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 About dales council

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nos Posted - 27 Mar 2007 : 23:43:01
Does anyone know where did the dales council of 1372DR take place?

FRCS mentions the place of Daggerdale for the meeting of 1373DR, but nothing about the prior one.

Also, if there are good sources to know anything about those councils, beside FRCS, I'm anxious to know!
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Asgetrion Posted - 31 Mar 2007 : 22:07:52
Originally posted by Jorkens

Volo is a traveling scribe that tells ( more or less truthfully) about locations and happenings of the realms. Several of his books can be found at the page Wooly gave you. The books are still among the greatest sources on Realmslore published and the books are dearly missed, by this scribe and others.

We still hope for Volo's return with new (and even greater) books.

Don't forget that he's a wizard, too!

Nos, you'll get a good picture of his reputation if you take a look at the cover on Volo's Guide to Cormyr (a furious Azoun has Purple Dragons carry/throw him out of the Royal Court).
KnightErrantJR Posted - 28 Mar 2007 : 17:12:50
But he does have a regular article in Dragon Magazine now . . .
Jorkens Posted - 28 Mar 2007 : 15:51:56
Volo is a traveling scribe that tells ( more or less truthfully) about locations and happenings of the realms. Several of his books can be found at the page Wooly gave you. The books are still among the greatest sources on Realmslore published and the books are dearly missed, by this scribe and others.

We still hope for Volo's return with new (and even greater) books.
nos Posted - 28 Mar 2007 : 13:47:14
Thanks, I'm gonna check Volo's guide out when I get home.
humm, just to know, who/what is Volo
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 Mar 2007 : 11:12:16
Originally posted by Jorkens

There is some information in the 2ed. Campaignsetting box set, a little bit in the Dalelands box set, also for 2ed. I cant remember for sure, but there should be some information spread out in Volo's guide to the Dalelands. The last one would be your best source on Dalelands information in general. I think it can be freely downloaded from Wizards of the Coasts page.

Yup, Volo's Guide to Cormyr is one of the many freebies on the Wizards downloads page.
Jorkens Posted - 28 Mar 2007 : 07:45:43
I cant remember anything about where the council was held, but as for sources; of the top of my head:

There is some information in the 2ed. Campaignsetting box set, a little bit in the Dalelands box set, also for 2ed. I cant remember for sure, but there should be some information spread out in Volo's guide to the Dalelands. The last one would be your best source on Dalelands information in general. I think it can be freely downloaded from Wizards of the Coasts page.

I might have missed some sources, but these should give you some information.

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