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 Seeking info regarding Lapaliiya

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maelstrom58 Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 22:42:36
Ever since reading it's entry in Serpent Kingdoms, I have become hooked on Lapaliiya. However, even looking through my recently acquired 2nd Edition stuff, I can't find any entries for Lapaliiya. I'd like to know these two things--

1. Who created Lapaliiya, so that I can direct more specific questions to the author in the Sage's Chamber?

2. What books does Lapaliiya have entries in (ones that are of any length, anyway)?

Postscript: Three new topics in just as many days? Why the devil not?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lemernis Posted - 23 Mar 2007 : 00:45:41
Yeah, I'm very interested in the region too. Ormpur is an especially evocative place. I would love to see Lapaliiya fleshed out.
maelstrom58 Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 23:59:28
Fair enough. thanks for the info, Eric; I think that you might be getting some questions in the future regarding Lapaliiya--if you don't mind.

And thanks Kuje; I have Shining South but I forgot about it's entry there. Just a slip of the mind, I suppose.
ericlboyd Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 23:38:32
I created most of the lore on Lapaliiya for Serpent Kingdoms. I built it all the references I could find, but they were few and far between. The most extensive lore that existed was on Ormpur (sort of independent from Lapaliiya), stemming from 2 paragraphs in an old Polyhedron article.

Kuje Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 22:53:18
3/3.5e's Shining South also has a bit but most of it is referenced in SK.

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