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 Looking for Evermeet information

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Collector Posted - 01 Aug 2020 : 16:10:46
I had a character that I played in 2E and 3.5E who was an evermeet native- I created an elaborate backstory after reading everything I could get my hands on about Elves in the Forgotten realms and determined to create "the elfiest elf who ever elfed".

IN the course of play, he discovered a moonblade, and that prompted me to write a story about it and how it wound up in his hands. Now i'm up to my fundament in story ideas, but the timeline of Evermeet History is damnably vague. I'm looking for a timeline of canon events on the island of Evermeet from 741DR onward. Both so that I can reference them in my work, and also to avoid clashing with any canon.

can anyone refer me to something more detailed than " Zaor moonflower became king and then was assassinated in 1371 DR."?

Edit: My writing project involves collection of Stories detailing the history and finding of each of his magic items, most of which are ancient elven Relics. He belongs to a knightly order that seeks out such items and protects ancient sites for preservation, and if possible, shipment to Evermeet.

I'm currently writing about his "first life" on Evermeet. where he was born, grew old, and nearly died, but "youthened" when he met Amalruil and fell head over heels for her, and opted for an elven do-over, a life spent striving to be worthy of her while he worshipped her from afar.

Since they fixed the realms in 5E, there's a way to keep him around to the present day. a narrative space that he can occupy, and a way to finish his story.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
George Krashos Posted - 19 Sep 2020 : 03:52:29
1. Far too young, but Amlaruil was "special".
2. 889 DR by my reckoning
3. 116 years
4. Who knows

-- George Krashos
The Collector Posted - 02 Aug 2020 : 05:46:40
Originally posted by George Krashos

Eric Boyd and I have fleshed out the history of the Moonflower moonblades (there are three in that family) and the lineage of Zaor and events in Evermeet after his arrival there in 715 DR. It might make its way here to the Keep soon.
-- George Krashos

that would be quite useful
My character is from a minor Sept of House Moonflower, And an evermeet native, so anything with a timeline from 714 to say ten years after Zaor's death would be quite helpful.

I'm currently writing of his "first life" upon evermeet, and I need more depth of detail than seems availale in the standard sources. They've got myth drannor plotted in 5 minute increments. but nearly a thousand years of Zaor's rule? if you blink, you'll miss the reference in all the extant histories of the realms.

for example, what year did Amlaruil become a high mage? when did she become mistress of the towers. How long was zaor married to his first wife? what else was happening on the island during those times?
The Collector Posted - 02 Aug 2020 : 05:14:07
[quote]Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Well, first of all, are you familiar with the Elves of Evermeet sourcebook and the novel Evermeet? Those are the primary sources of info for Evermeet.

I've read them all. in fact the novel was what inspired the character in the first place.

What I'm looking for is a timeline of the events on the island from 714 to just after Zaor's assassination. Hardle any of the source material contain actual dates and events from Zaor's reign.

George Krashos Posted - 01 Aug 2020 : 19:42:23
Eric Boyd and I have fleshed out the history of the Moonflower moonblades (there are three in that family) and the lineage of Zaor and events in Evermeet after his arrival there in 715 DR. It might make its way here to the Keep soon.

-- George Krashos
Wooly Rupert Posted - 01 Aug 2020 : 17:57:07
Well, first of all, are you familiar with the Elves of Evermeet sourcebook and the novel Evermeet? Those are the primary sources of info for Evermeet.

The former, you can get a pdf from, or you can check eBay or for print copies.

Amazon has a Kindle version of the novel, and at least one used paperback copy for $15. I see it a lot on eBay, too.

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