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 What is the earliest date for dwarves?

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Gray Richardson Posted - 18 Jun 2007 : 18:54:03
I have been trying to get a feel for the timeline of dwarves in the Realms. Sources point to an origin point in the Yehimal mountains in the distant past. It is said they spread out from there into Kara-Tur, Zakhara and Faerūn.

The earliest date I can find for dwarves is the founding of the Kingdom of Bhaerynden below the Southern Plains "over 16,000 years ago" or circa 15,000 DR (give or take).

Does anyone know of any earlier dates for dwarves in the Realms?
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Lord Karsus Posted - 26 May 2012 : 21:15:50
Originally posted by Markustay

The link appears to be broken - anyone else have a copy of this source?

I need some solid dates for dwarves (and NO, I don't mean to set them up for the underdark spring mixer).

-It was only the Dwarven-related entries from A Grand History of the Realms separated and listed next to each other. Just like the Shou one was all of the Kara-Tur-related entries, the Elven one all of the Elven-related entries, and so on. Do a search for 'Dwarf', 'Dwarven', or whatever else in the .PDF document, and you'll get most, if not all of what that consisted of.
Markustay Posted - 26 May 2012 : 19:02:56
Ack. I need Ie to see it... damn.

I will not ever turn on that piece of malware - all it ever wants to do is "improve your browsing experience", which is corp.-speak for "blast you with thousands of ads" (and make your computer a slow PoS.)

Damn, I'm on a tear today... I need to take some meds or something...

I think I'll download it with someone else's computer and mail it to myself. It looks like a good read.

EDIT: Thanks Ayrik
Ayrik Posted - 26 May 2012 : 18:45:38
+1 Wooly's little linky being broken (you should really have that checked).

But I did find **** THIS **** ... is it a copy of the same lore?
Markustay Posted - 26 May 2012 : 18:19:51
Casts *Raise scroll*
Originally posted by Purple Dragon Knight

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Most dwarves don't start dating until about their early 40's, though it's not uncommon for dwarves in their late 30's to start dating.

On a more serious note, don't forget about Brian R. James's Xoth Jakolor, The History of the Dwarven People of Faerūn.

WOW!!! thanks Wooly! and THANKS Brian R. James! I was not aware of this site until just now! (I can't wait to read this, which I may or may not do from work... )
The link appears to be broken - anyone else have a copy of this source?

I need some solid dates for dwarves (and NO, I don't mean to set them up for the underdark spring mixer).
Markustay Posted - 25 Jun 2007 : 22:13:49

Guess I have to modify my "Timeline of the Wastes" as well. Thats going to put a 4000 year kink into things.

I guess that other thread has you searching high and low for the truth of the 'Black Diamond' legend, eh Gray?

BTW, the fact that the Dwarves now migrated out of the Yehimals soon after the Sundering could mean that the Elves literally 'brought the roof down' on them.
Brian R. James Posted - 19 Jun 2007 : 16:22:36
Alas, Xoth Jaklor hasn't been updated in a while and is starting to show its age. As George indicated c. -16000 is now the official date for the first dwarven settlements in the Yehimals.

As far as dwarves interloping before the elves: As this statement is not backed up by supporting lore, I chalk it up to an honest designer mistake. But you never know, a future sourcebook may come along and turn this little conundrum into a happy accident and explain away the inconsistency with fantastic new Realmslore. I know of no such plans mind you, but it’s inevitable with the like of Krashos and Boyd keeping watch on the Realms.
George Krashos Posted - 19 Jun 2007 : 14:36:00
I personally dated the 'dwarves in the Yehimal Mountains' at c. -16000 DR for various timelines.

-- George Krashos
Matthus Posted - 19 Jun 2007 : 11:13:31
Originally posted by Purple Dragon Knight
WOW!!! thanks Wooly! and THANKS Brian R. James! I was not aware of this site until just now! (I can't wait to read this, which I may or may not do from work... )

I can only side with the Knight here - but I must confess - I'm reading this from work

I always enjoy a good work on behalf of the Stout Folk and this timeline shortens my search on dwarven topics noticeably - Thanks again
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 19 Jun 2007 : 06:10:48
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Most dwarves don't start dating until about their early 40's, though it's not uncommon for dwarves in their late 30's to start dating.

On a more serious note, don't forget about Brian R. James's Xoth Jakolor, The History of the Dwarven People of Faerūn.

WOW!!! thanks Wooly! and THANKS Brian R. James! I was not aware of this site until just now! (I can't wait to read this, which I may or may not do from work... )
Gray Richardson Posted - 19 Jun 2007 : 01:43:46
Thanks Eric! Thanks Wooly! and by extension thanks Brian!

That is an awesome dwarf timeline, but looking at the first date mentioned, I think Brian's dating may be off by 3000 years or so. The earliest date in the Xoth Jaklor, and their earliest mention in the Grand History timeline as well, is given as -12,000 DR.

Races of Faerūn p.11 right under the history caption of the Gold Dwarves section says that Bhaerhynden was founded more than 16,000 years ago, which would put it around -15,000 DR (give or take a few hundred years).

And then, who knows how long it took the dwarves to migrate as far west as Bhaerynden from the Yehimals? I wonder also how much further back into the dark of history since the dwarves first appeared in the Yehimals.

The FRCS mentions that dwarves interloped before elves, which caused me to do a doubletake when that was pointed out to me this weekend. I had always thought the dwarves didn't have much history prior to -12,000 DR, and so I assumed that was about the time they arrived on Toril, but it now appears like they might have had a much longer (if quieter) history on Toril than I realized.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 18 Jun 2007 : 19:23:19
Most dwarves don't start dating until about their early 40's, though it's not uncommon for dwarves in their late 30's to start dating.

On a more serious note, don't forget about Brian R. James's Xoth Jakolor, The History of the Dwarven People of Faerūn.
ericlboyd Posted - 18 Jun 2007 : 19:11:42
Originally posted by Gray Richardson

I have been trying to get a feel for the timeline of dwarves in the Realms. Sources point to an origin point in the Yehimal mountains in the distant past. It is said they spread out from there into Kara-Tur, Zakhara and Faerūn.

The earliest date I can find for dwarves is the founding of the Kingdom of Bhaerynden below the Southern Plains "over 16,000 years ago" or circa 15,000 DR (give or take).

Does anyone know of any earlier dates for dwarves in the Realms?

I think that sounds about right. I assume you are getting the Yehimal Mountains origin from Demihuman Deities. Bhaerynden was really the beginning of dwarven culture in Faerun, and that was just one of the three branches from the Yehimal Mountains. However, it would not be unreasonable to make the Yehimal Mountain "founding state" short-lived or long-lived, depending on what fits for the DM.


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