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 3.5 Edition Feat Idea; Tell me what you think

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Galuf the Dwarf Posted - 21 Sep 2024 : 03:26:57
This is one idea I had for a feat. Let me know what you think.

Eyes of Tyr

You have sacrificed your eyes to Tyr, the Even-Handed, proving your dedication to the pursuit of justice. Most who take this feat wrap their eyes in a blindfold made of an opaque cloth. Others simply keep their eyes closed at all times. Others have been born blind, lost their eyesight in battle, or suffered blindness due to age-related issues with their eyes or a debilitating disease. No accounts have arisen of those who have voluntarily blinded themselves, however, and the faith of Tyr does not actively encourage such mutilation.
Prerequisites: Patron Tyr, alignment Lawful good, Blind-Fight feat, ability to turn undead.
Benefit: As long as you refrain from using your eyesight, you gain Blindsense in a 60 ft cone in front of you. Since you are not relying on your sight, you are immune to blinding effects, illusion spells or effects that rely on eyesight, and gaze attacks.
Since you are not utilizing your eyesight, you cannot use this to read things like books, scrolls or other forms of written communication. You also automatically fail at Spot checks since you cannot see.
Special: If you have this feat and also have the Hand of Tyr feat (CoS: Waterdeep), you instead gain Blindsight in the same radius as Blindsense. Your bonuses from the Hand of Tyr feat also increase to +2 instead of +1.
Special: If you violate your oaths and use your eyesight for any purpose, you lose the benefits of this feat until you perform a rite of purification in a shrine or temple of Tyr, which requires 24 hours of vigil and prayer.

Not sure if this works quite well. It's a work in progress.
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sleyvas Posted - 26 Sep 2024 : 23:39:30
Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf

Originally posted by sleyvas

Well done Galuf. I like it.

Just a thought for ways to make it a bit more tinkery while still holding true to the ethos of it

"Hear the Truth" .... X times per day you gain the ability to "hear the truth" in the form of detect lies.

"See through Flattery" .... if you are charmed, you may immediately make a save with a penalty of X to try and break free.

"Smell shit about to happen" .... if you would be surprised, you are not, because you gain a "whiff of danger".

Well, let's not make this feat too OP. "Hear the Truth" maybe but that's about it. Oh, and maybe let's leave out cussing, honestly.

I was just giving out various types of options. Not to use them all. Should have noted that.
Galuf the Dwarf Posted - 24 Sep 2024 : 03:41:14
Originally posted by sleyvas

Well done Galuf. I like it.

Just a thought for ways to make it a bit more tinkery while still holding true to the ethos of it

"Hear the Truth" .... X times per day you gain the ability to "hear the truth" in the form of detect lies.

"See through Flattery" .... if you are charmed, you may immediately make a save with a penalty of X to try and break free.

"Smell shit about to happen" .... if you would be surprised, you are not, because you gain a "whiff of danger".

Well, let's not make this feat too OP. "Hear the Truth" maybe but that's about it. Oh, and maybe let's leave out cussing, honestly.
sleyvas Posted - 23 Sep 2024 : 14:34:23
Well done Galuf. I like it.

Just a thought for ways to make it a bit more tinkery while still holding true to the ethos of it

"Hear the Truth" .... X times per day you gain the ability to "hear the truth" in the form of detect lies.

"See through Flattery" .... if you are charmed, you may immediately make a save with a penalty of X to try and break free.

"Smell shit about to happen" .... if you would be surprised, you are not, because you gain a "whiff of danger".
Galuf the Dwarf Posted - 22 Sep 2024 : 19:34:44
Originally posted by LordofBones

This is 3.5e not 5e.

LordofBones Posted - 22 Sep 2024 : 17:14:21
Originally posted by bloodtide_the_red

I'd say the feat is fine....use no sight and get blindsense/blindsight. That is a fairly standard feat. Remember to add the [Oath] type. Switch out the requirement of 'turn undead' for the 'Scared Oath' feat. This really does not need to be a "cleric only" type feat. A paladin Eyes of Tyr seems to make sense.


Having a "Eyes of Tyr" feat that just gives blindsense/blindsight and immune to some attacks is a bit of a low bar. Just 'common' types of sight you can get plenty of other ways in the rules. If your going to do Eyes of Tyr....why not make it more Divine Of Tyrs ethos?

This is 3.5e not 5e.
Galuf the Dwarf Posted - 22 Sep 2024 : 17:11:58
Originally posted by The Sage

I like it! Especially given its nod to the Hand of Tyr. Nice.

Glad to hear it.

Still, I think there are some kinks to work out with it. Trying to make it useful but not overpowered.
The Sage Posted - 22 Sep 2024 : 07:17:34
I like it! Especially given its nod to the Hand of Tyr. Nice.
Galuf the Dwarf Posted - 22 Sep 2024 : 00:01:38
Originally posted by bloodtide_the_red

I'd say the feat is fine....use no sight and get blindsense/blindsight. That is a fairly standard feat. Remember to add the [Oath] type. Switch out the requirement of 'turn undead' for the 'Scared Oath' feat. This really does not need to be a "cleric only" type feat. A paladin Eyes of Tyr seems to make sense.


Having a "Eyes of Tyr" feat that just gives blindsense/blindsight and immune to some attacks is a bit of a low bar. Just 'common' types of sight you can get plenty of other ways in the rules. If your going to do Eyes of Tyr....why not make it more Divine Of Tyrs ethos?

Ummmm... you know Paladins can Turn Undead, right?
Diffan Posted - 21 Sep 2024 : 05:06:40
It reminds me of a Cleric Domain I saw in 5e that was about Justice being blind destroying your eyes. Instead, it gives you Blindsense. I like that it couples with Hand of Tyr (I had a Cleric grab that and it was a lot of fun).

Overall, there's give and take but it's very interesting.
bloodtide_the_red Posted - 21 Sep 2024 : 04:59:02
I'd say the feat is fine....use no sight and get blindsense/blindsight. That is a fairly standard feat. Remember to add the [Oath] type. Switch out the requirement of 'turn undead' for the 'Scared Oath' feat. This really does not need to be a "cleric only" type feat. A paladin Eyes of Tyr seems to make sense.


Having a "Eyes of Tyr" feat that just gives blindsense/blindsight and immune to some attacks is a bit of a low bar. Just 'common' types of sight you can get plenty of other ways in the rules. If your going to do Eyes of Tyr....why not make it more Divine Of Tyrs ethos?

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