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 Sages of Realmslore
 Dragonking's Eye questions - DM stuff

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jamallo Kreen Posted - 16 Mar 2007 : 00:20:56
1. From what crystal sphere did the Dragonking's Eye (and presumably House Sunstaff/Wands) originate?

2. In Marco Volo Adventures: Arrival, Sune takes partial credit for binding the Dragonking in the Eye. If this took place in a different crystal sphere, is Sune a multi-sphere Power, or was it the local deity of Love and beauty who did the deed, with Sune taking credit as the Torilian deity with those portfolios?

3. In City of Splendors: Waterdeep (3rd edition), it is indicated that meddling with the Dragonking's Eye has made House Wands a focus for far Side … er … Far Realm activity. Is this discussed in detail in some other product or was it just mentioned as a one-off (or a seed for a future NDA project)?
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Jamallo Kreen Posted - 24 Mar 2007 : 18:12:56
Originally posted by The Sage

1. I don't immediately recall the original world of the Dragonking's Eye being referenced by name -- 'twas just described as a "distant world".

2. You'll want to look up the entry for the Dragonking's Eye in VGtATM for a more complete account of these events.

3. The original reference was in the 3rd of the "Marco Volo" modules in which the Dragonking makes a brief appearance in the Realms. (I wouldn't really recommend this adventure trilogy however, but they are considered part of canon Realmslore). Eric tells us he that tried to work with them when expanding on the Dragonking entry in CoS:W. You can find the modules here for free:-

From there, the Dragonking was mentioned in Volo's Guide to All Things Magical -- under the entry for the "Dragonking's Eye". Eric, thus, continued with the reference into CoS:W and makes a more solid connection to the Far Realm. The Far Realm focus on House Wands was "barely hinted at" in VGtATM, as I recall, and may be something Eric wishes to build upon later -- if he has his way.

Sorry for not responding earlier, Sage, but I forgot to subscribe to my own post!

Iguess that the creation of The Dragonking's Eye is one of those deep mysteries of the multivers hinted at, but otherwise inexplicable to us poor, dim-witted mortals. (Heck, even with a 22 INT and 19 WIS or something like that, poor Karsus had his brain fried after the briefest of encounters with god-knowledge.


A being's reach should exceed its grasp, or what're the Outer Planes for?

The Sage Posted - 16 Mar 2007 : 01:12:30
1. I don't immediately recall the original world of the Dragonking's Eye being referenced by name -- 'twas just described as a "distant world".

2. You'll want to look up the entry for the Dragonking's Eye in VGtATM for a more complete account of these events.

3. The original reference was in the 3rd of the "Marco Volo" modules in which the Dragonking makes a brief appearance in the Realms. (I wouldn't really recommend this adventure trilogy however, but they are considered part of canon Realmslore). Eric tells us he that tried to work with them when expanding on the Dragonking entry in CoS:W. You can find the modules here for free:-

From there, the Dragonking was mentioned in Volo's Guide to All Things Magical -- under the entry for the "Dragonking's Eye". Eric, thus, continued with the reference into CoS:W and makes a more solid connection to the Far Realm. The Far Realm focus on House Wands was "barely hinted at" in VGtATM, as I recall, and may be something Eric wishes to build upon later -- if he has his way.

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