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 Magefair Schedule

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Daviot Posted - 10 Apr 2007 : 05:28:43
Hello again, more-learnéd scribes of Candlekeep.

I've read through "Elminster at the Magefair", Magic of Faerûn, and Ed's replies considering magefairs (both Mage Fairs and the yearly Magefair). My question is thus: Is there is a list of the locations of the "official" Magefair by year? I figure this falls under the category of "left to the DM", but any canonical help would be much appreciated.

Thanks again.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
WalkerNinja Posted - 24 Apr 2007 : 23:34:58
Whenever I think that the PC's have done a particularly good job and have lots of money on their hands, I spontaneously generate a Mage Fair nearby to reward them with a bit of shopping. The events tend to fall a year apart. When they come closer together I'll make something up like, "The Mage Fair planning commitee runs off of a lunar year." The time that I did this a too-smart PC replied: "I thought that you said earlier that Selune has no discernable pattern in its phases."

"Exactly... and if you were on the Mage Fair Planning Committee you would know their secrets but you don't."
Daviot Posted - 10 Apr 2007 : 22:03:31
Well, that's what I more or less expected. I'll keep my eyes out for the SotM book. Thanks, all.
Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 10 Apr 2007 : 19:26:18
I thought that the Quidditch Worldcup setting in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire made an interesting depiction of what a magefair could be like...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 Apr 2007 : 17:31:20
I'd not mind seeing that list, my lady.
The Hooded One Posted - 10 Apr 2007 : 16:02:59
Left to the DM, deliberately. Kept secret until VERY shortly before the event, and not talked about, afterwards. Always a wilderland setting, usually (but not always) far from both trade routes and large settlements. I can compile a fragmentary list of eight or so years (with gaps; not a continuous run) from my Realmsplay notes, but often Ed kept the locales mysterious from us even when one of more of us Knights got "smuggled into" a MageFair.
love to all,
The Sage Posted - 10 Apr 2007 : 07:13:50
Secrets of the Magister [TSR11430] is actually the more useful source.
Jorkens Posted - 10 Apr 2007 : 07:08:00
As far as I can remember there is no such thing as a list. The sources you already mention is, in addition to Secrets of the Magister (2ed.), the main sources on the Magefair that I know of.

Edited incomplete product-title.

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