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 Sages of Realmslore
 Population of Faerun

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ironstar Posted - 11 Feb 2007 : 20:07:24
A question that has been plaguing my mind for some time now is, what is the estimated population of Faerun?

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ilztfryn Claddghym Posted - 23 Feb 2007 : 06:00:06
68000000! That is a fricken ton lol
Ironstar Posted - 13 Feb 2007 : 17:54:08

What i was mainly referring to, was the amount of humans and demihumans in Faerun.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Feb 2007 : 22:56:59
I'd say that the 68M number refers to the civilized races living on the surface of Faerūn. The Underdark doesn't appear to be included in the referenced quote, nor does aquatic areas like the Sea of Fallen Stars. And I say the civilized races, because those are the ones that would be counted in a census. The numbers of uncivilized races like orcs and goblins are in constant fluctuation, and other critters, like beholders, prolly don't number highly enough for anyone to want to count them.
Kentinal Posted - 12 Feb 2007 : 22:00:40
I seem to recall a discussion some months ago about population where numbers did not appear to add up. Something about how common elves were on the mainland as a percentage. Numbers came from various sources.

Kalin Agrivar offered the 25 percent claim in this scroll:

This of course was later disproved, however still not sure how many live on or underneath the surface. My main interest was a speculation that Drow population might exceed the "fair elf" population because of the much higher reported fertility of Drow.
TomCosta Posted - 12 Feb 2007 : 21:21:04
I'd guess it was 68 million folks drawn from the various player character races in the PH and FRCS, which is pretty much what the various population numbers in the FRCS count. So that probably doesn't include most orcs and goblinoids, beholders, and the like. That's just my guess, however.
The Sage Posted - 11 Feb 2007 : 23:33:48
Remember also that 3e material basically streamlined Realms population numbers. Essentially, some locales and regions actually lost numbers, while other locations in fact gained numbers, due mostly to the use of the population charts published in the 3e/3.5e DMG's.
nbnmare Posted - 11 Feb 2007 : 21:16:24
Though it doesn't make it clear whether that means 68 million human inhabitants, 68 human + demi-human inhabitants, 68 million humanoid inhabitants, or 68 million inhabitans of greater than animal intelligence.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 11 Feb 2007 : 20:31:36
According to page 98 of the FRCS, Faerun is collectively home to more than sixy eight million (68,000,000) inhabitants.

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