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 4E index project

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fillow Posted - 29 Sep 2008 : 18:41:53
Let's go crazy.

After an idea from Christopher_Rowe and a copy of Kuje's community project, I propose to create an index of the 4E Realmslore.

You will find the sources which could be referenced in the following thread : Post-Spellplague bibliography

I call volunteers to write below what book they're ready to read, or re-read and quote the specific Realms entries.

I will begin with the Swordmage novel.

As I wrote in Christopher's thread, I propose to make it within an Excel file which columns could be :
1st column : topic (geography, character, race, organization,...)
2nd column : the entry itself (Hulburg, Geran, swordmage, Crimson Chain,...)
3rd column : the source book (Swordmage novel)
4th column (and following ones) : the page(s) where the entry was (were) found.

Among our scribes, are there any who are currently reading an 4E sourcebook, adventure or novel and who would be prepared and ready to collect names of the characters, localities, events, aso that they meet during their reading ?

If someone has an idea about what the Excel file should look like, please just tell me.
I will be able to send the Swordmage reporting terms file to the volunteers by the end of the week.
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fillow Posted - 27 May 2009 : 20:45:01
No new data added, just updated the fact that Epic Faerûn , Ecology of the Genasi , Primordial Paths, Children of Darkness and Hall of the Frostmaiden (all from Dragon #367) have been referenced in the index project.
Fillow Posted - 25 May 2009 : 21:51:35
Originally posted by edappel

Good Luck on your project, Fillow. But I don't think this is the best place to ask for help... 90% of readers are pre-spellplague addicted.

I know that but I'd like to be up-to-date in the 4E Realms, even if it's unfashioned to like 4E Realms. I like to believe that these Realms will come back to what Realms fans like and then we will join back
Originally posted by edappel
I'm sorry that I can't help you at the moment... My wife, 6 month son, university, 10 hours-work, rpg-group, rpg-world-building, bed, Matilde (the name of my rockband© drum) and FR novels addiction, doens't let me with much time to spare...

I'm used to. I'm a newly father (for the second time) too. I'm in the Army and my working days are long too. I'm studying towards a professional exam (40 candidates ... 2 people needed !),...
No probs Ed.
My biggest concern is about the novels.
I wont have time enough to read all of the post-SP ones. moreover, to read in English language is not so easy ti understnad all the feelings the author wants us to understand.
Originally posted by edappel
And even reading, buying and playing 4ed, I prefer pre-plague era (but when I get time, I´ll try to help you)

Your choice !
edappel Posted - 25 May 2009 : 21:38:17
Good Luck on your project, Fillow. But I don't think this is the best place to ask for help... 90% of readers are pre-spellplague addicted.

I'm sorry that I can't help you at the moment... My wife, 6 month son, university, 10 hours-work, rpg-group, rpg-world-building, bed, Matilde (the name of my rockband© drum) and FR novels addiction, doens't let me with much time to spare...

And even reading, buying and playing 4ed, I prefer pre-plague era (but when I get time, I´ll try to help you)
Fillow Posted - 25 May 2009 : 20:48:37
updated the referenced articles : Epic Faerûn & Ecology of the Genasi (both from Dragon #367)
Fillow Posted - 09 Nov 2008 : 11:40:37
Originally posted by Brimstone



You're welcome Brimstone but.. why ?
Brimstone Posted - 08 Nov 2008 : 14:34:08

Fillow Posted - 02 Nov 2008 : 20:54:46
Just to precise that I've finished the referencing of the all articles from Dragon #366 and Mistshore novel.

I will try to reference the Dragon #367 on next week.
I will need more time to begin Blackstaff Tower.

N.B. : I stopped to enter the "topic" column data.
My file only provides the keyword, the source and the page.
Fillow Posted - 14 Oct 2008 : 09:10:25
The referencing of the Rose keep enclave article belongs to the past !
(I'm wondering if this translated expression from a French one has any sense in English?)
I'm now checking the Gontal article.

I added the list of the 4E sources (because Christopher_rowe seems to be back exclusively to the gleemax forums).

And I still look for volunteers to check these books and search for FR specific terms...

Thanks for reading fellow scribes
Fillow Posted - 07 Oct 2008 : 21:09:50
"Magic in the Forgotten Realms" from Dragon 362
"Year of the Ageless One" from Dragon 362
"Spellplague: The Wailing Years" from Dragon 362
"Backdrop: Cormyr" from Dragon 365

... have now their entries registered in the project.

Still no volunteers to take part ?

Allright, I go to pick up the entries from the Rose Keep
Fillow Posted - 06 Oct 2008 : 05:14:47
Thanks Shoonvi.
It's a good start point.
shoonvii Posted - 06 Oct 2008 : 03:27:21
More stuff from Blackstaff Tower. This is a list of noble houses of Waterdeep circa 1479.

o Adarbrent
o Agundar
o Amcathra
o Ammakyl
o Artemel
o Assumbar
o Belbrundel – composed of Houses Belabranta, Phylund & Eltorchul
o Bladesemmer - House Gralleth controls all property/interests
o Brinmaerth
o Cassalanter – still exists, very popular post-Caladorn
o Cragsmere
o Crommor
o Dezlentyr
o Durinbold
o Eagleshield
o Eirontalar
o Emveolstone
o Gauntyl
o Gost
o Gralhund - House Gralleth controls all property/interests
o Gralleth
o Gundulf – composed of Houses Gundwynd & Brokengulf
o Hawkwinter
o Helmfast
o Hiilguantlet
o Hothemer
o Hunabar – still exists, House Ralnarth controls interests
o Husteem
o Ilitul
o Illenstars
o Ilvastarr
o Ilzimmer
o Irlingstar
o Jardeth
o Jhansczil
o Kholarnn
o Kormallis
o Korthornt– composed of Houses Kothont & Thorp by marriage
o Lanngolyn
o Lathkule
o Maerklos
o Maernos
o Majarra
o Mandarth
o Manthar
o Margaster
o Massalan
o Moonstar
o Nandar
o Nesher
o Phulbrinter – composed of Houses Phull & Ulbrinter
o Piiradost
o Ralnarth – absorbed some property of Anteos, Estelmer
o Raventree – still exists, not as powerful
o Roaringhorn
o Rosznar
o Ruldegost
o Silmerhelve
o Snome
o Stormweather
o Sultlue
o Talmost
o Tarm
o Tchazzam
o Tesper – still exists
o Thann – still exists
o Thongolir – still exists
o Urmbrusk
o Wands – still exists, reduced to two members in Waterdeep
o Wavesilver
o Zulpair
o Zun

shoonvii Posted - 06 Oct 2008 : 03:25:47
Here's some stuff from Blackstaff Tower regarding the various Blackstaffs and the dates they served. I could fill in some of the blanks, but Im too busy right now. If anyone can supply some more info, that would be great.

The Blackstaffs

Khelben Arunsun ?-1374 DR
Tsarra Chaadren 1374 DR - ?
Kyriani Agrivar ?-1400 DR
Krehlan Arunsun 1400 DR-1424 DR
Ashemmon 1424 DR-1464 DR
Samark Dhanzscul 1464 DR-1479 DR
Vajra Safahr 1479 DR - present
Fillow Posted - 05 Oct 2008 : 12:58:55
I just finished the Thunderspire adv. FR conversion.
No volunteers yet to take part ?

I go and read and pick the Countdown to the Realms part I, Year of the Ageless One.

EDIT : Countdown to the Realms part I, Year of the Ageless One is out.
Beginning Countdown to the Realms part II, Magic in the FR.
Fillow Posted - 03 Oct 2008 : 18:03:35
Do not be in a hurry so much to take part...

I've just began the Keep on the Shadowfell: Forgotten Realms Conversion.

I (and Kuje !) found few topics to sort the entries :
- characters
- locations (cities)
- areas (regions)
- places (like Standing stone)
- geography (rivers, mountains, ways...)
- events
- year
- deities
- symbol
- devises
- quotations
- cosmology
- organizations
- companies
- races
- time

Which one could we add ?

EDIT : finished the entries making with Excel from the Keep on the Shadowfell: Forgotten Realms Conversion.

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