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 Who ruled Netheril?

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Naeryndam Posted - 16 May 2007 : 04:36:00
Ok so we all know that Ioulaum had tons of influence and that Karsus considered himself the protector of Netheril after Ioulaum left, but who actually ruled Netheril? Was it a council of mages like Thay, or an actual monarchy, as in Halruaa.
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Markustay Posted - 17 May 2007 : 21:53:49
Originally posted by Snotlord

Well, yes, but that is one constraint less to deal with

I believe the point was that if writers are still being paid by the word, then you can bet there still will be page count limits, perhaps even worse then the printed model because of loss of ad space.

I have high hopes for this as well, because it 'could' be great. Right now I have a 'wait-and-see' attitude....
Snotlord Posted - 17 May 2007 : 19:54:26
Well, yes, but that is one constraint less to deal with
Kajehase Posted - 17 May 2007 : 17:15:29
Originally posted by Snotlord

Originally posted by George Krashos

I'm very hopeful that it will continue to solicit freelancer/fan generated articles but that's just because I want to keep getting published.

That would be nice. Actually I'm rather optimistic as far as FR content is concerned, now that pagecount no longer is an issue.

Keep in mind that the writers will almost certainly still get paid on a wordcount-basis.
warlockco Posted - 17 May 2007 : 02:14:38
Originally posted by George Krashos

Originally posted by warlockco
Get to work, quit slacking off and hinting at it <cracks whip>

Can't wait to see it Krash, when you get it put out.

Ahh, my dear warlockco, if you could only know what work went into GHotR last month. At least my marriage survived ...

-- George Krashos

Ah can't have that, so you are allowed to slack off only to lose wife aggro
The Sage Posted - 17 May 2007 : 01:07:06
Originally posted by George Krashos

I'm very hopeful that it will continue to solicit freelancer/fan generated articles but that's just because I want to keep getting published.
I'll second that.

While it may sound a little selfish, I'm desperate to finally see my own efforts receive some "official" attention.
Snotlord Posted - 17 May 2007 : 00:25:24
Originally posted by George Krashos

I'm very hopeful that it will continue to solicit freelancer/fan generated articles but that's just because I want to keep getting published.

That would be nice. Actually I'm rather optimistic as far as FR content is concerned, now that pagecount no longer is an issue.
George Krashos Posted - 17 May 2007 : 00:02:47
Originally posted by warlockco
Get to work, quit slacking off and hinting at it <cracks whip>

Can't wait to see it Krash, when you get it put out.

Ahh, my dear warlockco, if you could only know what work went into GHotR last month. At least my marriage survived ...

-- George Krashos
George Krashos Posted - 17 May 2007 : 00:01:18
Originally posted by Snotlord

Really? Any news on how the new wotc internet thingy is gonna work?

No idea. I'm nowhere near 'the loop', let alone in it. I'm very hopeful that it will continue to solicit freelancer/fan generated articles but that's just because I want to keep getting published. I have a doozy of an article that I hope will see print someday. Dragon was receptive, but obviously the goal posts have been moved now.

-- George Krashos
warlockco Posted - 16 May 2007 : 18:22:25
Originally posted by George Krashos

There's a lot more work to be done on the history of Netheril. I plan to get to it eventually.

-- George Krashos

Get to work, quit slacking off and hinting at it <cracks whip>

Can't wait to see it Krash, when you get it put out.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 May 2007 : 17:17:40
Originally posted by Snotlord

Really? Any news on how the new wotc internet thingy is gonna work?

I'm inclined to think that Krash isn't in the loop for such plans. He may find out things a bit before the rest of us, but is likely unable to say anything because of NDAs.

When WotC does release more info, it will likely wind up in the Dragon to cease publication and the DL license end thread.
Snotlord Posted - 16 May 2007 : 14:48:17
Really? Any news on how the new wotc internet thingy is gonna work?
George Krashos Posted - 16 May 2007 : 09:52:15
There's a lot more work to be done on the history of Netheril. I plan to get to it eventually.

-- George Krashos
The Sage Posted - 16 May 2007 : 06:06:10
Read the chapter on Netheril in Lost Empires of Faerūn. It provides some basic details on this, concentrating specifically on the various Ages of Netherese history. Briefly though, I would say that this depends upon which Age of Netheril you're thinking about.

During the First Age, the collection of Netherese realms were likely ruled by whatever authority the Alliance of Seventon established between the various villages that came together for mutual defense and protection. A representative council of sorts.

Through the Nether Age, and the beginnings of Netherese arcane research using the Nether Scrolls, I would say that we start seeing how the Arcanists slowly begin rising to positions of authority and power throughout the various settlements. It's here that the divide [that becomes more definite as times passes] between Arcanists, and the rest of the people of Netheril, begins. More ruling by councils, perhaps, with the increasing power of the Arcanists ensuring they have their own little platform of influence throughout the realm.

In the Mythallar Age, I assume we would continue to see the split, in power and authority over the "lordship" of Netheril, expand as both Arcanists in Low, and now High, Netheril carve out their own "pieces" of the growing Empire for themselves. The most prominent and powerful Arcanists, who use the magic granted by the mythallar to create their enclaves, become the traditionally recognised "rulers" of the various floating states of High Netheril. The demesnes of Low Netheril, which are ruled by those Arcanists of lesser-stature and/or power, remain much like the older Netherese domains of previous Ages.

During the Silver Age, Netheril's government apparently becomes something very much like a Council of Arcanists -- referred to as the High Mages of Netheril -- which is comprised, mainly, of the most prominent wizards of both Low and High Netheril. Again, however, I can see the Arcanists of High Netheril having more influence and putting their own concerns ahead of those representing the peoples of Low Netheril.

In the Golden Age, the Age of Discovery, and the Shadowed Age, I can see the political structure of Netheril remaining very much as it was during the Silver Age for the most part, with notable instances of increased political disputes between Arcanists of Low and High Netheril. Very little being achieved politically, or at least, not easily. Arcanists are expanding their own individual power bases, as well as the Empire, almost always at the expense of neighbouring realms and/or their political enemies. The growing influence of the phaerimms during the Shadowed Age, results in the initial weakening of Arcanist power throughout Netheril.

The Diaspora is, of course, where everything falls apart. I can't see much in the way of unified government for Netheril during this period. It's more likely that those Arcanists, and other Netherese individuals with positions of influence, in the chaos both during and after Karsus's Folly, attempt mad-power grabs in an effort to hold onto whatever they can of old Netheril. They are worrying less about what's happening beyond the borders of regions they may have come to rule, and more about what they, personally, can maintain.
Kuje Posted - 16 May 2007 : 04:48:35
I'd say there was no "ruler". Each enclave was ruled by a different Arcanist but there was no one ruler over the whole nation.

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