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 "The Companions" -- Chapters 26 - 29 & Epilogue

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The Sage Posted - 28 Aug 2013 : 05:25:58
Well met

This is a Book Club thread for The Companions (part of "The Sundering" saga), by R.A. Salvatore. Please discuss chapters 32 - 36 and the epilogue herein.
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Crystyn Posted - 30 Dec 2013 : 09:18:55
Originally posted by The Arcanamach

The ending of The Companions was the payoff for me. In the beginning, I understood Wulfgar's decision and it seemed to make sense for him. After all, he had lived a whole life after Coleson and all that. But when he showed up in that final moment, that was gold. I agreed with his logic that he deserved to be with Tempus for his deeds in life. But in the last moment, he made the better choice, the heroic choice: while there is still life, you can have an positive impact. He chose friendship over rest, friends instead of self.

To me, this was Wulfgar wanting to atone for some of the things said and done in his life, having lost Catti-brie and drifting away from Drizzt and the rest. I think he has a real chance now for some positive character growth in the future because of this.

I loved it. I want to see Wulfgar go on to some really great things, become the legendary hero he was meant to be.

This, 100%. I see no reason for Wulfgar not to want to help his fact, I was rather peeved at him for not choosing them at the beginning (I saw it as somewhat cowardly on his part) so I was very glad to see him at the end.

As for plots. Obviously putting Pwent to rest (and I hope he is NOT cured as that would be cheesy, IMO) and dealing with all the undead there. Now, I didn't read the Neverwinter Saga so I don't know much about it. But, instead of seeing Bruenor becoming king of Mithral Hall, I would rather see him found a new kingdom in Gauntlgrym (if that's possible). Also, for the record, I don't want the Kingdom of Many-Arrows being destroyed.

Rescuing Cat's parents comes next, methinks...with a further curbing of Shade's power.

I think by that time Regis' problem will have caught up to him and need to be dealt with next. I'm thinking that his lady love will have followed said problem all the way to him, btw.

Somewhere in all of this I think Jarlaxle and Entreri will make an entrance with the Dahlia issue being laid to rest. Jarlaxle and Entreri will likely come to some agreement with the Companions in so far as avoiding crossing certain lines in their areas of influence.

That leaves Wulfgar. What will his story be? We have nothing to go on yet so can only speculate. I don't see him really returning to his people this time. He lived that life and was content...why live it again? Possibly to see how his descendants are doing, but I think staying would be too awkward for him. He is a great warrior, but this time around I would like to see his intelligence/wisdom show cased (both Conan and Fafhrd were highly intelligent barbarians and I would like to see Wulf follow suit to some degree).

My one disappointment was Cat becoming a mage of power. I know that began much earlier for her but it never set well with me. There's no changing it now though.

Just a few coppers from me. Cheers.

I really liked Dahlia, knew it would never go well with them, but I don't wish her happiness she's not meant to and probably not able to. Still hate Entreri, he should have died long ago and won't get his own books again hopefully. Really like the rest of his companions though.

Cattie-Brie had to become a Mage as that was always lacking the group and Taulmaril fit Drizzt to well, it would have sucked had he given it back.
The Arcanamach Posted - 28 Dec 2013 : 14:27:06
The ending of The Companions was the payoff for me. In the beginning, I understood Wulfgar's decision and it seemed to make sense for him. After all, he had lived a whole life after Coleson and all that. But when he showed up in that final moment, that was gold. I agreed with his logic that he deserved to be with Tempus for his deeds in life. But in the last moment, he made the better choice, the heroic choice: while there is still life, you can have an positive impact. He chose friendship over rest, friends instead of self.

To me, this was Wulfgar wanting to atone for some of the things said and done in his life, having lost Catti-brie and drifting away from Drizzt and the rest. I think he has a real chance now for some positive character growth in the future because of this.

I loved it. I want to see Wulfgar go on to some really great things, become the legendary hero he was meant to be.

This, 100%. I see no reason for Wulfgar not to want to help his fact, I was rather peeved at him for not choosing them at the beginning (I saw it as somewhat cowardly on his part) so I was very glad to see him at the end.

As for plots. Obviously putting Pwent to rest (and I hope he is NOT cured as that would be cheesy, IMO) and dealing with all the undead there. Now, I didn't read the Neverwinter Saga so I don't know much about it. But, instead of seeing Bruenor becoming king of Mithral Hall, I would rather see him found a new kingdom in Gauntlgrym (if that's possible). Also, for the record, I don't want the Kingdom of Many-Arrows being destroyed.

Rescuing Cat's parents comes next, methinks...with a further curbing of Shade's power.

I think by that time Regis' problem will have caught up to him and need to be dealt with next. I'm thinking that his lady love will have followed said problem all the way to him, btw.

Somewhere in all of this I think Jarlaxle and Entreri will make an entrance with the Dahlia issue being laid to rest. Jarlaxle and Entreri will likely come to some agreement with the Companions in so far as avoiding crossing certain lines in their areas of influence.

That leaves Wulfgar. What will his story be? We have nothing to go on yet so can only speculate. I don't see him really returning to his people this time. He lived that life and was content...why live it again? Possibly to see how his descendants are doing, but I think staying would be too awkward for him. He is a great warrior, but this time around I would like to see his intelligence/wisdom show cased (both Conan and Fafhrd were highly intelligent barbarians and I would like to see Wulf follow suit to some degree).

My one disappointment was Cat becoming a mage of power. I know that began much earlier for her but it never set well with me. There's no changing it now though.

Just a few coppers from me. Cheers.
Crystyn Posted - 21 Dec 2013 : 21:47:13
I had hoped for Drizzt not to become an enemy of Menzoberanzzan again but to come to some sort of official truce where he might even visit his birthplace unbothered.
Dinnin Posted - 13 Oct 2013 : 23:08:41
Originally posted by Madpig
I would say it could be rather hard for Bruenor to be king again. Because he obiviously is no longer of regal blood. Throne in Gaunt did not accept him and said NOT king. Not sure if that would be remedied if he ascended once more to throne of MH. Also quite many dwarves are resenting him for making peace with orcs.

Yeah i do agree it makes sense and really would it be worth being kind again. I hope he doesnt go back to being king but at least rallies everyone around to stop them orcs. Im looking forward to the next ones.
Madpig Posted - 11 Oct 2013 : 07:37:13
Originally posted by Dinnin

I really enjoyed this book, probably one of my Favorite ones in quite some time. I like the last 4 books but it wasnt the same without the companions together. I didnt much like Wulfgar towards the end of the books he was in and still didnt like him much in the start because of his rashness to make decisions and i dunno just wasnt a fan of him considering i had always liked him and his fight scenes.
To have him come back at the end made me happier, i cant wait to see all of them fighting again. I really liked Regis's development in this book he really tried to not be a burden and can now fight aswell as many other things, the part i didnt like is that as soon at Catti-brie came back he seemed to revert to his old self and forget all his hard work and training, but she thinks he still needs the help. I hope that changes in the other books and they realise he can hold his own now.

I was reading this book waiting for a big fight at the end or something like that but it never came, it just ended which i was sad at but at the same time left me wanting more. Cannot wait for the next books.

I think once they put Pwent to rest they will do a whole bunch of travelling, i would like if Bruenor didnt become king straight away if at all and they continue on their adventures, they have lots ahead.

I would say it could be rather hard for Bruenor to be king again. Because he obiviously is no longer of regal blood. Throne in Gaunt did not accept him and said NOT king. Not sure if that would be remedied if he ascended once more to throne of MH. Also quite many dwarves are resenting him for making peace with orcs.
Dinnin Posted - 10 Oct 2013 : 23:07:00
I really enjoyed this book, probably one of my Favorite ones in quite some time. I like the last 4 books but it wasnt the same without the companions together. I didnt much like Wulfgar towards the end of the books he was in and still didnt like him much in the start because of his rashness to make decisions and i dunno just wasnt a fan of him considering i had always liked him and his fight scenes.
To have him come back at the end made me happier, i cant wait to see all of them fighting again. I really liked Regis's development in this book he really tried to not be a burden and can now fight aswell as many other things, the part i didnt like is that as soon at Catti-brie came back he seemed to revert to his old self and forget all his hard work and training, but she thinks he still needs the help. I hope that changes in the other books and they realise he can hold his own now.

I was reading this book waiting for a big fight at the end or something like that but it never came, it just ended which i was sad at but at the same time left me wanting more. Cannot wait for the next books.

I think once they put Pwent to rest they will do a whole bunch of travelling, i would like if Bruenor didnt become king straight away if at all and they continue on their adventures, they have lots ahead.
Thieran Posted - 16 Sep 2013 : 21:31:47
Originally posted by Renin

Originally posted by skychrome

Also, what future novel plotlines do you derive coming up, based on the different individual stories within the novel?

The next novel is already announced, so the companions will go for Pwent in Gauntlgrym.
But apart from that? Will Ebonsoul just be a side-quest within one of the next novels?

So you got the obvious ones; done and check.

Other things to encounter:
-Bruenor going back to Roundshield's mother (an event, not necessarily a full book)
-Returning to the Bedine to free Catti-brie's parents from the Shadovar, and also to escape the clutches of the Shade who taught her
-Re-re-re-encounter with Entreri's group to oppose Drizzt's group
-Drizzt versus the Latest Baenre Weaponmaster required fight book
-Cleaning up Luskan for Deudermont's memory
-Drizzt vs the Shade and his group who imprisoned Drizzt; coming back for revenge

There's just oodles of stuff

Don't forget the last sentence of the book - Lady Lolth will make an appearance as well!
Renin Posted - 15 Sep 2013 : 15:34:01
I, too, feel that it's really Wulfgar.

Otherwise, if he's not, then RAS will again use 'Wulfgar' as the man outside the group, the dissenter, and the outcast again.

That note has been played.

Why no Wulfgar in this book? Because he said his good-bye so long ago, I think that putting him in here would ring false-how many of us totally believed that out of all the Companions, he would go to his eternal home? I sincerely hoped he would.

Also, it would rob us of future books exploring a young looking, but fully lived man in the form of Wulfgar. Even though 20, this guy knows what it's like to live a long, full life, leading his people, raising a family, seeing grandchildren, and having lived to protect and raise all that.

So, we can get a complete reset on the once spoiled, war-child that was Wulfgar. The true man that was Wulfgar never really had a chance to establish himself to the other Companions. Now, we will get to see that.
Therise Posted - 15 Sep 2013 : 06:26:48
Originally posted by The Red Walker

Originally posted by Firestorm

Is everyone convinced Wulfgar is indeed Wulfgar? And not something more sinister in his guise?

I Dunno, I just got this feeling....

If its not really him, Guen would have reacted different.

I agree, I'm 99.9% sure it's the real Wulfgar.

That said, I think the odd feeling is coming from the fact that this is a Wulfgar who has also lived a large part of his life off-screen/off-page. After returning Colson and all that, apparently he went back to his tribe, got married, and lived a full life until he eventually died as an old man. It's not -exactly- the same Wulfgar we remember, because he had children and grandchildren and a whole other life, but I think it's really him.

The Red Walker Posted - 15 Sep 2013 : 04:50:37
Originally posted by Firestorm

Is everyone convinced Wulfgar is indeed Wulfgar? And not something more sinister in his guise?

I Dunno, I just got this feeling....

If its not really him, Guen would have reacted different.
Firestorm Posted - 15 Sep 2013 : 01:29:20
Is everyone convinced Wulfgar is indeed Wulfgar? And not something more sinister in his guise?

I Dunno, I just got this feeling....
Madpig Posted - 07 Sep 2013 : 11:29:07
Originally posted by Renin

Originally posted by Madpig

[quote]Cleanup of Luskan is kinda nono because Jarlaxle is pulling the strings and Drizzt and Bruenor know that.
Bah. When has Jarlaxle's plans ever meant a fig to Bruenor? ;)

One more thing when i think of this is that Bruenor was not even present at the fall of Luskan. So that plotline is really way off.
Euranna Posted - 05 Sep 2013 : 16:49:45
Originally posted by BEAST

Originally posted by Renin

Also, if Wulfgar could throw his hammer through the back of Dahlia's head and shrug as if to say "yeah? like all of you didn't want to" I'd buy 5 copies of THAT book, to paraphrase another. :D

It's the all-new game that's fun for all ages: Barbarian Whack-A-Mole™, by Hasbro.

Lilianviaten Posted - 04 Sep 2013 : 21:52:58
On the issue of Luskan, it is beyond Drizzt's power to save. In the words of Ras al Ghul, "It must be allowed to die."
BEAST Posted - 04 Sep 2013 : 19:08:19
Originally posted by Renin

Also, if Wulfgar could throw his hammer through the back of Dahlia's head and shrug as if to say "yeah? like all of you didn't want to" I'd buy 5 copies of THAT book, to paraphrase another. :D

It's the all-new game that's fun for all ages: Barbarian Whack-A-Mole™, by Hasbro.
Renin Posted - 04 Sep 2013 : 16:51:51
Originally posted by Madpig

I would really much hope that Baenre Weaponmasterthingy will never happen. Would be awesome just to let Wulffie throw hammer at his back. And thats the end of it. Or Catties fireball or something.
Well, unfortunately, we both know that this WILL happen, especially as seeing as how this Baenre has a superbly made scimitar to boot. I foresee Twinkle or Icingdeath getting all messed up on the shield, and Drizzt ending up with a new weapon.

Cleanup of Luskan is kinda nono because Jarlaxle is pulling the strings and Drizzt and Bruenor know that.
Bah. When has Jarlaxle's plans ever meant a fig to Bruenor? ;)

Entreri's group has no will to fight against Drizzt's group. Only Dahlia does. That Dwarf cleric atleast would turn against Entreri's group and Efron might not fight at all.
I won't say a grand melee will occur, but you know that their paths will cross, and it's gonna be 'AWK-werd!'

Also, if Wulfgar could throw his hammer through the back of Dahlia's head and shrug as if to say "yeah? like all of you didn't want to" I'd buy 5 copies of THAT book, to paraphrase another. :D

I think only that Roundshield-part is genuine possibility.

And this I look forward to. Even if Bruenor would fully 'adopt' her as his mother.

I ...'do'... look forward to future books, but I think I can even believe that in the end of all things, they still split up; Wulfgar will still dream of his home amongst his people and the biting winds, Regis has more to live for for his own reasons, Bruenor's goals are very large and worldly for his people, clan, and homeland, and Drizzt and Catti-brie I can't see ever wanting to spend their entire lives in caves-especially now with Mielikki being a solid bond between them.

Without the adventure, the purpose of the goal of (well, anything of their prior books of danger and strife), the Companions do amicably split up.

In my mind.
Madpig Posted - 04 Sep 2013 : 07:41:09

So you got the obvious ones; done and check.

Other things to encounter:
-Bruenor going back to Roundshield's mother (an event, not necessarily a full book)
-Returning to the Bedine to free Catti-brie's parents from the Shadovar, and also to escape the clutches of the Shade who taught her
-Re-re-re-encounter with Entreri's group to oppose Drizzt's group
-Drizzt versus the Latest Baenre Weaponmaster required fight book
-Cleaning up Luskan for Deudermont's memory
-Drizzt vs the Shade and his group who imprisoned Drizzt; coming back for revenge

There's just oodles of stuff

I would really much hope that Baenre Weaponmasterthingy will never happen. Would be awesome just to let Wulffie throw hammer at his back. And thats the end of it. Or Catties fireball or something.

Cleanup of Luskan is kinda nono because Jarlaxle is pulling the strings and Drizzt and Bruenor know that.

Entreri's group has no will to fight against Drizzt's group. Only Dahlia does. That Dwarf cleric atleast would turn against Entreri's group and Efron might not fight at all.

I think only that Roundshield-part is genuine possibility.
skychrome Posted - 04 Sep 2013 : 03:27:10
You are all making some interesting points there.

I think Mithral Hall and Bruneor vs Many Arrows is definitely coming up. And with a cured Pwent.

Delhuntle looks more like a sole Regis thing to me. Unlikely the companions will travel that far together, as Salvatore sticks to the Sword Coast.
And yeah, I also feel that Regis gets kinda back to the "dead weight" part as being chased by a lich and having to be saved by the companions... again...

And regarding Wulfgar: we will see, how he turns out. Maybe he has changed. When thinking about how he was before his death, I cannot see any reason, why he would want to come back and add any value to the group.

As long as Salvatore keeps up the style of this book instead of getting back to the stale previous style, I am really looking forward to the next book.

Anyhow, even though there are some weak spots in the book, I really really enjoyed reading it a lot.

Renin Posted - 04 Sep 2013 : 03:24:02
Originally posted by skychrome

Also, what future novel plotlines do you derive coming up, based on the different individual stories within the novel?

The next novel is already announced, so the companions will go for Pwent in Gauntlgrym.
But apart from that? Will Ebonsoul just be a side-quest within one of the next novels?

So you got the obvious ones; done and check.

Other things to encounter:
-Bruenor going back to Roundshield's mother (an event, not necessarily a full book)
-Returning to the Bedine to free Catti-brie's parents from the Shadovar, and also to escape the clutches of the Shade who taught her
-Re-re-re-encounter with Entreri's group to oppose Drizzt's group
-Drizzt versus the Latest Baenre Weaponmaster required fight book
-Cleaning up Luskan for Deudermont's memory
-Drizzt vs the Shade and his group who imprisoned Drizzt; coming back for revenge

There's just oodles of stuff
Therise Posted - 03 Sep 2013 : 18:19:23
The ending of The Companions was the payoff for me. In the beginning, I understood Wulfgar's decision and it seemed to make sense for him. After all, he had lived a whole life after Coleson and all that. But when he showed up in that final moment, that was gold. I agreed with his logic that he deserved to be with Tempus for his deeds in life. But in the last moment, he made the better choice, the heroic choice: while there is still life, you can have an positive impact. He chose friendship over rest, friends instead of self.

To me, this was Wulfgar wanting to atone for some of the things said and done in his life, having lost Catti-brie and drifting away from Drizzt and the rest. I think he has a real chance now for some positive character growth in the future because of this.

I loved it. I want to see Wulfgar go on to some really great things, become the legendary hero he was meant to be.

Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 03 Sep 2013 : 05:14:45
I like the idea of the Companions journeying across the Realms to Delthuntle.

Has the whole of the group ever been on an underwater adventure before? That'd be neat to see.
CorellonsDevout Posted - 03 Sep 2013 : 03:55:34
I'm not that big on Wulfgar (though I'd choose him over Dahlia any day), and I agree that him re-appearing was a bit anti-climatic. I also would have liked to have seen more of Drizzt's reaction when his old friends reappeared. Yes, he kissed Catti-brie, and there were tears of joy on his face, but there really wasn't much on his actions. Granted, he was severely injured, but there wasn't even a "by the gods, I'm cured!" moment. There was so much build-up to that moment--the whole book was basically about getting to that scene--I felt there should have been a little more detail.

And Guen totally should have pounced on someone XD
The Red Walker Posted - 03 Sep 2013 : 02:45:05
i was not surprised or disappointed when Wulgar showed up. He was intended as the main character all those years ago and I think Bob has a soft spot for him.....and things left undone with the character, and I am fine with that.

it was dissapointing however to see how Regis grew and changed in his second chance and then hey, guess what? The silly hallfling gets in over his head, is chased across the realms by someone he cant hope to defeat and is once again dead weight, and reliant on D to save his butt....again.

That is my biggest diappointment in the novel. My biggest hope is Cattie and Bruenor. Bruenor because I ike him and Cattie because she has a chance to matter this time around.
charger_ss24 Posted - 03 Sep 2013 : 01:58:55
I thought it was a breath of fresh air that Wulfgar chose his own path, but had that wind taken out of my sails when he showed up at the end. I too, thought it was cheesy and lame, but looking back at The Last Threshold, the part where Drizzt sees a particular child with blue amongst the tribe, it made sense that he would pop up somewhere down the road.

I think, IMO, that after the gang travels to Gauntlygrm to save Pwent (and deal with Tiago and company), perhaps the Companions will split up to forge their own paths? I see each one with a clear path before them. Bruenor claiming the crown of Mithril Hall (again) and dealing with the kingdom of Many Arrows, Wulfgar claiming rulership over the Tribe of the Elk, Regis, aka Spider, returning to his love in Delthuntle, with Ebonsoul in slow pursuit, and Drizzt and Catti-Brie living happily ever after.

As far as seeing Ebonsoul in the next book, I don't think we'll see him. One of the last lines in The Companions, "Time mattered not to the lich" makes me think that.
skychrome Posted - 01 Sep 2013 : 23:30:10
Alright, it's already been some time since I finished the book, so I need to check the different chapters again, but let's at least start with a general view on some things:

What do you think about Wulfgar's role? Honestly, for me one of the most positive aspects of the book in the beginning was, that he did not play along and take his own path. I felt that was what makes the real difference between a normal and a good novel. So I found it kinda cheesy and lame, that he reappeared again in the end. Well, independently from my personal perspective, did anyone re-read the pond-part at the beginning to understand, how he pulled this off?

Also, what future novel plotlines do you derive coming up, based on the different individual stories within the novel?

The next novel is already announced, so the companions will go for Pwent in Gauntlgrym.
But apart from that? Will Ebonsoul just be a side-quest within one of the next novels?
I get the impression, that everything leads to a "reloaded" sequence of books: first Gauntlegrymn and Pwent, then Mithral Hall vs Many Arrows.
What do you think?

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