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 Sages of Realmslore
 Demron's Blades

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jordanz Posted - 09 Jul 2009 : 01:29:51
Hey guys. Demron's blades always intrigued me. Any clue if they are all accounted for in the post Spellauge realms? It been rumored that all 6 blades could be combined for some greater purpose. Can anyone guess what that might be? I would love to see a series of novels based on the the blades. Perhaps a adventuring party could be formed, with each wielding a individual blade...
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The Simbul Posted - 09 Jul 2009 : 05:20:26
Originally posted by jordanz

Hey guys. Demron's blades always intrigued me. Any clue if they are all accounted for in the post Spellauge realms? It been rumored that all 6 blades could be combined for some greater purpose. Can anyone guess what that might be? I would love to see a series of novels based on the the blades. Perhaps a adventuring party could be formed, with each wielding a individual blade...

To my knowledge they are not specifically accounted for in the current era of the Realms.

It can be assumed that Keryvian is still in the possession of Fflar Starbrow Meruth, however a great deal of things can happen in the course of a century. The blade could have been lost in some battle, or it may be that he abandoned it on to wield the Warblade instead once Myth Drannor had been restored--as Keryvian was sentimentally tied to another, darker time for Myth Drannor.

The fact that the lore does not explicitly state the fate of a given blade, or who wields it, leaves the door is open for some other fate to befall it, or for your characters to discover or wield it.

As for game statistics, it would be up to you to make them for your campaign. However I surmise it would be fairly simple if you use the 3.5 versions and then try to estimate an equivalence of cost and power using the 4E Player's Handbook and the Adventurer's Vault properties in comparison.

I do not think we are likely to see a series of novels about the baneblades, although it would be a very novel idea (play on words). While storied magic items do bring depth and history to the campaign, the role of magic items in 4E is meant to accent a character rather than to define him. That is to say a magic item's history and lore should not eclipse the character who uses it, and a novel that focuses on a magic item more than the characters does not really fit with this theme.

The adventuring party would be a good idea however, perhaps the blades themselves would be a reward in service to Myth Drannor, or perhaps Isevele had kept them aside for some group of adventurers that Araevin had prophesied would one day have great need of them in the defense of the realm.

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