T O P I C R E V I E W |
LordofBones |
Posted - 16 Jun 2024 : 07:39:00 MYRKUL Lord of the Dead, Lord of Bones, the Reaper, Old Lord Skull, Lord of Death, the Deathless Lord of Death Greater Power of Hades Symbol A white human skull face-on against a black field or a reaching white skeletal hand in white on a black field, (in recent years, either symbol usually shown on an inverted black shield with a continuous border of white, stylized human fingerbones) Realm Bone Castle (Hades/Oinos) Alignment Neutral Evil Aliases N’asr (among the Bedine) Superior none (AO) Allies Arawn, Bane, Bhaal, Hades, Hel, Kiaransalee, Shar, Talona Foes Chauntea, Labelas Enoreth, Lathander, Mielikki, Naralis Analor, Segojan Earthcaller, Sehanine Moonbow, Urogalan Servants Jergal (seneschal); Akachi the Betrayer (former Chosen), Araman, the Horned Harbingers Servitor Creatures allips, angels of decay, bhuts, blasphemes, bloodhulks, bone creatures, boneclaws, bonedrinkers, boneyards, corpse creatures, corrupted creatures, crawling apocalypses, crows (normal and fiendish), cursts, deathbringers, deathshriekers, death knights, dreads, entropic reapers, ghosts, gravewyrms, grimweirds, hellhounds, leopards (normal and fiendish, always black), liches (normal and demiliches), night riders, nighthaunts (all types), nightmares, panthers (normal and fiendish, always black), ravens (normal and fiendish), serpentirs, skeletons, shadows, shadows of the void, skull lords, spectres (often carrying scythes), winterwights, worms that walk, wraiths (normal and dread, often carrying scythes), zombies (normal and juju) Manifestations a swooping human skull with blazing lights for eyes; a disembodied flying skeletal arm that can point, gesture or wield a scimitar Signs of Favor deepest red roses that look black and crumble into dust when touched, jet, obsidian, onyx Worshipers the bereaved, embalmers, the elderly, gravediggers, intelligent undead, morticians, mourners, necromancers, pale masters, relatives of the recently deceased, those who desire power beyond death, those who fear the afterlife, those who revere the cycle of dawn and dusk, true necromancers Cleric Alignments LE, NE, CE Specialty Priests Gray One Holy Days the Day the Dead are Most With Us Important Ceremonies the Dusking, Flagons of the Fallen Portfolio autumn, corruption, the dead, decay, dusk, exhaustion, old age, parasites, wasting Domains Corruption, Death, Decay, Evil, Fate, Hades, Pestilence, Spirit, Suffering, Time Favored Weapon Reaper’s Smile (scythe)
MYRKUL Male Cleric 15, Necromancer 26, True Necromancer 14, Master Necromancer 10 NE Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar) Divine Rank 17 Init 46 (+18 Dex, +8 Superior Initiative), Supreme Initiative; Senses 17-mile-radius; Listen 92, Spot 92; remote sensing (20 locations), portfolio sense Aura divine (17 miles, Will DC 78), major zone of desecration (140 ft.); Languages can communicate with any living creature; Dark Speech ____________________________________________________________________________________________
AC 108, touch 78, flat-footed 90 (+18 deflection, +19 Dex, +17 divine, +30 natural, +15 profane); improved uncanny dodge as a 69th level rogue hp 1,950 (65d12 plus 1,170), divine shield 21/day (170 hp); DR 40/epic, good and adamantine Immune ability damage, ability drain, antimagic, banishment, cold, critical hits, death effects, disease, disintegration, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, fire, imprisonment, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), paralysis, poison, rebuking, sleep, stunning, transmutation, and turning; healed by negative energy Resist electricity 37, sonic 37; SR 81 Fort 103 Ref 98 Will 109 ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Speed 60 ft. (12 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect) Melee Reaper’s smile 109/109/104/99 (63 plus 18 cold plus 14 against living plus 12 against good outsiders plus 2 physical ability score drain plus 8 negative levels plus 68 negative energy plus 68 divine plus fleshrot/19-20/x4 plus 72 cold plus 38 against living plus 60 against good outsiders plus 8 physical ability score drain plus 10 negative levels) or Melee unarmed strike 92/87/82 (31 plus 68 divine plus 68 negative energy plus fleshrot/20/x2) or Melee spell 92 or Ranged spell 91 Base Atk 56; Grp 92 Atk Options corruption touch 17/day (ignore the hardness of any object during an attack), death touch 17/day (kill creatures with less than 390 hit points), decay touch 17/day (4 Con damage to a living creature or 77 damage to undead, objects or constructs), divine blast 21/day (17 miles, 420 damage), smite good 17/day (+19 attack and +65 damage), suffering touch 17/day (-2 to Str and Dex as a melee touch attack); Cleave, Improved Combat Reflexes, Power Attack Special Actions alter reality, alter size, create spirit doll 1/day, major school esoterica 3/day, command or destroy outsiders, undead and unnaturally long-lived creatures 21/day as a 69th level cleric (turning check 64, turning damage 100); Charnel Miasma, Negative Energy Burst, Zone of Animation Combat Gear reaper’s smile
Divine Spell-like Abilities (CL 65th or 71st for necromancy spells; +1 ability damage, ability drain, evil and level drain spells) 45 At will – animate dead, antilife shell, augury, bane (DC 46), bear’s endurance, befoul, bestow curse (DC 48), blasphemy (DC 52), blight (DC 50), blindness/deafness (DC 47), cause fear (DC 46), contagion (DC 48), contingency, create greater undead, create undead, crushing despair (DC 50), curse of lycanthropy (DC 51), death knell (DC 47), death ward, desecrate, despoil (DC 54), destruction (DC 52), dispel good (DC 50), doom (DC 46), energy drain, enervation, eyebite (DC 52), feeblemind (DC 50), finger of death (DC 53), foresight, gate, geas/quest, gentle repose, greater teleport, harm (DC 51), haste, horrid wilting (DC 54), freedom of movement, insanity (DC 52), magic circle against good, magic jar (DC 50), mantle of evil, mark of justice, mind blank, mind fog (DC 51), moment of prescience, morality undone (DC 49), otyugh swarm, permanency, plague of rats, plane shift (DC 50), poison (DC 49), pox (DC 51), protection from good, ray of enfeeblement, resist planar alignment, scare (DC 47), scourge (DC 52), slay living (DC 50), status, soul bind (DC 54), summon monster IX (evil creatures only), summon swarm, symbol of pain (DC 53), time stop, true strike, unholy aura (DC 53), unholy blight (DC 49), vision, wail of the banshee (DC 54), waves of exhaustion, waves of fatigue, withering palm (DC 52).
True Necromancer Spell-like Abilities (CL 73rd) 2/day – create greater undead, create undead. 1/day – horrid wilting (DC 37), wail of the banshee (DC 38).
Cleric Spells per Day (CL 29th or 79th for necromancy spells; 46th vs SR or 96th for necromancy spells; +1 evil spells, +9 [death] spells; 3 quickened spells/round; all spells are maximized and quickened; all necromancy spells are intensified and reaping) 21st (3+1/day) – chained heightened destruction (x2) (DC 100), enhanced chained heightened greater harm (DC 88), chained heightened feeblemind (DC 72) (D). 20th (3+1/day) – heightened imprison soul (DC 94), chained heightened insanity (DC 71) (D), heightened withering palm (x2) (DC 94). 19th (3+1/day) – heightened blasphemy (DC 73) (D), chained heightened bodak’s glare (x2) (DC 98), heightened repeated ravage (DC 90). 18th (3+1/day) – empowered enervated heightened repeated greater harm (x3) (DC 85), empowered enervated heightened repeated pox (DC 85) (D). 17th (4+1/day) – heightened destruction (x2) (DC 99), heightened scourge (DC 87) (D), heightened slay living (x2) (DC 99). 16th (4+1/day) – repeated twinned energy drain (x2) (DC 83), enervated intensified mass flesh to salt (DC 60), heightened repeated pox (DC 87) (D), fell draining intensified wretched blight (DC 61). 15th (4+1/day) – heightened repeated blood to water (x2) (DC 86), enervated fell draining heightened harm (D) (DC 85) (x2), enhanced repeated heat drain (DC 82). 14th (4+1/day) – heightened death by thorns (DC 76), heightened familiar geas (DC 68), heightened insanity (DC 68) (D), chained twinned soul scour (x2) (DC 79). 13th (5+1/day) – twinned energy drain (x2) (DC 83), enhanced enervated ravage (x2) (DC 81), heightened scourge (DC 87) (D), intensified weight of sin (DC 60). 12th (5+1/day) – intensified boreal wind (DC 59), chained heightened eyebite (DC 83) (D), heightened sarcophagus of stone (x2) (DC 66), heightened snare astral traveler (x2) (DC 66). 11th (5+1/day) – enhanced extended blade barrier (DC 60), fell draining repeated cometfall (DC 60), heightened condemnation (DC 65), heightened twinned harm (DC 81) (D), heightened rotting curse of urfestra (DC 65), enervated storm of vengeance (DC 61). 10th (5+1/day) – intensified flesh ripper, empowered extended greater aura of cold, enhanced harm (x2) (DC 80) (D), chained leech undeath (DC 81), empowered mass inflict critical wounds (DC 82). 9th (8+1/day) – anathema, despoil (DC 63), energy drain (x2) (DC 83), gate, implosion (DC 63), imprison soul (DC 83), foresight (D), storm of vengeance (DC 63) 8th (8+1/day) – bodak’s glare (x2) (DC 90), dimensional lock, extended greater consumptive field (DC 89), heat drain (DC 82), mass inflict critical wounds (DC 82), pestilence (DC 82), extended ravenous darkness (DC 81), unholy aura (D) (DC 62). 7th (8+1/day) – blood to water (DC 81), greater harm (DC 81), mark of the unfaithful, plague (DC 81), planar bubble, withering palm (x2) (D) (DC 81), wretched blight (x2) (DC 61). 6th(8+1/day) – antilife shell (D), energy immunity, ghost trap, harm (x2) (DC 80), mass frostburn (DC 80), mass make manifest, thousand needles (DC 60), wind walk. 5th (10+1/day) – bewildering mischance (DC 59), bleed (DC 79), charnel fire (DC 79), divine retribution (DC 59), door of decay, manifest death (x2), manifest life, mass contagion (DC 79), slay living (D) (DC 87), soul scour (DC 79). 4th (10+1/day) – consumptive field (DC 86), discern lies (DC 58), divine power, frostburn (x2) (DC 78), hypothermia (DC 58), morality undone (DC 58) (D), pronouncement of fate (DC 78), wall of pain (DC 78), wrack (x2) (DC 78). 3rd (10+1/day) – attune form, bestow curse (DC 77) (D), black sand (DC 77), briar web (DC 57), circle of nausea (DC 57), darkfire, invisibility purge, know vulnerabilities, mantle of evil, slashing darkness (x2). 2nd (10+1/day) – avoid planar effects, black karma curse (DC 56), boneblast (DC 76), curse of petty failing (DC 76), death knell (DC 84) (D), divine interdiction (DC 56), execration (DC 76), mark of judgement (DC 76), protection from positive energy, rigor mortis (DC 76) (x2). 1st (11+1/day) – angry ache (DC 75) (x2), bane (DC 55) (D), curse water, deathwatch (x2), dispel ward, divine favor, entropic shield, glimpse of fear (DC 55), painless death, protection from good. Orisons (6/day) – guidance, inflict minor wounds (x2) (DC 74), no light, slash tongue (x2) (DC 54). *D = Domain spell
Necromancer Spells per Day (CL 50th or 79th for necromancy spells; 67th vs SR or 96th for necromancy spells; +1 evil spells, +9 [death] spells; 3 quickened spells/round; all spells are fell weakening, maximized, and quickened; all necromancy spells are intensified and reaping) 22nd (4/day) – chained heightened irresistible hasten the end (DC 100), chained heightened irresistible heartfreeze (DC 100), heightened irresistible wail of the banshee (x2) (DC 111). 21st (4/day) – chained heightened intensified repeated ashen union (x2) (DC 83), heightened necrotic termination (DC 96), heightened irresistible wail of the banshee (DC 100). 20th (4/day) – enhanced intensified burst of glacial wrath (x2) (DC 64), enervated heightened moilian horrid wilting (x2) (DC 93). 19th (4/day) – heightened moilian avascular mass (DC 102), fell draining heightened moilian avasculate (DC 100), enervated fell draining intensified polar ray (x2). 18th (5/day) – enhanced enervated heightened moilian horrid wilting (x2) (DC 87), heightened trap the soul (DC 73), heightened soul bind (DC 101), heightened wish (DC 73). 17th (5/day) – empowered enervated fell draining repeated blackfire (x2) (DC 83), extended heightened karmic retribution (DC 71), heightened mind rape (DC 72), heightened necrotic tumor (DC 92). 16th (5/day) – intensified burst of glacial wrath (DC 64), chained enhanced heightened fleshshiver (DC 84), heightened mummify (x2) (DC 91), intensified time stop. 15th (5/day) – chained intensified atrophy (x2) (DC 80), repeated twinned avasculate (x2) (DC 91), chained heightened gutwrench (DC 95). 14th (6/day) – chained repeated flensing (x2) (DC 63), enhanced empowered moilian horrid wilting (DC 83), intensified spell turning, heightened steal life (DC 89), empowered enervated heightened touch of the graveborn (DC 85). 13th (6/day) – extended heightened entomb (x2) (DC 67), chained twinned heartfreeze (DC 81), heightened necrotic eruption (DC 88), twinned wail of the banshee (x2) (DC 92). 12th (6/day) – chained twinned atrophy (DC 80), heightened avascular mass (x2) (DC 95), intensified cloudkill (DC 60), enhanced horrid wilting (DC 83), enhanced zajimarn’s field of icy razors (DC 63). 11th (6/day) – heightened bestow greater curse (DC 88), intensified doom scarabs (DC 79), twinned energy ebb, chained hasten the end (DC 83), chained heightened necrotic burst (DC 81), empowered time stop. 10th (7/day) – enervated moilian blackfire (x3) (DC 83), enhanced necrotic eruption (x2) (DC 82), chained finger of death (x2) (DC 90). 9th (9/day) – binding chain of fate (DC 64), extended blackfire (x2) (DC 83), imprisonment (DC 64), mordenkainen’s disjunction, heightened necrotic cyst (DC 84), extended necrotic empowerment, reaving dispel, utterdark. 8th (9/day) – desert binding (DC 63), fell draining freezing fog, flensing (DC 63), chained gelid blood (DC 80), greater celerity (x2), hasten the end (x2) (DC 83), moilian touch of the graveborn (DC 83). 7th (9/day) – antimagic ray (DC 62), bigby’s grasping hand, choking cobwebs (DC 62), energy absorption, finger of death (DC 90), ghost trap, necrotic curse, necrotic tumor (DC 82), empowered night’s caress (DC 80). 6th (10/day) – moilian ashen union (DC 81), eyes of the oracle, freezing fog (DC 61), moilian ghoul gauntlet (DC 89), greater anticipate teleportation, heartfreeze (DC 81), mummify (DC 81), heightened necrotic cyst (x2) (DC 81), empowered wither (DC 79). 5th (10/day) – atrophy (x2) (DC 80), bone spurs (DC 80), channeled lifetheft, choking sands (DC 80), gelid blood (DC 80), greater blink, greater spectral hand, miasma of entropy (DC 80), moilian night’s caress (DC 80). 4th (10/day) – alliance undone, backlash (DC 59), bleakness, bloodstar (DC 59), damning darkness (DC 59), doom scarabs (DC 79), enervation, evil glare (DC 79), touch of years (DC 79) 3rd (10/day) – aging touch (DC 78), arctic haze (DC 58), bedevil, crown of the grave, haste, necrotic bloat, rotting grasp, shivering touch, slow (DC 58), moilian vampiric touch (DC 78). 2nd (11/day) – ashstar (DC 57), curse of impending blades, darkbolt (DC 57), moilian desiccating bubble (DC 77), ghoul touch (DC 77), moilian heat leech (DC 77), ice darts, infernal wound, moilian kelgore’s grave mist, moilian tvash-prull’s bonefiddle (DC 77). 1st (11/day) – ancient knowledge, bestow wound (DC 56), bone rattle (DC 56), moilian chill touch (DC 76), death’s call (DC 76), forcewave (DC 56), lesser shivering touch, moilian negative energy ray (x2) (DC 76), nerveskitter, rot of ages (DC 76). Cantrips (4/day) – message, prestidigitation, read magic, touch of fatigue (DC 75). Prohibited Schools Enchantment and Illusion
Epic Spells per Day 6 arcane and 6 divine, up to Spellcraft DC 138 or 143 for necromancy spells; Epic Spells Known animus blast, animus blizzard, crown of vermin, eclipse, epic mage armor, epic spell reflection, gathering of maggots, greater ruin, hellball, horrendous desiccation, horrible army of the dead, let go of me, momento mori, mummy dust, necromantic singularity, pestilence, ruin, tolodine’s killing wind. Myrkul has additionally devised many unique epic spells that allow him to corrupt the mind, body and soul as well as “expedite” the appearance of new arrivals to Bone Castle. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Abilities Str 48, Dex 46, Con -, Int 54, Wis 52, Cha 48 SQ avatar (20), caster level increase (necromancy) +2, divinity, immediate magic (cursed glance), immortality, minor school esoterica (10 rounds), moderate school esoterica (1 round/spell level), necromantic prowess +4 Feats Black Lore of Moil, Combat Reflexes, Chain Spell, Charnel Miasma, Cleave, Dark Speech (B), Empower Spell, Enervate Spell, Extend Spell, Fell Drain, Fell Weaken, Fortify Spell, Greater Spell Focus (necromancy) (B), Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative (B), Improved Unarmed Strike, Irresistible Spell, Maximize Spell (B), Master of the Dead, Mother Cyst, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Repeat Spell, Skill Focus (Spellcraft) (B), Spell Focus (necromancy), Spell Rehearsal, Superior Unarmed Strike, Theurgic Specialist (necromancy), Twin Spell, Weapon Focus (scythe) Epic Feats Enhance Spell, Epic Spellcasting (B), Epic Spell Focus (necromancy), Epic Weapon Focus (scythe), Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Heighten Spell, Intensify Spell, Multispell (x2), Negative Energy Burst, Planar Turning, Superior Initiative, Undead Mastery, Zone of Animation Salient Divine Abilities Annihilating Strike (Fort DC 86 or die; destroy 17,000 ft of matter), Arcane Mastery, Ashes to Ashes (unique salient divine ability), Automatic Metamagic (fell weaken, quicken spell), Divine Spell Focus (necromancy), Divine Spellcasting, Divine Weapon Focus (scythe), Divine Weapon Specialization (scythe), Frightful Presence (Will DC 78; gaze), Hand of Death (Fort DC 86 or die, 162 damage on a successful save), Know Death, Know Secrets (Will DC 78), Know Me and Fear Me (unique salient divine ability), Lay Curse (Will DC 78), Life and Death (Fort DC 86 or die, 340 damage on a successful save), Life Drain (Will DC 86 or die, cloud 170 ft wide), Lord of Bones (unique salient divine ability), Mass Life and Death (any number of creatures no more than 17 miles apart, Fort DC 86 or die, 340 damage on a successful save), Supreme Initiative, The Reaper (unique salient divine ability), Undead Mastery (17 creatures), Undead Qualities Skills Appraise 84 (92 alchemical substances and reagents, books and scrollwork), Balance 80, Bluff 90, Concentration 124, Craft (alchemy) 127, Craft (bookbinding) 127, Decipher Script 127, Diplomacy 126, Disguise 81 (85 acting), Forgery 84, Gather Information 94, Hide 80, Intimidate 94, Knowledge (arcana, architecture and engineering, dungeoneering, geography, history, local, nature, religion, the planes) 127, Listen 92, Move Silently 88, Profession (judge) 124, Search 127 (135 secret doors and compartments), Sense Motive 92, Spot 92, Spellcraft 138 (123 epic enchantment and illusion spells, 133 non-epic enchantment and illusion, 140 necromancy spells, 142 scrolls, 143 epic necromancy spells), Survival 83 (91 above ground, avoid getting lost and hazards, extraplanar, tracking, underground), Use Magic Device 81 (97 scrolls) Possessions black robe of the reaper, reaper’s smile
Alter Reality Myrkul is an embodiment of divine power and reality is his to alter as he sees fit. This effectively functions as the wish spell that costs him no XP and requires a standard action to implement. In effect, this allows Myrkul to duplicate any effect as long as it relates to his area of influence. For example, he can duplicate any class skill, ability or spell that relates to the dead, darkness, corruption or decay. He can create any necromantic effect and animate any form of undead. He can wither away even immortals and summon the spirits of the dead. He can deny death to the dying, call forth the chill of autumn or blanket entire areas in the pallor of eternal twilight.
The Reaper can create temporary, nonmagical objects, magic items or creatures for up to 17 hours, and can also create permanent nonmagical objects. He can also render a magical or supernatural effect permanent and reshape landscapes. The limits to these abilities are fully defined in Deities and Demigods.
Alter Size As a free action, Myrkul can assume any size from Fine to Colossal. He also can change the size of up to 1,700 pounds of objects he touches.
Ashes to Ashes (unique salient divine ability) Myrkul’s hideous skeletal arms bear a dreadful malediction that rots away at body and soul and drives even the hardiest to madness. Any creature that Myrkul touches or strikes with an unarmed strike suffers 136 points of damage (half of which is divine and half of which is negative energy damage) and must additionally succeed at a Fortitude save at DC 78 or contract a fearsome supernatural disease that is a far more powerful variant of mummy rot (2d8 Con and 2d8 Str damage; incubation period 1d6 rounds). This fleshrot affects beings normally immune to disease and ability score damage, and healing spells cast on the victim must succeed at a caster level check against CL 82nd or only function at 50% normal effectiveness. Any creature that dies rises as a juju zombie under Myrkul’s control. A living being suffering fleshrot sees all living things slowly rotting away and decaying into undead creatures and must succeed at a Will save at DC 78 or be driven to insanity by the horrific sight.
Fleshrot can only be cured by a deity with the Gift of Life or Hand of Death salient divine abilities, or by an epic spell using the Life seed that must succeed at a caster level check against Myrkul’s necromantic caster level. Myrkul can channel Ashes to Ashes through any weapon he wields and through his natural attacks.
Myrkul can also subject both the living and the dead to the ennui of time by withering them away to dust on the wind. 17 times per day, the Lord of Bones can create a field of billowing shadows from the Gray Waste that extends to a radius of 170 ft. originating from a point of his choice. Creatures caught within the area are aged beyond their years, suffering 4 points of Strength, Dexterity and Constitution drain (or Charisma, for undead, constructs and creatures that lack a Constitution score) and are aged to the next age category for every round they remain within the cloud. A successful Fortitude saving throw (DC 78) halves the drain and negates the aging process.
Any creature that ages beyond venerable age dies as its body withers away into gray sand, while its spirit is reanimated as a ghost under Myrkul’s control. Creatures that normally increase in power as they age, such as dragons, or are immune to aging, are treated as middle-aged for the purposes of determining the effects of Ashes to Ashes.
Avatar Myrkul can have up to twenty avatars at any given time. Old Lord Skull typically appears as a four-armed scythe-wielding skeletal monstrosity with black, cracked lips and sunken eyes gleaming with a cold, evil light, clad in a billowing black cowled robe. Myrkul’s visible skin is scaly and wrinkled and covered with knobby lesions, and the bones of his lower torso are covered by withered sinews and wasted flesh.
Create Spirit Doll Myrkul may create a spiritual bond between an item he has created (usually a doll or similar object) and a single enemy. Creating this item requires 100 gp and a sample of the hair, skin, fingernails, or other bodily material of the victim. He may cast any spell of 3rd level or lower with a touch range on the creature without making a touch attack roll by casting the spell on the bonded object. The creature gains a +2 circumstance bonus on its saving throw (if any) against the effect. Myrkul must be within long range (400 ft. + 40 ft/level) of his target and have line of effect to it to use the object in this manner.
Myrkul may create one of these items per month, but he may not have more than one active at a time. When he creates a new bound item, his previous one loses its power.
Caster Level Increase (Ex) Myrkul adds +2 to his caster level when casting spells from the school of necromancy.
Cursed Glance (Sp) When a visible enemy within 60 feet targets Myrkul with an attack or spell, he can respond with a curse. If the enemy fails a Will save (DC 41), it takes a -2 penalty to AC and on saving throws. Myrkul has traded away his ability to summon a familiar for this ability.
Divine Blast Myrkul can create a ray of divine power that extends for up to 17 miles, dealing up to 420 points of damage, as a ranged touch attack with no saving throw. Myrkul can unleash a divine blast 21 times per day, and alter the visual, auditory and sensation-based qualities of his divine blast as he desires. Myrkul’s divine blasts generally take the form of grasping skeletal hands made of gray-black fire.
Divine Shield As a free action 21 times per day, Myrkul can create a shield that lasts 10 minutes and stops 170 points of damage from attacks. Once the shield stops that much damage, it collapses. Any damage Myrkul is naturally immune to does not count towards the shield’s limits.
Know Me and Fear Me (unique salient divine ability) Myrkul’s presence is a reminder to mortal and immortal alike that he awaits their coming. Any creature that looks upon the Lord of the Dead, that meets his gaze or that has been affected by his Frightful Presence salient divine ability must succeed at a Will save (DC 78) or suffer a -17 penalty to opposed ability and skill checks, armor class, attack rolls, and saving throws made against him for 24 hours. On a successful save, the penalty is reduced to -8. Creatures that have already failed their save against his Frightful Presence or with less than 32 Hit Dice do not gain a saving throw against Know Me and Fear Me.
In addition, any creature that fails its saving throw against Know Me and Fear Me additionally has the exact nature of their history of extended longevity (undeath, magical items, class features and so forth) revealed to Myrkul.
Lord of Bones (unique salient divine ability) As the power that governs the dead of Abeir-Toril, Myrkul’s dominion extends to the undead as well. He uses his character level to determine his effective base level for the purpose of rebuking undead, and undead do not apply their turn resistance against Myrkul’s rebuke attempts. Myrkul always commands undead he would normally rebuke. Any creature that has extended its lifespan beyond the maximum allowed by its race, whether by magic or undeath or through the Extended Lifespan feat, is considered undead for the purpose of Myrkul’s rebuke attempts.
In addition, Myrkul can both create and destroy undead by touch. By touching his hand to a corpse, Myrkul can reanimate it as an undead creature of his choice. Conversely, he can force any undead creature he touches to succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 78) or be disrupted, turning to dust even he cannot reanimate. Undead he reanimates in this manner with 17 Intelligence or less are under his absolute control, while intelligent undead with 18 Intelligence or higher must perform a single service and are then free-willed. Undead animated in such a manner do not count against his limits for controlling and creating undead.
Finally, Old Lord Skull shares many qualities with the eldest of his undead servants. He uses his Charisma in place of Constitution to determine his bonus hit points.
Major School Esoterica (Ex) Three times per day, whenever Myrkul casts a necromancy spell, undead allies within 60 feet gain fast healing 10 for 5 rounds.
Minor School Esoterica (Ex) When Old Lord Skull casts a necromancy spell, undead allies within 60 feet gain +10 turn resistance and a +10 bonus on saves for 10 rounds.
Moderate School Esoterica (Ex) When Myrkul casts a necromancy spell, he gains immunity to ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, and negative levels for a number of rounds equal to the spell#146;s level.
Necromantic Prowess (Ex) Myrkul has unsurpassed power over death. When he rebukes undead, casts a necromancy spell, or uses a spell-like ability that mimics a necromancy spell, his effective caster level increases by +4.
The Reaper (unique salient divine ability) Myrkul is the cold inevitability of death. Death cannot be stopped and comes for all, such that even those who claim to be eternal and undying are worn away by its inexplicable approach. Myrkul is the Reaper, the finality of life. No door can bar his way, no guardian can withstand him.
All creatures within Old Lord Skull’s divine aura feel the cold grasp of death clawing at them and must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 78) or have fast healing, natural healing, or regeneration and immunity to death effects, fatigue, exhaustion, disease, negative levels, ability damage and ability drain completely suppressed within Myrkul’s presence and for 24 hours afterwards. On a successful saving throw, creatures instead only suffer the effects for as long as they remain within Myrkul’s presence. Spells and effects within the area that restore hit point or ability score damage, remove diseases or negative levels, or raise the dead must succeed at a caster level check against Myrkul, who is treated as an 82nd level caster for the purpose of this effect, or fail utterly.
Myrkul’s necromantic powers are also infused with deathly power. Any spell from the school of necromancy cast by Myrkul is automatically intensified and reaping, and additionally ignores any form of immunity to their effects. Creatures naturally immune to necromantic effects instead gain a +4 bonus to their saving throws against Myrkul’s spells and he uses the totality of his divine rank to determine the bonus of his Divine Spell Focus salient divine ability. Furthermore, any spell with the [death] descriptor or salient divine ability that brings instant death utilized by Myrkul gains a +8 bonus to the caster level and saving throw DC, which stacks with any existing bonuses.
Finally, Myrkul is incapable of being flanked, caught flat-footed, or otherwise taken unaware except by a character who possesses the Improved Uncanny Dodge class ability and is at least 17 levels higher than Myrkul’s total Hit Dice.
Zone of Desecration (Su) Myrkul is wreathed in a supernatural aura of negative energy identical to the effects of the desecrate spell in a 140 ft. radius except that it affects only allied undead.
Possessions Myrkul wields reaper’s smile, perhaps the single most infamous weapon in Abeir-Toril. The flawless gleaming blade of the Reaper’s intricate ebony-hafted scythe is a manifestation of the inevitability that eventually claims the living, divine and undead alike, and functions as a +10 keen, mighty cleaving and speed adamantine scythe of icy blast and consumptive and profane burst. Reaper’s smile can cut into both the astral and ethereal planes, allowing Myrkul to strike creatures existing on both planes as well as instantaneously severing the silver cord of any astrally-projecting creature, and can additionally cut through any creature in gaseous form or under similar effects.
As a full round action usable once per minute, and only when held by Old Lord Skull, reaper’s smile can immediately attempt to harvest the souls of all creatures within range by sweeping through the air to create an effect analogous to the ephemeral storm shadowcaster mystery that otherwise functions as a necromantic [death] effect of the highest spell level cast by the wielder. Any creature slain by reaper’s smile immediately has its soul hurled to the Castle of Bones to await Myrkul’s judgement.
The blade of reaper’s smile always bears a faint cold-blue tint and strikes made by the weapon always inflict 2 points of physical ability score damage. When held by Myrkul, reaper’s smile also functions as a mace of ruin and a souldrinker. (CL 65th)
Myrkul always wears the black robe of the reaper. When worn, it bestows a +15 profane bonus to armor class and saving throws, halves all physical and magical damage taken by Myrkul and allows him to fly at his land speed with perfect maneuverability. In addition, it also allows him and his equipment to become ethereal at will for as long as he desires while allowing him to attack and cast spells normally. Any melee or ranged weapon that strikes the wearer of the black robe of the reaper must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 78) or wither away into dust. Any creature that strikes the wearer with a melee weapon, unarmed strike or touch attack suffers 2 negative levels. (CL 65th)
Other Divine Powers As a greater deity, Myrkul automatically receives the best possible result on any die roll he makes (including attack rolls, damage, checks, and saves). He treats a 1 on an attack roll or saving throw normally and not as an automatic failure. He is immortal. Senses Myrkul can see (using normal vision or darkvision), hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 17 miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within 17 miles of his worshippers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to 20 locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 17 hours. Portfolio Sense Myrkul is aware of any act involving death and the dead, any act done under the cover of dusk or during autumn, and any act of physical and spiritual corruption regardless of the number of people involved up to 17 weeks in the past and 17 weeks in the future. Automatic Actions Myrkul can use any skill related to his portfolio as a free action if the DC for the task is 30 or lower. He can perform up to twenty such free actions each round. Create Magic Items Myrkul can craft any magical item that associated with the school of necromancy, death and the dead, decay, corruption, dusk or autumn, including artifacts.
NEW SPELLS Aging Touch [Dragon Magazine 350 p77] Necromancy Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 3 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Target: Living creature touched Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes Your touch ages living creatures. Any creature you touch with a successful melee touch attack takes 1 point of Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution damage. This aging is reflected in the target’s appearance- skin becomes more wrinkled and pockmarked, hair turns white, posture stoops- and while this has no additional negative effect, it does provide a cumulative +2 bonus on Disguise checks. Only the target’s body is aged by this spell, and it gains none of the benefits of growing older naturally. Creatures that gain benefits by age category do not gain additional advantages due to this spell, for example, a gold dragon.
Every time a creature is affected by this spell, it is aged one age category, example a young creature becomes middle-aged, a middle-aged creature becomes old, an old creature becomes venerable. Assume a creature without a given age category is young. All the effects are cumulative. If a venerable creature is touched, it instead takes 5d6 points of damage each time, as its body succumbs to the ravages of incredibly swift decay.
Ability damage from this spell heal as normal, while the Disguise bonus decreases by 2 per day. Material Component: A pinch of dust.
Atrophy [Dragon Magazine 300 p53] Necromancy [Evil] Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 5 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft / 2 levels) Target: One living creature Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Saving Throw: Fortitude partial Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell has two linked effects. An affected creature suffers 1d8 points of Dexterity damage and 1d8 points of Constitution damage. In addition, the creature’s arms and legs wither and become nearly useless. The creature suffers a 25% chance of failure each time the creature attempts an action that requires the use of its arms or feet. The creature’s base speed is cut in half and it cannot run. The creature’s limbs remain withered until the damage from this spell is healed, either naturally or magically. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the failure chance and speed reduction.
Also if the creature fails the save, a magical link connects the caster and the affected creature. This link siphons a portion of the creature’s pain and anguish to the caster, who receives this energy as a +2 enhancement bonus that can be applied to an ability score, a skill, or a saving throw for a number of minutes equal to your caster level. Material Component: A patch of dried skin taken from a dead body
Bone Spurs [Dragon Magazine 300 54] Necromancy [Evil] Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 5 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft / 2 levels) Target: One living creature Duration: 1 round / 4 levels Saving Throw: Fortitude partial Spell Resistance: Yes Those who successfully resist this spell suffer a flash of pain and take 2d6 points of damage. A victim who fails her save falls prone, dazed by pain as jagged bone spurs grow out of her body. These spurs cut skin and tissue to ribbons. Each round the spell persists, it causes 4d6 points of damage and 2 points of Dexterity damage to the victim. This damage also applies to any armor or clothing worn by the victim. While the bone spurs grow, slithering bands of energy lance out of the victim's body, inflicting id6 points of vile damage to all living creatures within 5 feet of the victim each round.
Once the spell's duration ends, new bone spur growth is halted, but the magical disease continues to course through the victim's body. The victim may make a new Fortitude saving throw once a day to recover from the disease; each failed saving throw results in 1 point of Charisma damage as the bone spurs continue to grow into fantastic shapes much like antlers. A successful saving throw indicates that the victim has recovered from the disease. Once the victim recovers from the disease, The exposed bone spurs die and fall off, leaving the victim's body badly scarred and deformed. A wish, miracle, limited wish, regeneration, or heal spell cures the bone spurs and any lingering deformity. Casting any of these spells or a remove disease spell on an afflicted victim during the duration of the spell ends the spell and cures the victim.
Hasten the End [Dragonlance: Holy Orders of the Stars 70] Necromancy [Evil] Level: Cleric 8, Sorcerer/Wizard 8 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 round Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft / 2 levels) Target: Target creature Duration: Concentration Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes This spell causes the target to age rapidly in a short amount of time. Each round that the spell affects the target creature, it must make a Fortitude saving throw. Failure bestows a negative level upon the creature, and ages it 10 years. A successful save indicates that the creature is unaffected by the negative levels, and does not age. If the creature’s negative levels equal its Hit Dice, or its total age has surpassed its lifespan at any point during the spell’s duration, the creature dies. Material Component: An hourglass, which must be opened on one end to allow the sand to slowly spill out during casting.
6 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
LordofBones |
Posted - 20 Dec 2024 : 00:25:15 Just a revision to Myrkul to bring him in line with my newer deities, which I'll be doing for all my past work. |
LordofBones |
Posted - 19 Jun 2024 : 08:10:45 The Hand of Myrkul is a power exclusive to his most powerful Gray Ones, but the god himself doesn't have it in avatar form as seen in Faiths and Avatars.
Ayrik |
Posted - 19 Jun 2024 : 03:14:20 2E Forgotten Realms Adventures described "Myrkul's Hands" ... which I don't see here. |
Galuf the Dwarf |
Posted - 17 Jun 2024 : 19:59:18 quote: Originally posted by LordofBones
I'm using the RPGA Living Greyhawk module CORS4-02 Here There Be Dragons True Necromancer, which is exactly the same as the LM True Necromancer, only it gives full spellcasting progression. Just knock off two caster levels from both Myrkul's wizard and cleric casting if you want the LM version.
That's more or less the character stats I could see the Lord of Bones (Myrkul, not you ) having. |
LordofBones |
Posted - 17 Jun 2024 : 00:37:11 quote: Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
Master Necromancer is the Master Specialist from Complete Mage, correct? I know the 3.5 True Necromancer is featured in Libris Mortis.
I'm using the RPGA Living Greyhawk module CORS4-02 Here There Be Dragons True Necromancer, which is exactly the same as the LM True Necromancer, only it gives full spellcasting progression. Just knock off two caster levels from both Myrkul's wizard and cleric casting if you want the LM version. |
Galuf the Dwarf |
Posted - 16 Jun 2024 : 20:15:12 Master Necromancer is the Master Specialist from Complete Mage, correct? I know the 3.5 True Necromancer is featured in Libris Mortis. |