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 Sages of Realmslore
 Request for much lore, Chessenta, Narfell, Turmish

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Capn Charlie Posted - 08 Jul 2004 : 00:07:52
Seeking to avoid the pitfall that so many writers of fanfiction and homebrew lore fall into, I have decided to come her eand attempt to get the information so that my writings do not blatantly, and ridiculously, contradict preexisting lore.

My stories are set in the Old Kingdoms, mostly within Chessenta. As issues come up during my writing, I would greatly appreciate the input of any experts on that region. Tperiod of time takes place during the 30 year span of 1342-1372 DR. The timeline provided in the FRCS is mostly what I am going off of, as it is to my best knowledge the most in depth and reliable one up to the current date in the Realms.

Now, beginning with my uestions, during the year of 1341-42, were ther eany outstanding events in the region? Major conflicts, more than the average amount of skirmishing, battles between gods, and essentially anything that would possibly have an impact on the lives of the average common folk of the region.

Secondly, during the Tuigan Invasion, and the Crusade against it, did Chessenta contribute any significgant amount of troops? How greatly involved, and with what side, was the clergy of Tempus involved? During this period, was ther the deaths of any notable Tempusian Clerics?

Thirdly, during the year of 1369-70 DR was ther eany specific major conflict in the region in general, or any major military action in the region, perhaps to thenorth, maybe an engagement of some size north of the sea of fallen stars that would draw the attention of mercenaries?

Fourthly, during the Fall of Zhengyi, was ther eany invovement from the Nars, or for that matter what attitude did the Nars have for the beast? During the time period of 1360-62 was ther any major events of great import to the Nars, possibly something that could cause a divide within a clan, or send young men out away from traditional lands?

Fifthly, what events of significgance occured within the country of turmish during 1368, anything with widespread enough ramifications there to be notable to the average citizenry, or moer specifically the military forces of said country?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpthero2 Posted - 01 Oct 2018 : 15:35:42
Senior Scribe Capn,

1) 1340-41:
  • Tyranthraxus takes over the Pool of Radiance until destroyed at Valjejo Castle.
  • Sembia and the CotD fight it out at the Battle of the River Rising.
  • Some may consider this big, though I do not: Drizzt learns from Mooshie how to become a ranger and serve Mielikki as well as speak the common tongue.
  • The Fire Knives are driven from Cormyr

That's about it for question one.

2) I referenced FR12 The Horde Campaign, I could not see anything referencing any contribution by Chessenta. Additionally, as to the clergy of Tempus, there does not appear to be anything that indicates Tempus, or the Red Knight, were involved in any particular way during the Tuigan Horde, and I don't remember reading about that in the Empires Trilogy. Furthermore, there does not appear to be any significant and noted deaths of Tempus' clergy at that time.

3) I will provide two URL's that will answer that for you:

4) No, it appears that it was only his forces and the Damaran's. As to the Nars clans, it doesn't appear anything was happening in that time range that would have contributed to that.

5) None.

Best regards,

Originally posted by Capn Charlie

Seeking to avoid the pitfall that so many writers of fanfiction and homebrew lore fall into, I have decided to come her eand attempt to get the information so that my writings do not blatantly, and ridiculously, contradict preexisting lore.

My stories are set in the Old Kingdoms, mostly within Chessenta. As issues come up during my writing, I would greatly appreciate the input of any experts on that region. Tperiod of time takes place during the 30 year span of 1342-1372 DR. The timeline provided in the FRCS is mostly what I am going off of, as it is to my best knowledge the most in depth and reliable one up to the current date in the Realms.

Now, beginning with my uestions, during the year of 1341-42, were ther eany outstanding events in the region? Major conflicts, more than the average amount of skirmishing, battles between gods, and essentially anything that would possibly have an impact on the lives of the average common folk of the region.

Secondly, during the Tuigan Invasion, and the Crusade against it, did Chessenta contribute any significgant amount of troops? How greatly involved, and with what side, was the clergy of Tempus involved? During this period, was ther the deaths of any notable Tempusian Clerics?

Thirdly, during the year of 1369-70 DR was ther eany specific major conflict in the region in general, or any major military action in the region, perhaps to thenorth, maybe an engagement of some size north of the sea of fallen stars that would draw the attention of mercenaries?

Fourthly, during the Fall of Zhengyi, was ther eany invovement from the Nars, or for that matter what attitude did the Nars have for the beast? During the time period of 1360-62 was ther any major events of great import to the Nars, possibly something that could cause a divide within a clan, or send young men out away from traditional lands?

Fifthly, what events of significgance occured within the country of turmish during 1368, anything with widespread enough ramifications there to be notable to the average citizenry, or moer specifically the military forces of said country?

Capn Charlie Posted - 11 Jul 2004 : 05:47:03
Ahh, many thanks to you all.

I had supposed as much, but it never hurts to check. I guess I will have to wait for the innevitable Old Empires sourcebook to get as detailed as writeup on the region as I desire. It has always seemed iek a region that had such unrealized potential.

The writing I have been doing involving the region is mostly revolving around my current campaign, in which an Impatient Aznar Thrul is backing a counteroffensive against Mulhorand, ferrying troops and war materiel into Unther, and using an aspiring evoker under his command as liason and commander in the endeavour.

However, I will likely not be getting to any of that any time soon, but instead am placing much more emphasis in writing the backstory of the characters I am using.

I did however think there would be at least a fair to mode5ate amount of Tempus worship in the region, due to the influx of mercenaries from thenorthern and western lands.
George Krashos Posted - 11 Jul 2004 : 04:35:07
Originally posted by Capn Charlie

Now, beginning with my questions, during the year of 1341-42, were there any outstanding events in the region? Major conflicts, more than the average amount of skirmishing, battles between gods, and essentially anything that would possibly have an impact on the lives of the average common folk of the region.

Well, the short answer to this is "not really". Luthcheq begins its persecution of mages in 1324 DR and the Cult of Tiamat summons the Dark Lady in 1346 DR, but in between, there isn't much info out there.

Secondly, during the Tuigan Invasion, and the Crusade against it, did Chessenta contribute any significgant amount of troops? How greatly involved, and with what side, was the clergy of Tempus involved? During this period, was ther the deaths of any notable Tempusian Clerics?

No. Chessenta has always been too self-absorbed since it's breakaway from Unther to do anything other than defend itself from 'outsiders' and have its city-states constantly squabble between themselves.

As for priests of Tempus, Chessenta really isn't a place where I would think he is worshipped to any great degree. Anhur as a war god gets the nod here. However, see "Faiths and Pantheons" for a look at the temple of Tempus in Battledale for info on what happened regarding this god during the ToT. Nothing to do with the southern lands however.

Thirdly, during the year of 1369-70 DR was there any specific major conflict in the region in general, or any major military action in the region, perhaps to the north, maybe an engagement of some size north of the Sea of Fallen Stars that would draw the attention of mercenaries?

Not in the region, other than the undersea exploits of Iakhovas (covered in the "Threat from the Sea" novel trilogy) and how they impacted on the area around the Alamber Sea, the Whamite Isles, etc. Nothing really to do with Chessenta/Turmish however.

Fourthly, during the Fall of Zhengyi, was ther eany invovement from the Nars, or for that matter what attitude did the Nars have for the beast? During the time period of 1360-62 was ther any major events of great import to the Nars, possibly something that could cause a divide within a clan, or send young men out away from traditional lands?

Answered by fellow Candlekeep loremasters.

Fifthly, what events of significgance occured within the country of turmish during 1368, anything with widespread enough ramifications there to be notable to the average citizenry, or moer specifically the military forces of said country?

You are asking about areas that simply haven't been updated in 2E or 3E for this timeframe. Make up what suits you.

-- George Krashos
Beowulf Posted - 08 Jul 2004 : 17:18:37
Originally posted by Capn Charlie

Thirdly, during the year of 1369-70 DR was ther eany specific major conflict in the region in general, or any major military action in the region, perhaps to thenorth, maybe an engagement of some size north of the sea of fallen stars that would draw the attention of mercenaries?

In the year 1369 DR, the Ship of the Gods in the Alambar Sea is said to have erupted. In order to mitigate the damage, the priests og Geb vented the lava across the sea bed. This is said to have caused a tidal waved that washed over the ports of the Algor and of Bezantur.

Apparently, all of this stirred up the sahuagin, who went on the war path .... with Bezantur being particularly hard hit by their raids. It seems to have likewsie stirred up the Mulhorandians, who invaded and occupied Alaor.

I got this info from the Complete Forgotten Realms Timeline at
Beowulf Posted - 08 Jul 2004 : 16:57:27
Originally posted by Capn Charlie

Fourthly, during the Fall of Zhengyi, was ther eany invovement from the Nars, or for that matter what attitude did the Nars have for the beast? During the time period of 1360-62 was ther any major events of great import to the Nars, possibly something that could cause a divide within a clan, or send young men out away from traditional lands?

According to FR9, while Zhengyi's army was on the march the Nar tribal council sent out a scouting probe that skirmished with it. Following this skirmish, the Narrans began to mass their fighting men on their western border in preparation for an invasion ... which never came as a result of Zhengyi's defeat at the hands of Gareth.

As for majour events in the years 1360 - 62 DR; the Tuigans passed through and suffered some ill luck at the hands of the nars. This was probably on their return home.

As for divisions ... one might play upon the good feelings of some (many?) of the Nars for Gareth. Maybe some want to foster those good feelings, while others prefer the traditional "isolation"????
Brother Ezra Posted - 08 Jul 2004 : 16:18:47
Originally posted by Capn Charlie
Fourthly, during the Fall of Zhengyi, was ther eany invovement from the Nars, or for that matter what attitude did the Nars have for the beast? During the time period of 1360-62 was ther any major events of great import to the Nars, possibly something that could cause a divide within a clan, or send young men out away from traditional lands?

I can chime in on item four; I agree with the Sage that the Nars would have viewed the Witch-King with horror. The Nars are distrustful of magic, and are supersticious about undead. Zhengyi would have been a nightmare combo for them.

The period of 1360 to 1362 saw Gareth Dragonsbane ascend to the throne of Damara. He was known to be interested in improving relations with the Nar tribes, and may have started diplomatic relations with some of them. Gareth was also interested in mining operations in the Giantspires and may be actively working with the Nar for the rights to do so without molestation. Either scenario could allow select members of the Nar tribes to leave their tribal areas and travel to Damara.

Also, the Bloodstone Gates were constructed during this period. Nar tribesman may have been invited by Dragonsbane to the gates to serve mobile independent military units.
The Sage Posted - 08 Jul 2004 : 09:43:17
I'll research more appropriate (and lengthy) answers for your questions later (when I get home), but for now I can answer one of them from my desk...

Fourthly, during the Fall of Zhengyi, was ther eany invovement from the Nars, or for that matter what attitude did the Nars have for the beast?
As far as I recall, the Nars rarely had any involvement in the periods either before or after the Witch King's fall. It's logical to speculate that some of the Nars where likely drafted into the armies of Zhengyi, but probably not enough to actually record in any one tome.

As for the Naran attitude regarding the Witch King, well, like most of Damara's neighbours, they would most likely have looked upon the situation developing in Vaasa and Damara (and the cause of it) with reserved horror. Afterall, they likely thought that the Witch King would next turn his attention to the neighbouring realms once Damara had fallen. Of course he didn't, but those realms closest to the Bloodstone Lands could never know what Gareth and the Barony of Bloodstone would eventually bring about.

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