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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alisttair Posted - 17 Jun 2010 : 11:30:22
Ok, how about we use this poll as the definitive source to know which era of the realms each scribe prefers. Vote on your #1 choice and post it so we know who you are and feel free your #2 and on choices. Remember, this is not which ruleset (D&D 3.5E, D&D 4E, Pathfinder, etc...) you prefer to use, but the realms setting based on the choices.
I'm putting this simply because in every thread it seems most scribes find the need to state which realms they prefer (which in itself is ok as long as there is no hate being spoken constantly, which has been ok lately) but that has lately acted (unintentionally on the scribes in question's part) as troll fuel.
So here I bring this poll/thread in hopes that it helps keep other threads clean of the hate railroading that has been occuring (if at least for a small ammount of time).
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
archmagestar Posted - 01 Jul 2012 : 04:40:13
I believe the post time of troubles era was not only the richest in lore but also in all things Forgotten Realms. Having fell in love with the Realms and read all of the novels I can honestly say that the Spell Plague killed the Realms. The timeline jump destroyed the Forgotten Realms novels, there has been so few that are even worth reading now. As for gamming post spell plague, I cant stand it. It should have been its own world or perhaps a dimensional option if need be.
Delwa Posted - 29 Jun 2012 : 20:16:08
I voted for Return of Shade era as my #1 choice. My #2 would be 2E Era. Number #3 would technically be post Spellplague, but the decade preceding the Year of Blue Fire and forward in my Realms is completely different in my home game and has little to do with the Published timeline.
Markustay Posted - 20 Jun 2012 : 15:04:49
Same with me - I kinda see 1e/2e/3e FR as all the same setting (settings do not have to remain static - they can move forward at a leisurely pace.
Venger Posted - 20 Jun 2012 : 10:45:15
My vote's for either the Post Time of Troubles Realms or Return of Shades Realms. It's all the same as I'm fond of the whole era, really.
Tarlyn Posted - 18 Jun 2012 : 11:35:59
1. Post Time of Troubles Realms (2E) - difficult choice, I like Bane and Bhaal far more than Cyric. However, the amount high quality lore pushed it over the top. Also, I can just have Bhaal and Bane return in my own campaign.

2. Greenwood - (pre-Old grey Box) (pre-AD&D) - just curious what realms looked like before publication.

3. Return of Shade Realms (3E) - specifically at the beginning of 3E before all of the other RSEs started.
Old Man Harpell Posted - 17 Jun 2012 : 18:43:23
Wow...can't believe I didn't see this...

Greenwood is my poll choice.

#2 is the Old Grey Box. Along with the accessories for it, it captured the Realms like no product since.
Darkmeer Posted - 16 Jun 2012 : 04:24:25
I simply chose post-return of shade simply because it's the first grouping I DM'd for.

I loved the 2e stuff that I got my hands on, as well as all the 1e stuff I've seen thus far.

The spellplague hit me very wrong, so I am choosing not to use it in my home games, openly presenting this to my players. The game I run is MY Realms, which can contradict novels (since I've not read many of them), so I don't use that as a storehouse of knowledge entirely. There may be bits I use from finding out from the various scribes here at the 'keep, but nothing is ever certain.

Everyone has a different idea of what they want in their 'realms and their novels. That's what's making this so interesting for me to read, and enough so for me to even comment!

(yes, this is my first post back in over a year).
MrsDrasek Posted - 16 Jun 2012 : 01:44:19
Post Time of Troubles Realms (2E)
Old Grey Box - original published Realms (AD&D)
Return of Shade Realms (3E)

All excellent for their time. I simply can't get into 4E so I am glad that time does not allow for it anymore and I know I'm not missing out on anything.
Jorkens Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 17:15:57
You know, I am a bit unsure about how one can really be pre-Grey box as the information given in the various Dragon articles are far too sketchy to constitute a picture of the Realms as a whole.It would be my dream to see this version, but it is impossible for me to get a coherent picture of how it was.
glitter Posted - 18 Jan 2012 : 12:31:40
Until now, I considered myself as 3Ed based with some 2Ed input, but according to the poll (and after re-thinking) I'm more 2Ed based with input from AD&D + 3Ed (a bit more from 3Ed I must say).

EDIT: After 154 votes, pre-AD&D is ahead of 4th Ed ??? Come on guys, that sound amazing.
Jakk Posted - 18 Jan 2012 : 09:44:51
Originally posted by Amarel_Derakanor

I voted on the "Greenwood Realms". Easy choice. Guaranteed to be a 100% free of RSEs and real-world-culture-copies. Not to mention retroactive continuity and world design influenced by 'marketing strategies', which the 4th edition is full of.

Yep. This one gets my vote too.

Edit: Second place goes to the Old Grey Box, third place to 3E (because I like Bane and still hate Cyric, and would love to see Bhaal and Myrkul back in the pantheon).
Thauranil Posted - 16 Jan 2012 : 10:33:31
I have to pick 3e realms as well . It was the most interesting, though i havent got anything against the other eras including the apparently much critised 4e.
Mapolq Posted - 13 Jan 2012 : 23:44:50
3E Realms for me. (Though it really doesn't deserve to be branded "Return of Shade" Realms...) It was a difficult choice pitting it against the older versions, but the 3E Realms has one big advantage: it includes and builds upon the vast majority of previous material. The 4E Realms on the other hand practically erase the board with the time jump and the multiple changes to the setting's geography and general feel.

1385 DR Realms could be an interesting era... if only the future wasn't set up for us already and the Spellplague could be a temporary event with a few lasting consequences like the ToT, not an all-encompassing theme for the setting. And if other changes, like the god killing spree and the cosmology could be averted or toned down. Otherwise it'd just feel like playing in a Realms that's going down the drain, and I don't like that kind of setting.
Varl Posted - 13 Jan 2012 : 23:25:01
Old Gray Box for me. It was the quintessential Realms, and Ed was in charge. Deeeelish! I still remember his Everwinking Eye articles in Dragon as being at the heart of what I learned to love most about the Realms: lore and campaign content usable by anyone at any time regardless of edition.
Therise Posted - 13 Jan 2012 : 23:02:22
Ye Olde Gray Boxe (1E) for me!

Markustay Posted - 13 Jan 2012 : 22:21:39
Looking back, I see now that my own preference (at this time) isn't even listed (although Brace did poke it with a stick).

I think post-Spellplague, Pre-4e is the ideal era to run a game, because all bets are off, and you can pick whatever you want from any edition and run with it. Hell, you can even borrow entire realms whole-cloth from other settings and have a good explanation for it. How often can you do that, and NOT violate canon?

There is a lot to be said for wedging a new edition between the last two (IMHO).
Wolfhound75 Posted - 13 Jan 2012 : 22:03:08
Post Time of Troubles is my preferred era for play.

I feel this way because there is a sufficient amount of lore predating this era that the world is developed and complete. Also, there are still enough unexplored and out of the way areas that DMs could create whatever they wish, nearly wherever as well, without having to worry about the effect on Farmer Joe and his six cows. As Realmslore has progressed, it feels like there is less and less room for DM additions as more of the world is defined by canon writings. Call it a fantasy version of urban sprawl type of effect.

Enjoy the Realms regardless of your preferred era of Lore!

Good Hunting!
Artemas Entreri Posted - 13 Jan 2012 : 21:13:48
Originally posted by Seravin

Grey Box era all the way. I wish they would publish an unending stream of novels from this era.

I would buy them all
Seravin Posted - 13 Jan 2012 : 21:00:22
Grey Box era all the way. I wish they would publish an unending stream of novels from this era.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 13 Jan 2012 : 20:50:36
It was a close choice between the Grey Box era and Post ToT, but in the end i went with the classic 2E Post ToT.
Dalor Darden Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 17:31:03
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Dalor Darden

It may be that the whole ToT is a bit too much for my kids at any rate. They are smart, but they may not get the intricacies of that particular line...while my wife would I'm sure.
Hmmm. Have they read the "Avatar" trilogy? If not, it may help to provide you with a way to gauge how they'd feel about the event.

Well, my players are 28, 8, 7 & 5...and while all of them can read (something that is cool for a five year old!), I just don't think I want them to read something that I may use...or may not. I think if I decide NOT to use it, then I will encourage them to read it.

Most likely, however, I think my FR will pretty much go forward in a undetermined way. Honestly, the boys like hack and slash, so I'm probably in for many a dungeon crawl and wilderness romp!
Quale Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 10:26:53
The Avatar Crisis for us was an interesting concept, too hard to pass up. Whatever we disliked was changed, parts of Cyric and Finder, Ao, Tiamat's and Gilgeam's conflict. And I ran the Faction War parallel to my friend's plot in Unther. I did not care for the deaths of Bane and Bhaal, only Myrkul remained and Moander got the Crown of Horns.
Jorkens Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 10:23:24
Originally posted by Kno

why don't you Greyboxers just skip ToT, it was a minor event, a lot of good things happened until at least 1373

In my case because it feels like a different world from later versions (and I am not talking about the 4ed. here so no one start anything). There are plenty of room to change and develop, there is a Dark Age feel that I like and the rumours and happenings mentioned are a great starting point for a campaign. I prefer to start a bit earlier though, so that the Gondegal war and different problems in the Dales can be used in the background. And few of the bigger events appeal to me at all, the same goes for much of the later added history, so ToT is just one element among many I will never use. But any good idea will be taken into a campaign, no matter what edition it is from.
Sandro Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 07:54:09
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Dalor Darden

It may be that the whole ToT is a bit too much for my kids at any rate. They are smart, but they may not get the intricacies of that particular line...while my wife would I'm sure.
Hmmm. Have they read the "Avatar" trilogy? If not, it may help to provide you with a way to gauge how they'd feel about the event.

Similarly, it might give away information about what's going on that he'd rather have a monopoly over as DM, for realism purposes in-game.
The Sage Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 07:37:08
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

It may be that the whole ToT is a bit too much for my kids at any rate. They are smart, but they may not get the intricacies of that particular line...while my wife would I'm sure.
Hmmm. Have they read the "Avatar" trilogy? If not, it may help to provide you with a way to gauge how they'd feel about the event.
Dalor Darden Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 06:50:16
Aye, I'm really liking the Crown of Horns, there are many things to think about.

If I want to stick somewhat to chronology, I still have a long way to go with the current game I'm running for my kids and wife before the ToT would even come up.

We've only just started in the Month of Ches in the Year of the Prince (1357) so I have lots of time.

It may be that the whole ToT is a bit too much for my kids at any rate. They are smart, but they may not get the intricacies of that particular line...while my wife would I'm sure.

We'll see.
Joran Nobleheart Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 06:41:35
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Dalor Darden

I kinda like the Time of Troubles...I just didn't like all...

Agreed. I came aboard with the ToT, so it's never bothered me. In fact, I still there's there's a lot of fun potential in it and its after-effects -- particularly Myrkul in the Crown of Horns, and the maybe/maybe not reborn Bane (I remain convinced that Xvim is pretending to be Bane).

Cyric, on the other hand, strikes me as little more than an opportunistic git. He's almost but not quite tragic. Tragic, in that he did have potential to straighten up and become a good guy, and even wanted to for a while... Almost, though, because his failings were his own, him taking the easy way out instead of sticking to the swifting-withering morals he tried to live up to. He could have been more, and instead fell -- that's tragic. But he brought it on himself, so is simply too pathetic to be tragic.

Once again Wooly, I agree with you completely.
The Sage Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 06:04:53
Whereas, I never actually incorporated the Time of Troubles into my Realms. Myrkul, Bhaal, and Bane all largely remain the same for the most part.

Though, I've often said that if I had dropped the ToT into my campaigns, the Myrkul-Crown of Horns concept would also be part of my world.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 05:26:44
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

I kinda like the Time of Troubles...I just didn't like all...

Agreed. I came aboard with the ToT, so it's never bothered me. In fact, I still there's there's a lot of fun potential in it and its after-effects -- particularly Myrkul in the Crown of Horns, and the maybe/maybe not reborn Bane (I remain convinced that Xvim is pretending to be Bane).

Cyric, on the other hand, strikes me as little more than an opportunistic git. He's almost but not quite tragic. Tragic, in that he did have potential to straighten up and become a good guy, and even wanted to for a while... Almost, though, because his failings were his own, him taking the easy way out instead of sticking to the swifting-withering morals he tried to live up to. He could have been more, and instead fell -- that's tragic. But he brought it on himself, so is simply too pathetic to be tragic.
Dalor Darden Posted - 06 Oct 2010 : 04:15:20
I'll most likely skip the Time of it was done at any rate. I like the idea of the modules. I may run the modules for my players...but if so, Bane will be restored just as Torm was...after all, he was doing what he was supposed to do!

In that case, so would be Bhaal and Myrkul. As for the destruction of Mystra...I can swing that so that she "re-spawns" after the ToT.

I kinda like the Time of Troubles...I just didn't like all...

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