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T O P I C    R E V I E W
boddynock Posted - 05 May 2007 : 16:11:40
All of my players were killed by the dagger Aggarath (Castle Spulzeer & The Forgotten Terror) and their soul is transported into the gem. One of my players is a female sorceress with a Tomcat as familiar. She arrived in the demi-plane (Aggarath) without her familiar. My question now is: what if she escapes the domain and got a new material body in Faerūn? Because there is a possibility that the survivors will arrive in another place in the realms instead of Waterdeep, there's a big change that she will become seperated from her cat?

Will she receives penalties when she can find her cat? Can she sense the cat and call him or does she have to find a new familiar?

Thank for your time
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kiaransalyn Posted - 05 May 2007 : 18:57:15
Originally posted by boddynock

All of my players were killed ... and their soul is transported into the gem. One of my players is a female sorceress with a Tomcat as familiar. She arrived in the demi-plane (Aggarath) without her familiar. My question now is: what if she escapes the domain and got a new material body in Faerūn? Because there is a possibility that the survivors will arrive in another place in the realms instead of Waterdeep, there's a big change that she will become seperated from her cat?

Will she receives penalties when she can find her cat? Can she sense the cat and call him or does she have to find a new familiar?

I think there are two things to consider here. The first is the empathic link shared by the sorceress and her tomcat. This can only work over a distance of one mile (1.6 km).

The second, of course, is that the sorceress was killed.

I guess after her 'death' her familiar reverted to a normal tomcat with maybe a sense of loss and perhaps vestigial abilities.

Your sorceress should try and scry for her cat, since it is her familiar she should have a good chance of finding it. Cats tend to be territorial so the tomcat may have returned to a familiar place.

I don't think she should receive penalties upon finding her cat. She should, however, receive penalties if she seeks a new familiar since she would effectively be dismissing her current familiar.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 05 May 2007 : 17:02:31
My judgement is that with her death, the bond with her familiar was dissolved. I suppose that if she returned to life, she would have a chance of reclaiming her prior familiar -- but she'd have to go thru the entire summoning process again. Unless she was in close proximity to the familiar, I'd not give her more than say a 25% chance to reclaim her familiar. That percent chance would drop greatly with distance.

At least, that's the spin from someone who has never DM'ed.

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