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 The Barae of Mezro - Help wiith this order

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Matthus Posted - 11 Jun 2007 : 13:35:56
Fellow scribes,

I know that there are seven champions of Ubato, chosen by their god, which defend the holy city of Mezro.

Has anybody more information about them?

Thanks already - I know that you can help
24   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Xysma Posted - 13 Jul 2007 : 04:58:16
Originally posted by Matthus

Hey Xysma,

your reply just kindled my appetite to read the Ring again. But so many projects are waiting and it seems this book has to wait some more – at least it is nice to have your answer to the original question!

If it is ok for you I will put this information into the topic . Please let me know if you mind. Thanks in every case.

Sure thing, glad I could help, I love that thread!
Matthus Posted - 12 Jul 2007 : 23:38:19
Hey Xysma,

your reply just kindled my appetite to read the Ring again. But so many projects are waiting and it seems this book has to wait some more – at least it is nice to have your answer to the original question!

If it is ok for you I will put this information into the topic . Please let me know if you mind. Thanks in every case.
Xysma Posted - 12 Jul 2007 : 15:52:45
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Xysma

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Xysma

Ras T'Fima- Has been a bara for 1500 years. He was given the power to control the weather.

It should be noted that (spoiler, highlight to read) T'fima was stripped of his bara status. (/spoiler)

Good catch Wooly, that's what I get for posting before I finished the book. Which brings us to Fipya from The Sage's post. I have to assume she is the unnamed young girl from The Ring of Winter. The youngest bara, she was given the power to control plants.

Heh, I'm glad I hid the spoiler, then.

Me too, at the time of your post I had no idea and was mere pages away from that revelation.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Jul 2007 : 05:37:25
Originally posted by Xysma

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Xysma

Ras T'Fima- Has been a bara for 1500 years. He was given the power to control the weather.

It should be noted that (spoiler, highlight to read) T'fima was stripped of his bara status. (/spoiler)

Good catch Wooly, that's what I get for posting before I finished the book. Which brings us to Fipya from The Sage's post. I have to assume she is the unnamed young girl from The Ring of Winter. The youngest bara, she was given the power to control plants.

Heh, I'm glad I hid the spoiler, then.
Xysma Posted - 12 Jul 2007 : 04:21:24
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Xysma

Ras T'Fima- Has been a bara for 1500 years. He was given the power to control the weather.

It should be noted that (spoiler, highlight to read) T'fima was stripped of his bara status. (/spoiler)

Good catch Wooly, that's what I get for posting before I finished the book. Which brings us to Fipya from The Sage's post. I have to assume she is the unnamed young girl from The Ring of Winter. The youngest bara, she was given the power to control plants.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Jul 2007 : 20:44:33
Originally posted by Xysma

Ras T'Fima- Has been a bara for 1500 years. He was given the power to control the weather.

It should be noted that (spoiler, highlight to read) T'fima was stripped of his bara status. (/spoiler)
Xysma Posted - 11 Jul 2007 : 20:20:57
More information about the Barae of Mezro from The Ring of Winter.

Osaw- The King of Mezro, Osaw became a bara when he was 85 years old, hence his aged appearance. Osaw has been a bara for 1500 years. Ubtao granted Osaw the power to remember everything he sees or hears.

Kwalu- Kwalu is the son of Osaw, and a strong warrior. Kwalu has been a bara for about 100 years. He has the power to create a ravenous swarm of locusts that devour anything in their path.

Dhlamass Rayburton- One of the five founders and the first president of the Society of Stalwart Adventurers, Rayburton journeyed to Chult in search of the Ring of Winter. He is the first non-Tabaxi to become a bara. He has been a bara for about 1200 years. His Ubtao granted power is to comprehend and converse in any language.

Alisanda Rayburton- Dhlamass' daughter. "Sanda" has been a bara for about 500 years. Ubtao granted her the power to possess warm-blooded animals, including the mighty Children of Ubtao.

Mainu - Mainu, she of the golden eyes, was given control over the water of the Olung River

Ras T'Fima- Has been a bara for 1500 years. He was given the power to control the weather.

Ras Nsi- One of the first seven chosen of Ubtao, Ras Nsi was given the power to muster the dead.
scererar Posted - 10 Jul 2007 : 01:59:58
Yes, with all of the recent ring of winter topics, I grabbed my copy off of the old book shelf and started re-reading this novel.

I believe Ras Ni was one of the original 7 Paladins. There is a bit about it in the novel yes.
Xysma Posted - 09 Jul 2007 : 04:23:02
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Matthus

I only dimly remember – discussing the topic lets pop up some crumbs – wasn’t the story of Ras Ni in the novel?

I think part of it was... It's been a few years since I've read that one.

I'm actually reading that one now so I'll refresh your memory when I get to that part.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 14 Jun 2007 : 00:32:31
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Matthus

Another question to Xysma –exile means Ras Ni hasn’t been replaced in Mezro? As I understood the role of the champions of Ubato, they have to defend the city…

Well maybe I have to look out for Jungles of Chult now

You don't have to be in a place to defend it. It's up to Ubtao to strip his barae of power, if he feels they're not doing their job -- and he has done so, in the past. We don't know how Ubtao feels about Nsi's actions, but the fact that Ubtao hasn't stripped him of his bara status shows that he accepts those actions, even if he doesn't necessarily condone them.

I agree, and it's important to rememeber that Ubtao is Neutral.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Jun 2007 : 14:46:27
Originally posted by Matthus

I only dimly remember – discussing the topic lets pop up some crumbs – wasn’t the story of Ras Ni in the novel?

I think part of it was... It's been a few years since I've read that one.
Matthus Posted - 13 Jun 2007 : 14:32:32
You don't have to be in a place to defend it. It's up to Ubtao to strip his barae of power, if he feels they're not doing their job -- and he has done so, in the past. We don't know how Ubtao feels about Nsi's actions, but the fact that Ubtao hasn't stripped him of his bara status shows that he accepts those actions, even if he doesn't necessarily condone them.

I agree, there are many places to do the job - but this here stirs the hunger for more lore - or reading the Ring of Winter again. I only dimly remember – discussing the topic lets pop up some crumbs – wasn’t the story of Ras Ni in the novel?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Jun 2007 : 13:54:38
Originally posted by Matthus

Another question to Xysma –exile means Ras Ni hasn’t been replaced in Mezro? As I understood the role of the champions of Ubato, they have to defend the city…

Well maybe I have to look out for Jungles of Chult now

You don't have to be in a place to defend it. It's up to Ubtao to strip his barae of power, if he feels they're not doing their job -- and he has done so, in the past. We don't know how Ubtao feels about Nsi's actions, but the fact that Ubtao hasn't stripped him of his bara status shows that he accepts those actions, even if he doesn't necessarily condone them.
Matthus Posted - 13 Jun 2007 : 13:29:22
Originally posted by Xysma

Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

Ras Nsi is on my short list of NPCs that I would love to scare the heck out of my players with. He's one of those definately evil, but with a purpose, and willing to talk before killing, kind of villains thats fun to have the PCs meet and realize they have to tread carefully around.

If you do it, make sure you give us the details, I would love to see what you do with him.

I second this reply Always I’m looking for new ways to make my roll-playing sessions interesting – If you are willing to share some ideas – splendid.

Another question to Xysma –exile means Ras Ni hasn’t been replaced in Mezro? As I understood the role of the champions of Ubato, they have to defend the city…

Well maybe I have to look out for Jungles of Chult now

Xysma Posted - 13 Jun 2007 : 03:27:00
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

Ras Nsi is on my short list of NPCs that I would love to scare the heck out of my players with. He's one of those definately evil, but with a purpose, and willing to talk before killing, kind of villains thats fun to have the PCs meet and realize they have to tread carefully around.

If you do it, make sure you give us the details, I would love to see what you do with him.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 12 Jun 2007 : 22:41:38
Ras Nsi is on my short list of NPCs that I would love to scare the heck out of my players with. He's one of those definately evil, but with a purpose, and willing to talk before killing, kind of villains thats fun to have the PCs meet and realize they have to tread carefully around.
Xysma Posted - 12 Jun 2007 : 15:09:58
Originally posted by The Sage

Note, Brian's reference regarding Oyai refers to the first Bara of Ubtao in historical sources. The seven Barae, as noted in Jungles of Chult are:-

- Osaw
- Kwalu
- Dhlamass Rayburton
- Alisandra Rayburton
- Mainu
- Fipya
- Ras Ni

BTW Ras Nsi is now in exile. He was exiled after exterminating the Eshowe and he opposed the opening of the city in 1363 and continues to oppose Osaw. He hopes to one day reclaim the city with his army of undead and drive out all foreigners.
Matthus Posted - 12 Jun 2007 : 11:26:24
Thanks Loremaster Most High !

Always a pleasure to get so many and quick replies - I really enjoy posting here
The Sage Posted - 12 Jun 2007 : 05:48:21
Note, Brian's reference regarding Oyai refers to the first Bara of Ubtao in historical sources. The seven Barae, as noted in Jungles of Chult are:-

- Osaw
- Kwalu
- Dhlamass Rayburton
- Alisandra Rayburton
- Mainu
- Fipya
- Ras Ni
Matthus Posted - 12 Jun 2007 : 04:04:27
Thanks so far.

I must admit, that I didn't thougt about The Ring of winter

As I don't have the Jungles of Chult - maybe anybody who can give me the actual seven names at least. (We get the first Bara - thanks Brain )

Do you see a chance, that the barae have time or leassure to go adventuring in Chult - or are their activities restricted for the city?

Brian R. James Posted - 12 Jun 2007 : 01:58:12
The first Bara of Ubtao is a young Tabaxi girl named Oyai. Look to the upcoming GHotR for more information.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 11 Jun 2007 : 23:55:56
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Or the book The Ring of Winter. 'Twas a Harpers novel, and is one of my personal faves.

Yes, that was a good book, and worth tracking down online.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Jun 2007 : 17:30:39
Or the book The Ring of Winter. 'Twas a Harpers novel, and is one of my personal faves.
The Sage Posted - 11 Jun 2007 : 15:47:39
See the Jungles of Chult adventure module.

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