Originally posted by The Masked Mage

Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Originally posted by The Masked Mage

Well, there's the cover, all we need now is all the words that go inside it :)

The words exist. Kinda sorta. I wrote about half the story, and I still have the file. If the opportunity arises, I would love to finish it.

But it would, of necessity, be a very different story. For one thing, much time has passed and the Realms has moved on. For another, the moonblade lore experienced some significant shifts while I was writing the novel, which pretty much cut the legs out from under the plot. The book I'd planned to write couldn't be written, but there are many ways to tell a tell, and Arilyn is nothing if not resilient.

Wouldn't mind the other half-done ones as well. P.S. Forget what they did with the rest of the realms. I know I try to :)

Somehow I missed this comment. Apologies for the long delay in responding!

There are only ("only!") two half-finished novels: Reclamation and The Serpent's Daughter.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 13 Feb 2022 : 22:56:16
Hi, Naeryndam. Thanks for the kind words re Evermeet and Halrua!

Originally posted by Naeryndam

Hi Elaine!

I was wondering if you could answer a few questions (whenever you have the time).

- Did Tzigone and Matteo have any children and, if so, would their descendant be the current King/Queen in present day Halruaa?

They did not--at least, not with each other. It is my opinion that Matteo and Tzigone remained close but platonic friends throughout their lives.


- I love Sun Elves and was wondering, was Tintageer the only sun elf realm in Faerie?

The lore on Faerie was written after my time in the Realms. I haven't kept up with new developments, so unfortunately, I don't have the information needed to answer this question.


- Last but not least... are you able to shed any light on where Amlaruil is?

I don't know what Amlaruil's Official Story is, if indeed there is one, but I would imagine that she finally moved on to Arvandor. It's interesting that the lore is so vague on this question. She was an important figure in the Realms for a very long time, and yet her departure is explained with, "Nope, not there anymore. Move along--nothing to see here."

Perhaps someday the story will be told of Evermeet's strange departure from the Realms, her sojourn in the realm of Faerie, and her eventual return--along with the story of what became of her queen and who's running the show now.

(If by chance the Powers That Be are considering such a tale, I just MIGHT be available....)
Naeryndam Posted - 13 Feb 2022 : 22:14:40
Hi Elaine!

I was wondering if you could answer a few questions (whenever you have the time).

- Did Tzigone and Matteo have any children and, if so, would their descendant be the current King/Queen in present day Halruaa?

- I love Sun Elves and was wondering, was Tintageer the only sun elf realm in Faerie?

- Last but not least... are you able to shed any light on where Amlaruil is?

Thank you so much Elaine! 'Evermeet' and your Halruaa trilogy are still some of my favorite books.
Gary Dallison Posted - 30 Dec 2021 : 21:13:12
I checked with Ed, looks like DMs Guild is not accepting any novels. In order for something to not be classed as a novel it requires more crunchy bits than fluffy bits.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 30 Dec 2021 : 16:49:42
Originally posted by Gary Dallison

I'm unsure if that is still true as Ed Greenwood wrote a novella set in the Borderkingdoms.

If you provided a page of brief character stats for 5e at the back I'm sure you could claim it was not a novel.

Nope. A novel with a stats appendix is still a novel.

It DMG is accepting fiction, I'd be more likely to do a novella than a novel.
Gary Dallison Posted - 30 Dec 2021 : 14:48:05
I'm unsure if that is still true as Ed Greenwood wrote a novella set in the Borderkingdoms.

If you provided a page of brief character stats for 5e at the back I'm sure you could claim it was not a novel.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 30 Dec 2021 : 14:15:03
Originally posted by Gary Dallison

Write it with an aged elf in 1490 recalling the events of 13xx, that way it could all be a dream or a misremembered mistake, doesnt really matter. That would probably satisfy the dmsguild requirements for everything being in the new setting timeline.

Last I heard, the DMG was not accepting fiction set in ANY era.
Gary Dallison Posted - 25 Dec 2021 : 16:53:00
Write it with an aged elf in 1490 recalling the events of 13xx, that way it could all be a dream or a misremembered mistake, doesnt really matter. That would probably satisfy the dmsguild requirements for everything being in the new setting timeline

Those that follow 5e likely dont know enough about realmslore to find any mistakes if the lore doesnt match up. Those of us that follow 3e dont care about 5e lore so will be happy enough if it contradicts what is written in the non existent 5e campaign setting.
sleyvas Posted - 25 Dec 2021 : 16:48:01
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Originally posted by The Masked Mage

Well, there's the cover, all we need now is all the words that go inside it :)

The words exist. Kinda sorta. I wrote about half the story, and I still have the file. If the opportunity arises, I would love to finish it.

But it would, of necessity, be a very different story. For one thing, much time has passed and the Realms has moved on. For another, the moonblade lore experienced some significant shifts while I was writing the novel, which pretty much cut the legs out from under the plot. The book I'd planned to write couldn't be written, but there are many ways to tell a tell, and Arilyn is nothing if not resilient.

Merry Christmas Elaine
The Masked Mage Posted - 25 Dec 2021 : 13:24:53
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Originally posted by The Masked Mage

Well, there's the cover, all we need now is all the words that go inside it :)

The words exist. Kinda sorta. I wrote about half the story, and I still have the file. If the opportunity arises, I would love to finish it.

But it would, of necessity, be a very different story. For one thing, much time has passed and the Realms has moved on. For another, the moonblade lore experienced some significant shifts while I was writing the novel, which pretty much cut the legs out from under the plot. The book I'd planned to write couldn't be written, but there are many ways to tell a tell, and Arilyn is nothing if not resilient.

Wouldn't mind the other half-done ones as well. P.S. Forget what they did with the rest of the realms. I know I try to :)
ElaineCunningham Posted - 25 Dec 2021 : 12:37:31
Originally posted by The Masked Mage

Well, there's the cover, all we need now is all the words that go inside it :)

The words exist. Kinda sorta. I wrote about half the story, and I still have the file. If the opportunity arises, I would love to finish it.

But it would, of necessity, be a very different story. For one thing, much time has passed and the Realms has moved on. For another, the moonblade lore experienced some significant shifts while I was writing the novel, which pretty much cut the legs out from under the plot. The book I'd planned to write couldn't be written, but there are many ways to tell a tell, and Arilyn is nothing if not resilient.
The Masked Mage Posted - 23 Dec 2021 : 14:50:18
Originally posted by sleyvas

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Yes, that is the art for the cover of Reclamation. I don't know who the artist is.

The artist is Matthew Stewart. I found him using Google's Image Search function (which is far better than that Lens thing they're pushing now).

Thanks Wooly for this... I'd never seen this artist, but I like him. I'll be damned if I don't have too much wall art on my walls already. Makes me wonder if there's not an electronic frame I can buy that's not itty bitty and wouldn't need constant battery changing (because a cord would look horrible if not hidden).

I think this one, the eternal promise, and dragon forge are all pretty enough to want to hang.

Well, there's the cover, all we need now is all the words that go inside it :)
sleyvas Posted - 23 Dec 2021 : 14:21:31
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Yes, that is the art for the cover of Reclamation. I don't know who the artist is.

The artist is Matthew Stewart. I found him using Google's Image Search function (which is far better than that Lens thing they're pushing now).

Thanks Wooly for this... I'd never seen this artist, but I like him. I'll be damned if I don't have too much wall art on my walls already. Makes me wonder if there's not an electronic frame I can buy that's not itty bitty and wouldn't need constant battery changing (because a cord would look horrible if not hidden).

I think this one, the eternal promise, and dragon forge are all pretty enough to want to hang.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 23 Dec 2021 : 13:35:33
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Yes, that is the art for the cover of Reclamation. I don't know who the artist is.

The artist is Matthew Stewart. I found him using Google's Image Search function (which is far better than that Lens thing they're pushing now).
ElaineCunningham Posted - 23 Dec 2021 : 12:28:58
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

The link doesn't open to an image.

Try this one:

Yes, that is the art for the cover of Reclamation. I don't know who the artist is.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 23 Dec 2021 : 12:17:02
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

The link doesn't open to an image.

Try this one:
ElaineCunningham Posted - 23 Dec 2021 : 11:37:22
Originally posted by George Krashos

Hi Elaine

I came across the fabulous art which may have been the prospective cover for Reclamation:

Was this in fact the intended cover art? Do you know the artist that was commissioned to create the illustration?

Wishing you a fabulous festive season.

-- George Krashos

The link doesn't open to an image.

George Krashos Posted - 23 Dec 2021 : 09:19:38
Hi Elaine

I came across the fabulous art which may have been the prospective cover for Reclamation:

Was this in fact the intended cover art? Do you know the artist that was commissioned to create the illustration?

Wishing you a fabulous festive season.

-- George Krashos

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