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 Sages of Realmslore
 Information on Bloodstone and its King

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Charles Phipps Posted - 30 Mar 2006 : 00:33:31
Does anyone have any idea how 'settled' Bloodstone should be as compared to other kingdoms? I'm trying to figure out how much of a difference there should be between Pre-Orcus slaying/Witch King and Post in terms of people's lives.

What supplements talk about them would also be appreciated.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
George Krashos Posted - 30 Mar 2006 : 02:42:12
I've been planning to whip up a quick line of monarchs for Damara for a while. It's only been since the Year of Spreading Spring so it would only be 5-8 kings or so.

I remember chatting with Ed a while ago about "the Bloodstone Lands", back before that area was inserted into the Realms. He basically said that it was simply a wild, untamed, uncivilised series of mountain ranges with VERY rich mineral and gem deposits. Lots of prospectors would travel there, less would return. This vision re the area still applies to Vaasa IMHO. It's a region, not a realm or kingdom. Every man for himself basically. Damara on the other hand is set up as a Cormyr-type kingdom and extensive info is provided in the old FR9 Bloodstone Lands accessory by RA Salvatore. It would have a 'normal' population for its size.

-- George Krashos
Dargoth Posted - 30 Mar 2006 : 01:00:03
H Series of Modules detail the War against the Witchking

FR9 The Bloodstone lands cointain further infomation

The latest info can be found in Book 2 of Richard Lee Byers Year of Rogue Dragon Trilogy and RA Salvatores latest novel Promise of the Witchking
scererar Posted - 30 Mar 2006 : 00:41:29
Have you checked out the bloodstone lands source book, it's 2E, But I am not sure there is anything for 3E out yet for this area.

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