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 Translation into Italian

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dees Posted - 11 Apr 2007 : 11:55:43
I'm in charge for the development of the production of a newly born Italian website. The focus of the site is D&D 3rd Edition and 3.5.

The purpose of the site is to widen, within the Italian RPG market, the offer of products related to D&D and, in general, to the d20 System. The overall philosophy we intend is by means of translations of English products.
In this way, both you and us, will reach a higher visibility (in local market) and new market opportunities.

After a brief research in the net, I ran into the unofficial material in the Various Unofficial Lore. I tryed to contact the authors, but the email did not reach them.
So, if you have published an article in this section contact me, please.

What we intend to do is to translate your works and, then, distribute them freely for the Italian public.

Erica Faverio Margoni
CoAdmin e Responsabile Traduzioni de il 5°Clone
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dees Posted - 12 Apr 2007 : 07:25:02
Ok, so now the situation is clear :)

I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.


@the sage. I'm waiting
The Sage Posted - 12 Apr 2007 : 00:34:50

Dees, I'll contact you privately about my own works at Candlekeep.
Kuje Posted - 11 Apr 2007 : 21:43:55
That wasn't what I meant. I meant, if someday someone wants to buy my material, I need to know where it's hosted. Not that you are charging for free material. Just wanted to clear that up.
Dees Posted - 11 Apr 2007 : 17:07:43
Alaundo, I emailed you months ago and you gave me the permission for some articles ^^
But there are some authors I wa not able to contact, so I wrote here hoping they are reading.

We NEVER translate without a written permission given by the author, and we always give the proper credits in the translations. This is our policy.

I emailed you yesterday. I will contact you in the next days.

About the matter "paid publications":
You all can look at my website: we are the biggest website about D&D in Italy and we are collaborating with many editors (Italians and Americans) but we do not ask for money. I said "freely". That is to say we do not ask for money ^^ we translate, prepare a PDF or an HTML page (giving credits to the website and the author) and offer the work to players, freely :)

What we desire is to offer good material to all the Italian players who do not understand English, and not taking possession of your works.

Alaundo Posted - 11 Apr 2007 : 16:48:12
Well met

Aye, feel free to contact me privately on this matter, Dees. I know ye contacted me before regarding the use of material herein but the Sage and Kuje are correct. Let me know which articles in particular ye are interested in.

The Sage Posted - 11 Apr 2007 : 16:01:02
Indeed. Kuje is in fact correct.

Dees, I would recommend you contact Alaundo privately and discuss this matter before you copy any unofficial lore stored at this site.

Also, many of us who have articles in that particular section of Candlekeep have active emails which are still easily accessed. I suggest you try again.
Kuje Posted - 11 Apr 2007 : 15:40:49
I hope that you aren't distributing the material from this site without permission. Publishing something on the net is still publishing it and it belongs to the author that wrote it and to Candlekeep, since the authors gave permission to Alaundo to host it.

I don't know England's copywrite laws but it's illegal to distribute the material on this by the USA laws if you don't have permission from the authors and the owner of this site.

Yes, I take this very serious since I gave Alaundo permission to host my material and if there is ever a time that someone might want to purchase my material for paid publication, I want to know where it's been published with, or without, my permission.

Isn't trying to sound like a arse, but I'm very concerned about publishing material on the internet due to many factors that I'd rather not discuss publically.

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