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 Sages of Realmslore
 Glasya and Raven's Bluff (Details?)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
KnightErrantJR Posted - 17 Feb 2007 : 04:47:43
I noticed there was a reference to Glasya having an interest in Raven's Bluff even before she took over sixth layer of Hell. They mention that she was active in trying to manipulate events in Raven's Bluff but now that she is in charge of the Sixth Layer of Hell, she is inclined to send Aspects to spellcaster to help corrupt those in the city.

My question is, was this covered in some Raven's Bluff product? Or was this something that got thrown in to give Glasya a "hook" in the Realms?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
KnightErrantJR Posted - 21 Feb 2007 : 22:17:59
That's what I was wondering, if this was an old "Living City" campaign reference.
Asgetrion Posted - 21 Feb 2007 : 19:37:50
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

I noticed there was a reference to Glasya having an interest in Raven's Bluff even before she took over sixth layer of Hell. They mention that she was active in trying to manipulate events in Raven's Bluff but now that she is in charge of the Sixth Layer of Hell, she is inclined to send Aspects to spellcaster to help corrupt those in the city.

My question is, was this covered in some Raven's Bluff product? Or was this something that got thrown in to give Glasya a "hook" in the Realms?

I think this mostly covered in the old (and sadly, quite terrible) RPGA Ravens Bluff adventures...
EytanBernstein Posted - 18 Feb 2007 : 17:22:23
Originally posted by Kaladorm

You're a bad man Eytan

You have no idea.
Kaladorm Posted - 18 Feb 2007 : 00:02:49
You're a bad man Eytan
EytanBernstein Posted - 17 Feb 2007 : 22:30:16
Originally posted by Dargoth

Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

I noticed there was a reference to Glasya having an interest in Raven's Bluff even before she took over sixth layer of Hell. They mention that she was active in trying to manipulate events in Raven's Bluff but now that she is in charge of the Sixth Layer of Hell, she is inclined to send Aspects to spellcaster to help corrupt those in the city.

My question is, was this covered in some Raven's Bluff product? Or was this something that got thrown in to give Glasya a "hook" in the Realms?

Ive given her a different hook

So have I... muhuhahaha. NDA - I say no more.
Dargoth Posted - 17 Feb 2007 : 04:56:11
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

I noticed there was a reference to Glasya having an interest in Raven's Bluff even before she took over sixth layer of Hell. They mention that she was active in trying to manipulate events in Raven's Bluff but now that she is in charge of the Sixth Layer of Hell, she is inclined to send Aspects to spellcaster to help corrupt those in the city.

My question is, was this covered in some Raven's Bluff product? Or was this something that got thrown in to give Glasya a "hook" in the Realms?

Ive given her a different hook

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