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T O P I C    R E V I E W
spooke Posted - 13 Apr 2007 : 18:00:06
Does anyone know what month in 1345 DR Jyordhan was slain by Khelben Arunsun? I know Daggerdale was occupied in Hammer, but I can't find the reference that listed the events by month. If anyone knows the sourcebook that mentions it, please let me know!
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 18 Apr 2007 : 00:22:25
The year was also noted in the 'Roll of Years' from Running the Realms, as I said above, though no month was mentioned.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Apr 2007 : 21:45:07
Originally posted by ericlboyd

Originally posted by spooke

Does anyone know what month in 1345 DR Jyordhan was slain by Khelben Arunsun? I know Daggerdale was occupied in Hammer, but I can't find the reference that listed the events by month. If anyone knows the sourcebook that mentions it, please let me know!

I suspect the date (to the year) was given in the 2e FRCS Shadowdale book.


I found the year, but nothing more specific than that.
ericlboyd Posted - 17 Apr 2007 : 20:53:11
Originally posted by spooke

Does anyone know what month in 1345 DR Jyordhan was slain by Khelben Arunsun? I know Daggerdale was occupied in Hammer, but I can't find the reference that listed the events by month. If anyone knows the sourcebook that mentions it, please let me know!

I suspect the date (to the year) was given in the 2e FRCS Shadowdale book.

spooke Posted - 17 Apr 2007 : 18:42:37
That's my (latest) suspicion, so I figured someone here would know if it was. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be the case... :/ Woe!
The Sage Posted - 15 Apr 2007 : 01:01:23
Perhaps from something you've read here at Candlekeep about alternate FR campaigns?
spooke Posted - 14 Apr 2007 : 19:19:18
Originally posted by Faraer

The exact month hasn't been given in print. Where is your Daggerdale information from?

That's the irritating thing - it's that very source I can't seem to find. Maybe it was an unofficial source...
The Sage Posted - 14 Apr 2007 : 00:57:27
I don't recall it specifically being mentioned in any official source. Not even in the 'Roll of Years' printed in Running the Realms.

EDIT: Confound it. Faraer beat me to it!
Faraer Posted - 14 Apr 2007 : 00:54:50
The exact month hasn't been given in print. Where is your Daggerdale information from? The Zhent takeover under Malyk begins right after the destruction of Teshendale in 1316 and is completed around 1336.

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