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 Sages of Realmslore
 Citadel of the bloody hand

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bane of the Harpers Posted - 13 Jun 2009 : 02:53:36
Can someone tell me if there is any maps made for the Citadel of the Bloody Hand in Waterdeep?


10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jakk Posted - 07 Jul 2009 : 03:04:40
Hrmph... if they're not going to publish it, they should turn it back over to Ed along with all rights of distribution. This goes for everything by Ed that's languishing in the Wizbro NDA vaults. Yes, I know economics and corporate greed "sensibilities" won't allow that to happen. However, I refuse to give up my dreams; under Wizbro, they're all I have. On that note, I think it's time for me to watch "Brazil" again...
Fillow Posted - 14 Jun 2009 : 21:18:03
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Come closer, bright sir, and claim your reward (she purred).


Woooo... That's a wonderful day today !
I thank you very much my Lady

Originally posted by althen artren

Fillow, if you were smart, you'd get on a plane right now and fly to whereever Hoodie
is before some fanboy tries and claim you reward.

To begin with, you should know that Frenchies are smart as no one on the Earth !
And... Just tell me where does Milady does live...
Originally posted by The Sage

Of course, that doesn't mean the Lady Hooded One can tease us with further hints, as she likes to sometimes do. I've plenty of fond memories of such past experiences.

Tease us Lady Hooded, please tease us !!
The Sage Posted - 14 Jun 2009 : 01:38:16
Originally posted by Fillow

Originally posted by The Hooded One

And of course, the map is NDA.

Thanks THO. What would we do without you?....

uuh... What is NDA please?

EDIT : Forget it my dear ! I found the meanig in the thread that I created about abreviations !
NDA- Non-Disclosure Agreement. Right ?

That's right. It means neither Ed nor the lovely Lady Hooded One can tell us anything more specifically about said map.

Of course, that doesn't mean the Lady Hooded One can tease us with further hints, as she likes to sometimes do. I've plenty of fond memories of such past experiences.
Hoondatha Posted - 14 Jun 2009 : 01:33:17
Bah! There's enough THO to go around.
althen artren Posted - 14 Jun 2009 : 01:29:41
Fillow, if you were smart, you'd get on a plane right now and fly to whereever Hoodie
is before some fanboy tries and claim you reward.
The Hooded One Posted - 14 Jun 2009 : 01:24:09
Come closer, bright sir, and claim your reward (she purred).

Fillow Posted - 13 Jun 2009 : 21:41:43
Originally posted by The Hooded One

And of course, the map is NDA.

Thanks THO. What would we do without you?....

uuh... What is NDA please?

EDIT : Forget it my dear ! I found the meanig in the thread that I created about abreviations !
NDA- Non-Disclosure Agreement. Right ?
The Hooded One Posted - 13 Jun 2009 : 17:16:25
Ed of course mapped the Citadel in detail and turned it in to TSR all those years ago; it's very like an old "geomorph," because it's a maze of traps and misdirection passages, with the REAL living space, armories, et al "inside the walls" of the false areas. Yes, it's above the staircase with the illusion of the collapse, on the uppermost level of Undermountain, but has several other entrances and exits, and occupies its own level "up inside" Mount Waterdeep.
And of course, the map is NDA.
The Sage Posted - 13 Jun 2009 : 09:08:19
I don't immediately recall any maps for the Citadel either.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Jun 2009 : 07:30:08
If there are, I don't know about them.

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