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 Draconic Cleric?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sourcemaster2 Posted - 27 Jul 2004 : 21:31:40
This is possibly a foolish question, but can dragons be clerics? I've seen them as wizards, sorcerers, and druids, but never as a cleric. Is it just the natural pride of wyrms that prevents them from praying to a greater power, or maybe the fact that they have access to clerical spells in their inherent spellcasting ability? I would think that deities such as Tiamat would have draconic clergy.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpthero2 Posted - 01 Oct 2018 : 16:35:30
Great Reader Faraer,

I have to respectfully disagree. In FR5, The Savage Frontier, it demonstrates that Aerosclughpalar, a gilded dragon in human disguise is a druid of the Druids of Tall Trees grove.

Best regards,

Originally posted by Faraer

Although the official Realms has dragon gods, it seems clear enough from "Wyrms of the North" that -- usually, at least -- dragons are indeed too proud to worship gods and would see Tiamat, say, as a peer in principle if not in magnitude, an object of fear rather than reverence. (Another yes/no for Ed.)

Sarelle Posted - 28 Jul 2004 : 20:07:47
I have Draconomicon (3.5) and indeed it includes the essential Dragon divine spellcaster PrCs. So some dragons are clerics, at least generically.

Faraer is right, almost all dragons are far too self-possessed (even the good ones) to devote themselves to a deity. However, I believe the odd one or two would - the odd LG metallic dragon would probably be just humble enough, and chromatic dragons might use the power of Tiamat as a stepping stone to gain more power and more hoard. Those are the two ideas that I began with when I designed my two Realms dragon cleric NPCs.
Faraer Posted - 28 Jul 2004 : 14:56:53
Although the official Realms has dragon gods, it seems clear enough from "Wyrms of the North" that -- usually, at least -- dragons are indeed too proud to worship gods and would see Tiamat, say, as a peer in principle if not in magnitude, an object of fear rather than reverence. (Another yes/no for Ed.)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Jul 2004 : 22:44:44
I don't know about dragons in 3E, since I've yet to acquire the Draconomicon. However, in 2E, there was a setting called Council of Wyrms. In this setting, you could play a dragon. The classes available were regular dragon, dragon mage, dragon cleric, and dragon psionicist.

Considering the way 3E allows just about any critter to have a class, I'd certainly say that dragons could be clerics. After all, they do have their own deities...
Aldrick the Nightblade Posted - 27 Jul 2004 : 21:59:56
I really wouldn't think so,because, as you said, their pride prevents them from praying to a higher power. But then wouldn't surprise me...

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