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 Who's Hot and Who's not in the Realms

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Red Walker Posted - 20 Sep 2007 : 03:28:09
On behalf of my good friends Erik Scott de Bie and Rinonalyrna Fathomlin (Since Erik is more of a perpetuator than a starter)
here is a scroll to discuss who is hot and who is not in the realms. (with an emphasis on who is) Please state you case as to why your choice is or isn't!

P.S. In case some find this scroll a tad juvenile......Thats what we were aiming for!
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sill Alias Posted - 14 May 2010 : 06:10:09
Alright, in comparison to slug form of Belzebuul he IS cute.
The Sage Posted - 14 May 2010 : 04:28:11
Originally posted by Sill Alias

YUCK! You are freaking joking! He is monstrous! I cannot believe he was human! How the hell he got that bulk form?!
Aumvor was "stocky" and "fat" even before he was a lich. He's only grown more obese since becoming a lich.

As for more, see Champions of Ruin.
He is a lich, damn it!
That's why I find him so appealing. I've a "thing" for liches, you see.
Sill Alias Posted - 14 May 2010 : 04:13:09
YUCK! You are freaking joking! He is monstrous! I cannot believe he was human! How the hell he got that bulk form?! He is a lich, damn it!
The Sage Posted - 14 May 2010 : 04:08:56
Originally posted by Sill Alias

Even if it is old fat ugly wheezy woman?

Hey, I'm one of the few that find even Aumvor to be pretty hot!
Sill Alias Posted - 14 May 2010 : 03:54:59

Even if it is old fat ugly wheezy woman?
Genis Posted - 14 May 2010 : 03:49:08
Personally I'm always a fan of the nameless unimportant villager woman who ends up being slaughtered in some fashion or another, preferably before said slaughtering though.
Sill Alias Posted - 14 May 2010 : 03:41:36
Originally posted by Jelennet

Most of elves, half-elves, drows and half-drows are definetely hot...
And Artemis Entreri too.
Undead and dreagloths ane not hot by any standarts.

Have you not heard of Evening Glory? And vampires are somehow attracting foolish romantic girls to becoming one.(Pweh!)
Dracons Posted - 13 May 2010 : 21:41:50
I uh... had a crush on Alauneth 'The Black Viper' Orrane. I don't know why. I think alot of girls looks better with short hair sometimes.
Jelennet Posted - 13 May 2010 : 21:25:40
Most of elves, half-elves, drows and half-drows are definetely hot...
And Artemis Entreri too.
Undead and dreagloths ane not hot by any standarts.
froglegg Posted - 14 Dec 2009 : 00:12:51
Originally posted by Xysma

My vote goes for Alias. In spite of the fact that her hair always looks ridiculous, she looks great in that armor she wears.

Here Here!

Alystra Illianniis Posted - 25 Nov 2009 : 23:44:33
Originally posted by J D Dunsany

I found the portrayal of Ilsevele in 'The Last Mythal' series oddly attractive. (There's something about warrior elves who are committed to doing their duty, perhaps...)

Of course, at the moment I'm well and truly engrossed in 'War of the Spider Queen' which offers three candidates for 'Drow Hottie of the Year' - Quenthel, Danifae and Halisstra.

Quenthel is strong, but psychotic - not really a turn on. Danifae should be the one to go for, but her charms will always come at a price. That you won't want to pay. Which leaves Halisstra. And, yeah, there is something about her. It's her vulnerability perhaps? Lack of certainty, maybe? Hmmm...

If I was a woman, I'd obviously go for Pharaun.


Hallistra, sure, but only pre- Lady Penitant. After? Not so much... Cavatina, maybe... And Pharun is a definite. So's Ryld. And Halisstra's brother. Okay, I'm stuck on drow guys, I admit it... Mmmm, dark chocolate... LOL!!!
Teneck Posted - 23 Nov 2009 : 22:56:41
HOT has to be Cat from The Wyvern's Spur (Finder's Stone Trilogy, Book 2)

J D Dunsany Posted - 23 Nov 2009 : 22:06:01
I found the portrayal of Ilsevele in 'The Last Mythal' series oddly attractive. (There's something about warrior elves who are committed to doing their duty, perhaps...)

Of course, at the moment I'm well and truly engrossed in 'War of the Spider Queen' which offers three candidates for 'Drow Hottie of the Year' - Quenthel, Danifae and Halisstra.

Quenthel is strong, but psychotic - not really a turn on. Danifae should be the one to go for, but her charms will always come at a price. That you won't want to pay. Which leaves Halisstra. And, yeah, there is something about her. It's her vulnerability perhaps? Lack of certainty, maybe? Hmmm...

If I was a woman, I'd obviously go for Pharaun.

Alystra Illianniis Posted - 23 Nov 2009 : 21:31:26
Ah, yes. She is definitely up there. How old is she, exactly?! (That would make for a VERY interesting {read- distrubing} relationship....)
althen artren Posted - 19 Nov 2009 : 23:41:09
You know this topic would be sooooo much easier if we
had true to descriptions artwork of all our choices.
From the description in "Tears So White" I'd have to
say the Srinshee, because she's a small thin elf and
can change into any form she senses I would like (and she
sense anthing due to 30+ levels and chosen template to boot).
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 17 Nov 2009 : 21:40:13
What about Eliath Craulnober? I find him intrigung, for some reason... (Okay, I admit I have a thing for elf-boys... Especially bad ones, ;-) !!)
Vierna Posted - 17 Nov 2009 : 19:52:11
I would think Alustriel beauty, intelligence as well being a good leader. She is loved by most so its like a full package. Also Larijin
Definitely Erevis Cale for the males but I agree with Alystra, Drizzt is up there too.

MrsDrasek Posted - 17 Nov 2009 : 00:09:14
What a topic :)
I have not read quite enough to name a female yet that was out of ordinary strikingly beautiful.

HOT for me: Riven and Cale of course.
Riven, whats not to love about a one eyed, stained teeth former Zhent assasin? I'd take him anyday.
Then theres Cale, tall, bald and always struggling to do the right thing. They have me covered.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 16 Nov 2009 : 22:11:51
I'd also have to go with Khelban, and maybe Elmisnter when he was younger. I love guys who are smart, witty, and know how to treat a lady....

As for women, if i was a guy, I'd say Dove, Laeral, Alustriel, Quilue, Liriel and Arilyn, and maybe Hallistra(before she was transformed)
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 13 Nov 2009 : 22:21:27
Ah, I know i'll get pummeled for it, but I love the drow guys, especially Drizzt, of course.
And Danilo Thann, for some reason...
Alisttair Posted - 11 Nov 2009 : 13:50:44
I'd imagine that Cadderly and Danica's daughter might be a good looking young lady.
Amraz one arm Posted - 11 Nov 2009 : 13:12:34
HOT: All the women of the Baenre line
MrHedgehog Posted - 22 Oct 2009 : 10:06:41
Hot: Khaanyr Vhok <3
Not: Draegloths : [

I'd be his love slave anytime.
The Sage Posted - 22 Oct 2009 : 06:55:09
Heh. Maybe I should start working on my own theory of lichdom.

Now, where's my copy of Lords of Darkness?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 22 Oct 2009 : 06:06:58
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Matt James


Szass Tam.

Seriously, I've a *thing* for liches.

That explains a lot! Liches are known for spending years working on a single task...
The Sage Posted - 22 Oct 2009 : 00:36:41
Originally posted by Matt James


Szass Tam.

Seriously, I've a *thing* for liches.
Ardashir Posted - 21 Oct 2009 : 17:28:00
It's so hard to pick just one...

Queen Filfaeril certainly has her attractions. Physically beautiful, gracious, intelligent, educated and sophisticated without snobbery, and a warmly loving nature, no wonder Azoun married her (and I'd be more loyal than he was; seriously, when you're married to someone that great, why would you take a chance on throwing it all away for a one-night stand?).

Several of the Seven Sisters come to mind -- Storm, Qilue (I'd love to cuddle with most any Eilistraeen priestess, mind), Alustriel ('Lustra') are my main choices. Laeral is attractive too for many reasons (but no way am I risking the Blackstaff's anger!), but probably not the Simbul. Alassra's just a little too temperamental for my liking.

A foolish part of me would want to spend a weekend with Fox-at-Twilight. The physical part would be mind-blasting, even though it'd end with me waking up stark naked in a Waterdeep alley while she sold my goods to a merchant while leaving town.

As for any to avoid, well, I think I can say that I'd have to be insane to even get close to drow priestesses like Briza Do'Urden or Shakti Hunzrin.
Matt James Posted - 21 Oct 2009 : 16:43:30
Amarel Derakanor Posted - 21 Oct 2009 : 07:39:10
Who's hot?

Princess Alusair, of course! But from having read the previous ancient (2007!) posts, not many would agree with me. Or would you? Hmm... I have this thing for women like her, for some reason...
Oh, and the depiction of Sune Firehair from Faiths and Pantheons is quite stunning, I think.
As for who's NOT hot, I have to put my money on the emaciated drow woman on the cover of Lost Empires of Faerūn. In her defense, I'm quite sure she isn't among the living any more... Death is ugly. And speaking about death, the image of Lurue in Faiths and Pantheons isn't all that hot. She has a look on her face that reminds me about dead people, especially since that horn of hers actually looks rather much like an icicle. Anyone seen Die Hard 2?
Icelander Posted - 21 Oct 2009 : 05:09:33
Originally posted by swifty

megan fox to play tazi in a realms pay good money to see that.

Now there's a character that pretty much defined 'informed ability' in those stories starring her. She was okay as Mr. Cale's love-interest in Kemp's stories, but in her own stories?

Well, I don't know if they make enough eee's to spell excrement as I say it when I think of it.

Let's just say that despite the narrative frequently insisting on her myriad of good qualities and any male character she encounters immediately falling head-over-heels for her, I do believe I have met more interesting growths in that spot behind my privy where there's a sort of permanent dampness.

Not hot.

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