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 Sages of Realmslore
 Myrin Silverspear

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DDH_101 Posted - 15 Oct 2004 : 06:32:42
Does anyone know if Myrin Silverspear and Myronthilar Silverspear are the same person? I ask this because I was just re-reading Elfshadow and the name came up. Myrin is the innkeeper of the Halfway Inn in Evereska but at the end of the book Bran Skorlsun mentions that it seemed strange that a captain of Evermeet's guards would be in charge of an inn. Then Myronthilar Silverspear from the novel Evermeet is also a captain of Evermeet's guards who was also a friend of King Zoar. Are these two people the same or is it just me?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fillow Posted - 17 May 2007 : 19:43:19
Thanks a lot
I even forgot they were friends.
My first idea was this relation came because of Laeral. You know, these stories between men and woman...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 May 2007 : 19:36:57
Originally posted by Fillow

Well met,

I've just finished Elfshadow and I did not understand why Khelben and Bran Skorlsun hate eache other.
Do you know ?

I don't think it's ever really been discussed... My assumption has always been that it was because of the separation of the moonstone from the moonblade. Khelben was one of those who was part of this process, and it was this process that separated Bran from the woman he loved. And since Khelben was formerly a friend, this makes it more like a personal betrayal.

I'd imagine that Bran and Khelben exchanged some rather unkind words over this. It's even possible that Bran resisted. Khelben wouldn't be happy about having to do what he did, but he's always been pragmatic. Even knowing that it hurt his friend, Khelben would have done what needed to be done. Doing that, and then being verbally (perhaps physically) attacked for it by Bran, could definitely lead to some resentment.

Of course, this is all speculation.
Fillow Posted - 17 May 2007 : 18:20:48
Well met,

I've just finished Elfshadow and I did not understand why Khelben and Bran Skorlsun hate eache other.
Do you know ?
Xysma Posted - 08 Dec 2004 : 15:07:10
That was the assumption that I made as well. I really like the guy, my pc's encountered him recently as they neared Evereska. Of course, they didn't know at the time that the Inn was as close as they were getting to Evereska.
DDH_101 Posted - 16 Oct 2004 : 01:37:32
Originally posted by Bookwyrm

Sounds like this should be a question for Lady Cunningham.

Hmm... perhaps I should go over to the other topic and ask.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Oct 2004 : 08:47:18
Originally posted by DDH_101

Are these two people the same or is it just me?

I think it quite likely. It was my assumption, at least, but you know what they say about assumptions.

Bookwyrm Posted - 15 Oct 2004 : 06:45:28
Sounds like this should be a question for Lady Cunningham.

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