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 The Pit of Jhaam

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Wulgreth Posted - 25 Jul 2008 : 11:50:48
I led my players to the underdark, right below Chondath yesterday. The map in the "Underdark" accessory shows a huge area, miles wide, called "The Pit of Jhaam". Anyone has an idea of what it contains?
Nothing shown up on Internet, is it another "blank" area for DM to design?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jamallo Kreen Posted - 25 Jul 2008 : 22:32:21
I would have it swarming with puddings and jellies.

DorianAdricus Posted - 25 Jul 2008 : 16:22:32
This might be something worth asking Ed about in the Chamber of the Sages...
Wulgreth Posted - 25 Jul 2008 : 13:19:50
Yep I read all the story about Jhaamdath... and the scions of the twelve cities that live in a palace under the surface of the sea in the vilhon reach. But this is something far below earth and sea, something like a cave as large as a nation... obviously it is somewhat related to Jhaam ad probably crawls with psionic monsters... maybe it's a necropolis where his body lies.
I was wondering if someone has come up with a story or something...
Quale Posted - 25 Jul 2008 : 12:27:31
Jhaam was the great psionic warrior of the Dath dynasty that founded Jhaamdath in -5800 DR. Jhaam fell before his plan was complete, his successors established the great city of Naarkolyth as capital of Jhaamdath—the realm now named in his honor. Maybe that was the place where he fell.

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