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 Help Finding a Short Story Again?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Daviot Posted - 16 Jan 2024 : 01:08:46
Due to chronic illness sapping my energies and parental meddling that finally put away boxes of books in my house—entirely out of order and scattered without reason across five bookshelves...I was recently reminded of a Realms short story that I cannot for the life of me find my hard copy of, nor remember the name of. After much digging, I found Best of the Realms 1 and 3 (2 is still AWOL), Realms of War, and Realms of Magic, all on different bookshelves...across three rooms of my house.

If I remember (halfway) correctly, the concept was of a secret agent (a highknight, I think?) who effectively acted as a "secret agent", using the cover story of a castle inspector who liked/specialized in crenellations/battlements?

Assistance would be most appreciated.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Daviot Posted - 16 Jan 2024 : 18:23:17
Thanks so much! A bit more checking confirms I came across its reprint via Best of the Realms Volume 2...the volume of which is lost to the chaos of the aforementioned bookshelving.
Blademaster Posted - 16 Jan 2024 : 01:59:18
You query jogged my memory and if I have the correct story, it is in Realms of Mystery. The story is called The Grinning Ghost of Taverton Hall by Ed Greenwood. Thankfully my bookshelf is right behind me :)

The character in question is "Glarasteer Rhauligan, dealer in turret tops and spires. No embattlement too small, no embrasure too large, no crenellation too eccentric. If you can draw it, I can build it!"

And he was a Harper agent and spy for Alusair Obarskyr.

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