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 Sages of Realmslore
 Do Thayan Enclaves Pick Up Local Apprentices?

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KnightErrantJR Posted - 25 Mar 2007 : 04:48:25
Just wondering if anyone knows if Red Wizards pick up local apprentices in regions outside of Thay? Is this something that would vary depending on where the Enclave was located?

I was just wondering because this might be another reason the Thayans would be happy to set up Enclaves, because if someone suspects their child might be gifted in the Art, it would likely be easier to take the child to a Thayan Enclave than to try and convince an old crotchety wizard to take them in, especially in towns that don't have formal magical schools or many established arcane spellcasters.

I'm just wondering because it might be this sort of thing that might, over the long haul, alter the outlook of the Red Wizards, as members might join their ranks that weren't raised under Thay's more, um, unique influences and they might moderate the overall outlook of the Red Wizards.

If anyone knows anything about this, I'd be grateful for the information.
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Daviot Posted - 02 Apr 2007 : 08:09:04
KEJR, In my train of logic, I don't see any problems with this, provided that it's an uncommon practice. I would imagine it to occur among a few of more neutral-thinking enclave Red Wizards, and especially if they were far from Thay, portals, or other sorts of manpower-reinforcement. I can certainly envision, say, the enclave in Scardale town picking up a Dalesman who has shown that he or she is already talented (enough to be be beyond the most basic levels of instruction; not an apprentice that's a 1st level wizard, but say one with three or four levels already) and has either the skills or local connections to increase the Scardale Enclave's profit margins. Just don't expect any official Thayan connections to that apprentice, or a waiver to take RW as a prestige class.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 25 Mar 2007 : 06:53:08
Yeah, I knew about the general Red Wizard/Mulan bias, but I thought it might be an interesting thing to discuss, and I was also wondering if there had been any particular instance of a Thayan taking an apprentice, not of Mulan or even Rashemi descent, but from completely outside of Thay. I had also thought about the idea that a given Thayan might not actually propose an apprentice as a Red Wizard per se, but simply teach them the Art and set them on the path of the wizard.

Part of what made me wonder this is the fact that a few enclaves have been noted as having more neutral staffs in attendance, Red Wizards that really are more concerned about being successful merchants and using that as their means to power rather than summoning demon lords or armies of undead warriors.
The Sage Posted - 25 Mar 2007 : 06:33:12
An interesting question, KEJR.

Dreams of the Red Wizards notes that "a few of the lower classes have managed to impress some wizards with their magical ability and be elevated to the rank of wizard's apprentice. Some of the Rashemi have now become members of the Red Wizards."

Though, I tend to doubt that Red Wizards of Mulan descent would allow such members to accumulate much power and/or influence in Thay or among the Red Wizards for fears that they could threaten the Mulan hold on Thay. The 'Red Wizards' entry in LoD also touches on recruitment strategies for the Red Wizards, though I think it's fun to speculate regardless.

Hmmm... Given the fact that Red Wizards traditionally have no interest in allowing non-Thayvians to join their ranks, I would, at least initially, assume that the chances of Red Wizards picking up local non-Thayvians to train as apprentices through their Enclaves would be almost at zero.

However, we also know that the Red Wizards appreciate the value of useful skilled allies as 'tools' or as potentially 'expandable' resources when needed. Thus, they're likely always willing to embrace particularly *gifted* individuals, and by this I mean individuals who display talents that [with specialised training and Red Wizard indoctrination] will prove beneficial, solely, to Red Wizard interests -- perhaps as potential investments in furthering their power either in the Enclave or through the surrounding city itself. For example, a particularly skilled future noble or member of the city's ruling council who earlier spent some time with the Red Wizards, as an apprentice, in their Enclave may be more inclined to "look out" for the interests of the Red Wizards when he/she eventually ascends to a position of power or influence within the city's political structure.

I do have doubts that a Red Wizard would actively seek out a budding young non-Thayvian in the city surrounding an Enclave to train them specifically to become a Red Wizard. After all, traditional Mulan arrogance and disdain for others they consider "inferior" is a difficult cultural trait to break. Though, I don't think that this same Red Wizard would willfully ignore the opportunity to train a non-Thayvian in the basic foundations of the Art, perhaps taking him/her as an apprentice for a time [or telling the apprentice only what he/she needs to know], if such an action in some way achieved part of the Enclave's/his-her personal goals. This apprentice would likely only be 'selectively' taught about aspects of the Art relevant to his/her perceived function by the Red Wizards, and once completed... the apprentice would probably either be abandoned or kept in 'reserve' until needed again.

Regardless, like trained Rashemi wizards, such non-Thayvian apprentices probably find their 'ascent' through the hierarchy of the Red Wizards to be either severely curtailed by Mulan wizards, or re-directed in ways that prove to be an asset, primarily, to the Mulan noble class. And, of course, if such non-Thayvian apprentices prove too difficult to manage, I don't doubt that the Red Wizards would 'arrange' some unfortunate event to befall the poor apprentice while working alone and without bodyguards etc.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 25 Mar 2007 : 06:12:43
Me, I'd expect the Red Wal-Marts to avoid local apprentices. Not only would that dilute the Thayvian influence by accepting outsiders, but that would also make it easier for the many enemies of the Reds -- both white hats and black hats -- to get their own people inside.
Eremite Posted - 25 Mar 2007 : 05:31:08
The default position is that a Red Wizard must be a Mulan human but either UE or 2E's Spellbound notes that exceptional Rashemmi are sometimes allowed into the ranks.

I would suggest something else though: a devout Thayan worshipper of Mystra might be prepared to train apprentices in an Enclave for the sake of spreading the Art even if those apprentices are never permitted to join the ranks of the Red Wizards.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 25 Mar 2007 : 05:31:07
I thought that I remembered from Dreams of the Red Wizards that some non Mulan were accepted into the ranks, but they were looked down upon by the "pureblood" Red Wizards and usually didn't attain any significant political power.
Dargoth Posted - 25 Mar 2007 : 05:21:25
Probably not one of the requirements for the Red Wizard of Thay Prc is that you must be a human from Thay (infact Im sure I read somewhere that its restricted to Mulan from Thay

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