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 Sages of Realmslore

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TobyKikami Posted - 03 Feb 2007 : 05:17:26
I've come upon several references to this character, including one where she was listed as a priestess of Selvetarm residing in Undermountain (which would seem to make her his only named worshipper before this year). If anyone's got a copy of the old Undermountain set, I'd appreciate their knowledge. I'm particularly interested in the answers to these -

-Is Essra explicitly referred to as a Selvetarm worshipper?
-Who, if anyone, is described as accompanying her?
-Is she connected to the exiles from Eryndlyn that were mentioned in Demihuman Deities? If not, why is she there?
-Any miscellany like an approximate age, usual weapon, etc.?

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 04 Feb 2007 : 15:16:39
I just removed a post from this thread, because it violated rule A13 of Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct. Specifically:

13. Discussions and links regarding illegal downloads and file sharing of copyrighted material, owned by either Wizards of the Coast or a third party company, is not permitted on these forums. It would also be appreciated for members to avoid promoting this activity via Private Message/Email to others.

Keep in mind, folks, that we exist at the sufferance of WotC. Posting links to pirated material is a good way to get their lawyers to come swooping down on us, and that's not something we want. If you want to keep this place around, don't give them a reason to want to shut us down.
Ergdusch Posted - 04 Feb 2007 : 13:49:06
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Ergdusch

Hope this stays in the limits of copyrights!

Page numbers and sources would be good.

As you say, wooly!

I edited the previous post accordingly.
TobyKikami Posted - 03 Feb 2007 : 23:26:19
Thank you, Ergdusch. That should do nicely.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 03 Feb 2007 : 19:18:26
Originally posted by Ergdusch

Hope this stays in the limits of copywrites!

Page numbers and sources would be good.
Ergdusch Posted - 03 Feb 2007 : 17:14:37
Alright, you asked for it:

- yes, as a fighter 6/priest 6 of Selvetarm

- Essra is encountered in room #12: altar of the spider god. She is always encountered with her bodyguard of seven male drow guards surrounding her. If anything is amiss three immediately charge to the attack and the others flank Essra to defend her, as she launches spell attacks.

- It is said that the drow only resently established the altar. Otherwise not much is said about them. There is no connection to Eryndlyn mentioned and the 'why' the drow are in undermountain is left open for the DM to decide as well as the size of the drow forces and the frequency by which they are to be encountered.

- Essra is equipted with a black mesh drow chain mail +3, no shield, with an ornate black
helm shaped like a spider and armed with an adamantite mace +4 as well as a blast scepter with 9 charges left (which is detailed in the chapter on Magical Items).

- also worth mentioning is that she keeps a captive - a moon elf maiden named Maith Slenderbow, who is gagged and blindfolded and bound to the Altar of Selvetarm (from which the room has it's name)

Hope this stays in the limits of copyrights!

Anything else?

Edit note:

Product: Ruins of Undermountain (Boxed Set)
Product Code: TSR 1060
ISBN: 1-56076-061-3

Book: Campaign Guide to Undermountain
Page: 26/27

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