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 Questions about Moonshae royal family

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mandras Posted - 29 May 2007 : 07:19:45

Could someone point me to the right source or help me out with these questions:

How old are Keane & Alicia Kendrick in 1372?

Does High Queen Alicia Kendrick have children (IIRC latest Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting says she has offspring)?

What are the names of these children? How old are they? Any description available about them?

How old are Tristan & Robyn Kendrick in 1372?

Best Regards,

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kuje Posted - 30 May 2007 : 15:28:24
Dunno, not how I read parts of the module. It specifically says the cult is of Bane and it reads that Bane is behind the kidnapping, etc. Shrug. As I said, you could ask Ed. :)

Edit: That passage on page 38 doesn't specifically say that Cyric or another power is granting their spells, it just says that they might be. However, it says the priests are still getting their spells and they believe they are coming from Bane. This may, or may not, be true. However, the cult itself is a cult of Bane and someone, and it might be Bane, is giving them their spells.

Hells, for that matter, they could have that feat that allows them to get spells from a "dead" deity.
Mandras Posted - 30 May 2007 : 15:24:31
Originally posted by Kuje
Well. Dunno. The module says it takes place after the ToT's and the followers are followers of Bane. He sent his clergy to the Moonshae's to make in roads since there Faerun deities wanted to start converting more people on the Moonshaes. But you are right, Bane died in the ToT's, so the intro of this module conflicts with that info. However, if I had to choose, I'd say instead that Xvim supplied their spells, since he is active in this module.

You could ask Ed. He wrote the module.

And aye, I wish there was info on her children as well. :(

On page 38 the module states that the god who grants the Cult spells could be Cyric or some other dark power.

According to 2ed official materials Cyric gave spells to followers of Bane after the ToT (altho after Xvim was freed from Zhentil Keep he gave spells to those who prayed to Godson). So, if the Godson is free during that module (and he was set free in 1369 DR) I believe he would be the patron of the Cult. As the module states that Tristan Kendrick is the High King and the Forgotten Realms timelines that I have found so far state that this module takes place in 1359, I believe the god behind the Cult is Cyric and the "Godson" on of his deceptions.

Also, the module states that the Zhentarim (especially Manshoon) wished to use this Cult as an opposing force against Fzoul Chembryl and Manshoon even planned to use this Cult's priests as replacements to the Fzoul. Well - as Godson had quite a special understanding with Fzoul from the beginning, I would say this again points to Cyric (the lord of intrigues and strife who never fully trusted Fzoul) as a force behind this Cult.

But it could all of course point to the sloppy gamedesigners who designed later products so that they contradicted the plot in this module :)

Best Regards,

Kuje Posted - 30 May 2007 : 14:50:56
Originally posted by Mandras

Originally posted by Kuje

Last Edit, I promise: The Halls of the High King module, where Tristan was still High King, took place a year or two after the ToT's, so that would be sometime around 1359 or 1360 but before Bane was killed.

Just for clarifications: I re-read that paragraph from Your earlier posting - I believe the Bane was killed during the ToT. If I remember correctly (it was some time ago that i browsed through the Halls of the High King) the cult received their spells after the death of Bane. The later Forgotten Realms products ruled that the Banites received their spells from Cyric after the Time of Troubles.

I wish there was some data about the heirs to High Queen... even their names would prove useful.

Best Regards,


Well. Dunno. The module says it takes place after the ToT's and the followers are followers of Bane. He sent his clergy to the Moonshae's to make in roads since there Faerun deities wanted to start converting more people on the Moonshaes. But you are right, Bane died in the ToT's, so the intro of this module conflicts with that info. However, if I had to choose, I'd say instead that Xvim supplied their spells, since he is active in this module.

You could ask Ed. He wrote the module.

And aye, I wish there was info on her children as well. :(
Mandras Posted - 30 May 2007 : 09:57:33
Originally posted by Kuje

Last Edit, I promise: The Halls of the High King module, where Tristan was still High King, took place a year or two after the ToT's, so that would be sometime around 1359 or 1360 but before Bane was killed.

Just for clarifications: I re-read that paragraph from Your earlier posting - I believe the Bane was killed during the ToT. If I remember correctly (it was some time ago that i browsed through the Halls of the High King) the cult received their spells after the death of Bane. The later Forgotten Realms products ruled that the Banites received their spells from Cyric after the Time of Troubles.

I wish there was some data about the heirs to High Queen... even their names would prove useful.

Best Regards,

The Sage Posted - 30 May 2007 : 00:42:58
Originally posted by Kuje

And yes, the Moonshae's are one of the places I do a lot of research on. I loved them from the moment I read the two trilogies.
I'll agree with that.

The first "Moonshae" trilogy, shortly after its initial publication, served as my introduction to the FR setting all those years ago. And it's had a special place in both my FR library, and my heart, ever since that time.
Kuje Posted - 29 May 2007 : 19:18:50
Originally posted by Mandras

Thanks for the answers Kuje.

Do You have any data about the Alicias children?

Best Regards,


None of us can help with that. :( Her children have never been mentioned except for that brief, she has some, in the FRCS.
Mandras Posted - 29 May 2007 : 17:07:26
Thanks for the answers Kuje.

Do You have any data about the Alicias children?

Best Regards,

Kuje Posted - 29 May 2007 : 15:15:15
I'm still waiting for Ed to answer my question about their nephew/cousin (I forgot which it was) that Ed and Elaine introduced in the Waterdeep novel.

Based on the info in Villan's and Heroes Lorebook. Alicia was 20 and Deirdre was 21 in 1365, which is when the events of the second trilogy took place. So Alicia would be 27 in 1372.

Her children, I'm not sure but I wouldn't say they were more then between 1 to 7, since she had them after the events of the second trilogy.

Edit: The FRCS complicates this since it says Alicia has been ruling for three decades, so she has to be older then 27. However, the timeline in the 2e campaign box set also says she became queen in 1365. So, I'd say the FRCS is in error. She has only been ruling for about 7 to 9 years, not 3 decades!

Edit 2: The 2e campaign box set says Tristan became king in 1346, so that would make Alicia, if you use this timeline, 19 when she became queen and Deirdre would be 20. However, the Lorebooks came out after the 2e box set, so that info might be more accurate.

Edit 3: Champions of Ruin further backs up that Alicia became queen in 1365, in the Elf-Eater entry, since that was the date given for when it attacked the Moonshaes.

Edit 4: Heroes Lorebook, in Tristan's entry, also states that Tristan and Robyn were married the winter of the events of the first novel and they had their daughters a year and two years after they were married. Which would further help keep the 20 and 21 ages for their daughters that Heroes Lorebook lists.

As for Keane, Heroes Lorebook says he was in his early 30's during the second trilogy. So he would be near his 40's or into his early 40's now.

Last Edit, I promise: The Halls of the High King module, where Tristan was still High King, took place a year or two after the ToT's, so that would be sometime around 1359 or 1360 but before Bane was killed.

And yes, the Moonshae's are one of the places I do a lot of research on. I loved them from the moment I read the two trilogies.
Jorkens Posted - 29 May 2007 : 10:07:58
As far as i know there are now clear answers to your questions. The Moonshaes have been left more or less alone the last ten years or so. I wonder if Doug Niles has any more plans for the islands.

As far as i remember from the novels it is never mentioned exactly when the members of the family are born. I could be wrong though. I would guess that Tristan and Robyn were born in the late 1320's, making them late teenagers when the books start. About seventeen-eighteen in 1345 that is.

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