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 Has Bhaal's portfolio been retconned?

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Ulicus Posted - 17 Feb 2006 : 05:36:36
(I'm sorry if this has come up many times before, but I couldn't find it on a search)

So... has it?

It seems as though he's only referred to as the god of murder in official sources these days, but while he was certainly the "Lord of Murder", "murder" wasn't even a portfolio when he was around - he was *all* of death, with a particular love of ritual and violent deaths.

So... what's happened? Are we supposed to suddenly accept that Myrkul was always the god of "death and the dead" and that Bhaal was 'just' the god of murder? This seems to be the opinion WotC want us to take.

Or can we assume that Bhaal's porfolio of "Death, particularly ritual or violent death" has been split into Kelemvor's "Death" and Cyric's "Murder"? If so, why is there no mention made of Kelemvor having inherited aspects of Bhaal's portfolio as well as Myrkul's?


Ah well, I'm just curious - is this supposed to be a retcon? It seems a bit silly if it is....
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Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 01:41:59
If it is a mistake, it's a mistake they keep repeating...
Aquanova Posted - 18 Feb 2006 : 02:33:33
Originally posted by Chosen of Bane

Bhaal also had 'assassins/assassination' as a portfolio.

You know, those are still unclaimed, aren't they? I mean, Cyric has Murder, but that's (at least in semantics) different from Assassination. Hmph. Why hasn't Mask or Cyric gobbled those two portfolios up?
Kuje Posted - 17 Feb 2006 : 21:07:35
Originally posted by Kajehase

Perhaps it was a mistake that didn't get spotted?
Death and The Dead would be quite easy to miss if one were a bit tired or got distracted by something when going through a text looking for errors.

I don't believe it was a mistake because Richard Baker has commented on it on the WOTC boards but I don't want to dig through all those pages to find it. :)
Kajehase Posted - 17 Feb 2006 : 19:11:08
Perhaps it was a mistake that didn't get spotted?
Death and The Dead would be quite easy to miss if one were a bit tired or got distracted by something when going through a text looking for errors.
Kuje Posted - 17 Feb 2006 : 17:48:43
Originally posted by Ulicus
Anyway, thanks for the info Kuje. I think I'm going to ignore this little retcon however, after all, Myrkul makes such a big deal over the differences between his and Bhaal's portfolio in ToT that it seems nonsensical for him to suddenly have "had death all along".


It bothered me as well when I read it and I went.... why did WOTC decide that when it was firmly established that the two had different portfolios.
Ulicus Posted - 17 Feb 2006 : 13:05:31
Aye, just as Myrkul also had decay etc (I think)... I was only focusing on the main aspect of their portfolio, or at least, what I percieve to be the main aspect.

Anyway, thanks for the info Kuje. I think I'm going to ignore this little retcon however, after all, Myrkul makes such a big deal over the differences between his and Bhaal's portfolio in ToT that it seems nonsensical for him to suddenly have "had death all along".

Personally I'd have thought it more interesting had Cyric kept death and Kelemvor had just been stuck with "the dead". The thought of those two having anything resembling a symbiotic relationship makes me chuckle.
Chosen of Bane Posted - 17 Feb 2006 : 12:47:17
Bhaal also had 'assassins/assassination' as a portfolio.
Kuje Posted - 17 Feb 2006 : 07:45:04
Yes, Lost Empires retconned those two and I'm still not sure why exactly.

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