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 Eilistraee worshippers in Cormanthor?

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Markustay Posted - 25 Feb 2007 : 08:37:00
I read the novel Tangled Webs awhile back, so I know there are a group of Eilistraee Drow in the forest of Cormanthor, usually fighting with the Vhaerunites. However, I can't find them listed in sources, does anyone know where I might find more information?

The section on Cormanthor in the FRCS only list the two Vhaerunite groups, and in the history of the region I can only find references to the Twisted Tower, and how it served as a temple of Eilistraee for a short time before being taken back by the Drow. I can't seem to find anything on this currently active group.
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Drakul Posted - 13 Apr 2007 : 17:44:05
Originally posted by Markustay

Maybe thats the novel I'm thinking of, I'm getting all my Drow 'chicks' mixed up. Didn't Liriel meet some too?

Now that I think about it, it probably is Halastra I'm thinking of, something about killing a priestess of Eilistraee and she forgave her?

So I guess I got to dig the novels out of storage if I want the whole scoop. I was hoping there was at least a little something in source. I'll be checking that Harrowdale entry though, thanks for that Dargoth.

EDIT: Just found what I was looking for in Demi-human deities. I was so busy checking regional sources I didn't even think to check there.

Liriel met Eilistraee followers in Skullport. She and Fyordor and the followers of Eilistraee fought against the Dragon Hoard, a merc band of Vhaeraun.
Markustay Posted - 25 Feb 2007 : 14:03:00
Maybe thats the novel I'm thinking of, I'm getting all my Drow 'chicks' mixed up. Didn't Liriel meet some too?

Now that I think about it, it probably is Halastra I'm thinking of, something about killing a priestess of Eilistraee and she forgave her?

So I guess I got to dig the novels out of storage if I want the whole scoop. I was hoping there was at least a little something in source. I'll be checking that Harrowdale entry though, thanks for that Dargoth.

EDIT: Just found what I was looking for in Demi-human deities. I was so busy checking regional sources I didn't even think to check there.
Dargoth Posted - 25 Feb 2007 : 10:13:37
Isnt there mention of a Temple to Eilistaee in the forest in Harrowdale in the FRC?

Also you should check out Lisa Smedmans War of the spider queen novel
Kentinal Posted - 25 Feb 2007 : 09:21:35
Ed has commented a little on those followers of the Dark Maiden. I am not sure there is any thing in print concerning them.

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