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 Is anyone going to try and run a FR Age of Worms?

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KnightErrantJR Posted - 30 May 2005 : 17:03:02
I actually really like the concept and the information given in the opening chapter of this Adventure Path in Dungeon Magazine, but even though I have not seen the FR Conversion tips that are going to be given yet, such conversion tips tend to be of the "Substitute Tyr for St. Cuthbert" and "Substitute Waterdeep for the Free City" variety that I don't think really do justice to either the original material or the campagin setting.

Kyuss is as much a part of Greyhawk as Velsharoon is to FR, and worms and such are related to him and not to Velsharoon, or Orcus, or what have you.

I am thinking of running this as the campaign for my kids, but I may have them make up new 1st level characters in the "default" setting to start it over again. I want them to have an epic overall campaign, but I have been having a hard time juggling what I want them to do with my regular group (who are about to go into a mega campaign with the Shadovar).

Is anyone else going to run this, and are you going to convert it to the Realms?
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fellfire Posted - 11 Feb 2015 : 12:26:38
Has anybody compiled all of these web enhancement/conversion notes? For the first time Paizo's website is giving me a hard time.
Kalin Agrivar Posted - 14 Jul 2006 : 14:25:06
Originally posted by Na-Gang

I have considered running AoW in FR, substituting an aspect of Moander for Kyuss, but then I love Moander and would use him/it in place of almost anything if I could.

If you fiddle about a bit with Moander's profile, he's already got rot (undead) and corruption (nasty wormy things) so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch IMO.

I thought so too but I was leaning more towards just having Kyuss as what he was before...mad wizard, soon-to-be-god, etc. probably be a Imaskari or Netherese wizard

but I was thinking more like of some sort of ancient magic user from Zakhara and his ancient jungle city would be placed in that archipelago of islands off the west coast, or maybe in the south near the Isle of Eephants...Near Kog or something

I haven't decided if I like the whole Jergal-spellweaver connection though
Na-Gang Posted - 14 Jul 2006 : 14:12:52
I have considered running AoW in FR, substituting an aspect of Moander for Kyuss, but then I love Moander and would use him/it in place of almost anything if I could.

If you fiddle about a bit with Moander's profile, he's already got rot (undead) and corruption (nasty wormy things) so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch IMO.
Kalin Agrivar Posted - 13 Jul 2006 : 21:20:29
instead of using Daggerford, why not one of those pirate hold-villages mention in Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast? or just put Diamond Lake along the coast in that unclaimed area between Daggerford and Waterdeep?
kaeso Posted - 13 Jul 2006 : 21:09:20
Waterdeep it is! I just got City of Splendors today, can't wait to read it .
ericlboyd Posted - 28 Jun 2006 : 04:07:24
Originally posted by Snotlord

I never really got why Daggerford had to be corrupted in the first place. The corruption of Diamond Lake has absolutely no effect on the Age of Worms story, its to just finish to create a darker setting.

My "design principles" for the Age of Worms conversion were to illustrate how to adapt every single facet of the AP into the Realms. My thought was to go overboard in this respect, which then allows the DM to back off if they want. If I'd gone the other way, light conversions, I would have felt like I was leaving all the work to the DMs.

So, in your example, I wanted to show HOW Daggerford could have become corrupted. As to whether or not it should be for any particular campaign, that's left up to the DM. It certainly works just as well with the corruption as withouth.

Dargoth Posted - 25 Jun 2006 : 03:50:50
Originally posted by kaeso

So... does anyone have any idea where I should run it? I still can't decide I gotta decide by Thursday

If you want to keep the campaign in the Moonsea region you could use Phlan as Diamond Lake
kaeso Posted - 25 Jun 2006 : 03:40:01
So... does anyone have any idea where I should run it? I still can't decide I gotta decide by Thursday
KnightErrantJR Posted - 21 Jun 2006 : 23:01:56
Its kind of the base for the first half of the campaign. Yes, Daggerford does seem a bit more corrupt in order to make it match Diamond Lake, but that's why in my set up I made it so at the "halfway" point the PCs could take a little bit of time off, figure out the Malaugrym involvement, and set things right, then move on with saving the world.

Its kind of like the "Scouring of the Shire" bit of LOTR, except in the middle instead of at the end of the story.
kaeso Posted - 21 Jun 2006 : 22:03:00
is Daggerford/Diamond Lake the home base of the campaign? It didn't seem like it was... but if it is, it seems like it should be a bit happier :) However, if I'm gonna make it happier I want it to be because of the actions of the PCs, so they can feel like something they did had a real effect on events. Hm...
Snotlord Posted - 21 Jun 2006 : 21:15:39
I never really got why Daggerford had to be corrupted in the first place. The corruption of Diamond Lake has absolutely no effect on the Age of Worms story, its to just finish to create a darker setting.
kaeso Posted - 21 Jun 2006 : 20:30:31
Well, for what its worth, this is how I have set my the potential run at the Age of Worms that I will run if I get the chance to:

I really the background! When you refer to Daggerford being returned to "normal," do you mean the town will no longer be as corrupt as it is described in Dungeon? That's a cool idea.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 21 Jun 2006 : 19:58:30
Well, for what its worth, this is how I have set my the potential run at the Age of Worms that I will run if I get the chance to:
kaeso Posted - 21 Jun 2006 : 19:48:03
Hi, I'm a new poster on these forums... and I'm trying to run the Age of Worms campaign in the Moonsea. Right now, we're still on the first adventure. However,I can't decide if I want to run it in the Moonsea or not. If I don't run it in the Moonsea, it will be run in the Western Heartlands near Waterdeep. Here's my thinking so far:

*note: I am a newer DM, which a group of 6 new players, so we have some leniency on things like switching regions that this 1st adventure is currently taking place in.

-I've already told them they were here, so the realism is maintained by keeping it here
-the Moonsea has a new regional book, which makes the region more interesting for me and makes it easier for me to give more flavor to the campaign
-the players would probably be introduced to the Night of the North, who are good and would make them members- I think being part of an underground organization would add a fun twist to the campaign
-there are some places in the Moonsea where good people have control, and seeing those places would hopefully give the players more confidence in their efforts

- most of the people in the Moonsea are very reclusive and distrustful of outsiders
- one of my players roleplays a character who is a smartass, and being in a region of people who don't take **** from anyone is NOT good for his character- every time he tries to be a smartass, he's liable to get his ass kicked, or killed. I don't want to discourage his roleplaying.
- adapting my campaign for the moonsea takes a little bit of work
- the Moonsea book isn't amazing. It's useful for a campaign in the Moonsea, but it isn't amazing.
- there is no book detailing all of Hillsfar, though there is for Waterdeep
- I need to show the players that there is good in the Moonsea, giving them motivation. However, if I were to take my players to say, Phlan, I would have to take them outside of the normal campaign to get them there, possibly with a side adventure. It wouldn't be a base, becuase the campaign moves a bit, and also we are a group of high school students who will be seniors this year- since this is our last year together, we might not even get to 6th level or so when it would be convenient in the campaign setup to leave for a side adventure since we don't really play much (hopefully 5 or 6 times this summer, and probably 5 times in the school year (though i wish it was a lot more).

pro-Waterdeep-ish area:
- people are frontier-ish, like on the Moonsea, but they are also friendly rather than reclusive. This allows good roleplaying for my roleplayers (right now 3 of 6 are roleplayers, 1 is a loner/hack-n-slasher, another is a diehard hack-n-slasher, the other is apathetic).
- when the players do go to Waterdeep, there's a regional book on it! 3 cheers for flavor!
- people are more open to good-aligned gods, which is good since we have a paladin... and a cleric... and overall 4 or 5 of the PC's are good-aligned
- it would be much easier for the characters to explain why they are there. Right now i'm trying to help and motivate my players to make backgrounds- hard when they can't figure out why the hell they would be in the Moonsea (they are from all kinds of places- Waterdeep, Silverymoon, the Great Rift...)

con-Waterdeep-ish area:
-the players won't be going to Waterdeep for quite a while
-I would have to come back and say 'op, we're in the Western Heartlands, not the Moonsea. sorry!
-no nifty organizations to join that are secretive and an integral part of the campaign

I know I'm probably putting WAY too much thought into this, but... I just can't decide. So, what do you guys think? If you were in my position, which location would you choose? Thanks for your help-I need it
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 04:33:53
Originally posted by ericlboydI'll be doing conversion notes for all the Age of Worms adventures. The notes for Island of Last Resort will be short. The island is easily added to the Mintarn archipelago.

As for the other two adventures ...

Caverns of the Ooze Lord is perfect for a small Cult of Ghaunadaur adventure.

Wingclipper's Revenge is perfect for any fey-ridden forest (e.g. the High Forest, Westwood, Cormanthor, etc.)

All IMHO, of course.


Thanks Eric!

The FR fanboy in me smiles, and the money-saving part of my being hurts...
KnightErrantJR Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 00:11:09
I immediately thought of Ghaunadaur with Caverns of the Ooze Lord as well, and for some reason if my players start out in a new campaign, I would like to use Wingclipper's Revenge as well, perhaps becuase they have run into so many evil fey this time around that I would enjoy putting them in a postion of rescueing them (the initial player that earned the title of browniefriend has moved on from the group, and since then the fey encounters have bee more . . . negative).
ericlboyd Posted - 12 Feb 2006 : 23:58:37
Originally posted by Purple Dragon Knight

Hi Erik,

Will you have notes on Dungeon 131? I'm debating buying it or not, seeing it has no Realms content at first glance...

I'll be doing conversion notes for all the Age of Worms adventures. The notes for Island of Last Resort will be short. The island is easily added to the Mintarn archipelago.

As for the other two adventures ...

Caverns of the Ooze Lord is perfect for a small Cult of Ghaunadaur adventure.

Wingclipper's Revenge is perfect for any fey-ridden forest (e.g. the High Forest, Westwood, Cormanthor, etc.)

All IMHO, of course.

Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 12 Feb 2006 : 23:53:14
Hi Erik,

Will you have notes on Dungeon 131? I'm debating buying it or not, seeing it has no Realms content at first glance...
Gray Richardson Posted - 12 Feb 2006 : 09:39:49
I really enjoyed reading your notes on the Jergal metaplot. It was nice how you worked in the Harpells and such. Spellweaver, eh? Hmmmm... there are all sorts of things that could lead from that. I need to read up more on Spellweavers...
ericlboyd Posted - 09 Feb 2006 : 13:27:07
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

And the web supplement for Dungeon #130 is out.

Low resolution:

High resolution:

This is the one that explains a good deal of the Jergal meta-plot.

KnightErrantJR Posted - 09 Feb 2006 : 05:31:26
And the web supplement for Dungeon #130 is out.

Low resolution:

High resolution:
Dargoth Posted - 04 Feb 2006 : 06:45:04
Originally posted by Chosen of Bane

Thank you kindly Dargoth.

PS. Dargoth, does the "YES" mean, sure, it will be usefull once or twice but he'll generally be out of place, or is it a "YES" this would be a valuable character for this adventure?

Note: I havent got all the Age of Worms modules I only bought the ones that had FR modules.

Id say the party will be really happy to have your character in a number of key battles in Age of Worms campaign
KnightErrantJR Posted - 04 Feb 2006 : 05:25:42
For those keeping track at home . . . the web supplement for 129 is finally out . . .

Low resolution PDF:

High resolution PDF:
Asgetrion Posted - 21 Jan 2006 : 00:48:13
Originally posted by Beppe63

Well met!

Thanks to KnightErrantJR I have found this tread and I want post some questions about Age of Worms:

I have read the first two adventures of this, IMHO, beautiful campaign on the Dungeon magazine and I would like to insert them in my ongoing campaign settled in the Realms. I have yet found the "Overload" supplement on the Paizo web page, and this well done document insert the campaign in the city of Daggerford and then in the city of Waterdeep.

Now, my problems are two:

1) The PCs of my campaign are in the Dalelands (Archendale). Any helpful idea for insert the campaign more near or to transport quickly the PCs near Daggerford? I have yet thinked to use a dimension door, a teleport or other similar thing, but have you any intriguing idea to involve the PCs in plausible way?

2) The PCs are 4th-5th level native of different places fo Faerun (nobody from Daggerford vicinity), no problem to scaling the adventure's level, but the "Worms" campaign presume PCs of 1st level native of Daggerford! Any ideas to involve them?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Why not modify the modules a bit to make them more challenging? Give a few levels/HDs to NPCs and monsters.

If you wish to run the AoW in Daggerford, why not do as Knight suggested? Use the Ebon Triad as mysterious NPCs, who are searching the Arch wood for some long-lost (elven?) artifact/lore/spell? There could be a portal within the Arch wood, that leads to the Sword Coast...

It might be intriguing to try running this adventure path in the Dalelands... Cormanthyr has many long-lost dungeons and catacombs, and "The Champion's Belt" might work quite well in Hillsfar?
warlockco Posted - 01 Jan 2006 : 08:24:00
Originally posted by warlockco

Originally posted by ericlboyd
Any comments on the Hall of Harsh Reflections conversion? I'm curious how folks run the tie-in to the Unseen.


Haven't had a chance to get a look at that much yet unfortunatley, still pretty much converting NPCs from The North boxed set for Daggerford over to 3E, and copying over the stats of the NPCs from the Age of Worms over also, so this way most if not all the NPCs will be in one spot.

My Conversion for Daggerford: Age of Worms has hit a roadblock.
Not sure when I will get this finished.

Chosen of Bane Posted - 01 Jan 2006 : 02:10:27
Thank you kindly Dargoth.

My DM has given me the okay to use an alternate combat style if I choose to play a ranger.

It would be utilizing 3 feats from Draconomicon (page 105).

Level 2: Dragonfoe
Level 6: Dragonbane
Level 11: Dragondoom

It actually works out pretty well because Dragonbane has a required +6 BAB (just like Manyshot and Improved TWF) and Dragondoom has a required +10 BAB which isn't very far from the requirements of Greater Two Weapon Fighting and Improved Precise Shot.


PS. Dargoth, does the "YES" mean, sure, it will be usefull once or twice but he'll generally be out of place, or is it a "YES" this would be a valuable character for this adventure?
Dargoth Posted - 01 Jan 2006 : 02:06:37
Originally posted by Chosen of Bane

First of all. I haven't read any of this thread because I plan on playing in this adventure, not running it and don't want to spoil things for myself. So, if this has been talked about than I apologize.

My DM has recently told our group to start coming up with character concepts for Age of Worms. We already know that we're from the Daggerford area and good/neutral aligned. That's really all we know of the adventure though...and I would like to keep it that way for the most part.

The only thing I really want to know is...

Would it be worthwhile to play a character geared around fighting Dragons?

I know it is spelled "Worm" and not "Wyrm" but I was wondering if there were a decent amount of Dragons in the campaign. We were all talking about character concepts and I really like the idea of playing a Dragon Slayer since I have never played one and being a D&D veteran it's about time I do so.

Thanks in advance.

In the interests of not giving anything away Ill answer your question with a single word answer

Chosen of Bane Posted - 01 Jan 2006 : 01:24:57
First of all. I haven't read any of this thread because I plan on playing in this adventure, not running it and don't want to spoil things for myself. So, if this has been talked about than I apologize.

My DM has recently told our group to start coming up with character concepts for Age of Worms. We already know that we're from the Daggerford area and good/neutral aligned. That's really all we know of the adventure though...and I would like to keep it that way for the most part.

The only thing I really want to know is...

Would it be worthwhile to play a character geared around fighting Dragons?

I know it is spelled "Worm" and not "Wyrm" but I was wondering if there were a decent amount of Dragons in the campaign. We were all talking about character concepts and I really like the idea of playing a Dragon Slayer since I have never played one and being a D&D veteran it's about time I do so.

Thanks in advance.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 30 Oct 2005 : 14:19:22
The problem with Sammaster is that there is only one dragon and one dracolich in the story, as far as I can tell, at least on Sammaster's side in the begining, which would seem a bit sparse considering the story line in the Year of Rogue Dragons. Also, the main plot is about turning tons of people into undead to serve him with little green worms, which themeatically doesn't strike me as Sammaster. With some tweaking you might be able to do it, but I would change a lot of the servant creautres in the story from the Ulgastastas (sp?) into perhaps draconic undead that can create undead as well, and turning some of the others into dragonkin, etc. It was just a bit more work than I wanted to do to convert it.

Valsharoon would work, but you would either have to assume that Velsharoon was older than he as been noted as being or that someone has been calling themselves Velsharoon for a while that really isn't . . .

Finally, if you have followed the downfall of Orcus, between the attack on him in the Bloodstone Lands by Gareth Dragonbane and his assasination at the hands of Kiransalee, you could substitute Orcus for Kyuss, and just say that an old aspect of his was imprisioned in the black spire and when he was killed by Kiransalee, the bulk of his personality shifted to his imprisoned form there.

Just some other ideas for anyone that isn't going to follow Eric's conversion or my other ideas.
Asgetrion Posted - 30 Oct 2005 : 12:18:43
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

Hey if its not too late for any of you that are still fiddling with making this work in the Realms some ideas occured to me. One of my hangups is likely just my own background, i.e. as a player in a Greyhawk game years ago, I know that Kyuss is intrinsically part of Greyhawk cannon, and I have a hard time dropping him into the Realms. While I would use everything else that Eric has proposed in his Realms conversion, I think that I would make this alteration.

Instead of Kyuss, how about a Mulhorandi pharoah that was at one time the avatar of Set. When he died, he refused to go to the afterlife, and gathered a small cult to elevate him to demigod status. To make himself immortal servants, he developed beetles (rather than worms) that burrow into the skin and create super zombies. The beetles are very small, and difficult to see.

Ashahg-Seti would be the demi god in questions, and he is seeking to become even more powerful by unleashing his power, and in the later adventures, the huge worm things that serve Kyuss could instead be gigantic beetle juggernauts. The spawn of Kyuss would be the children of Ahshahg.

Dragotha could be replaced by the following dragon. Realithrandoviran was a blue dragon that was sacred to the Cult of Tiamat in Unther, but years ago fell out of favor when he came into conflict with Tchazzar, and fled. He ran afoul of a chamber full of Ashahg's beetles, and Ashahg's spirit converted him into a dracolich instead of one of his zombies.

Ashahg could still have been entombed within the black spire that Kyuss was, this time by the Mulhorandi, who did not destroy him outright becuase he still has a spark of Set's power within him.

What does everyone think?

Hmmm... how about using Sammaster instead of Kyuss? Or perhaps Velsharoon, hey?

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