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 Sages of Realmslore
 Wizard's Guild of Waterdeep

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Malorik Posted - 02 Jul 2004 : 18:34:25
Does anyone know where i can get info of the wizard's guild of Waterdeep?
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpthero2 Posted - 01 Oct 2018 : 15:44:21
Acolyte Malorik,

Here is a compiled resource for you:

The top part of that page are all one group or another regarding arcana.

Best regards,

Originally posted by Malorik

Does anyone know where i can get info of the wizard's guild of Waterdeep?

Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Jul 2004 : 15:52:43
Originally posted by Bookwyrm

I see Sirius is a bit confused about the extent of the pull his new Master of Realmslore rank gets him.

And this once more calls for a certain SB quote:

Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Regardless, I'm happy in my deluded state

Bookwyrm Posted - 16 Jul 2004 : 09:19:57
I see Sirius is a bit confused about the extent of the pull his new Master of Realmslore rank gets him.
SiriusBlack Posted - 11 Jul 2004 : 05:03:53
Originally posted by George Krashos
Ahhh, c'mon Sirius! Don't you like the rush of expectation? Yearning for an undetailed new product? Thrill of the unknown? Trust me, in some respects, you don't know how lucky you are.

-- George Krashos

Nope, that's why I turn to the back of novels real quick. In movies, I make the projectionist speed things up to the end of the film just so I can see stuff like, "No, I am your father."

If I want unknown, I'll turn my attention back to the Waterdeep novel that, assuming here, will come out about the same time as the gaming book. Can you believe Elaine Cunningham and Ed Greenwoood haven't provided anyone here at Candlekeep with an outline for their upcoming novel? I mean I can see keeping lower scribes in the dark, but not us senior members.
George Krashos Posted - 11 Jul 2004 : 04:21:40
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Aha, so you do know the scribe who is producing this work. Thus, you can offer a hint as to his/her identity. Nothing major, initials, social security number, blood type, mother's maiden name are all options.

Ahhh, c'mon Sirius! Don't you like the rush of expectation? Yearning for an undetailed new product? Thrill of the unknown? Trust me, in some respects, you don't know how lucky you are.

-- George Krashos
SiriusBlack Posted - 10 Jul 2004 : 23:52:54
Originally posted by Steven Schend
it's time for someone else to take the reins. And I'll concur that the scribe behind it all is indeed the best choice (aside from Ed, of course). We're all in for a treat, without a doubt.

Aha, so you do know the scribe who is producing this work. Thus, you can offer a hint as to his/her identity. Nothing major, initials, social security number, blood type, mother's maiden name are all options.
Steven Schend Posted - 10 Jul 2004 : 18:19:01
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by BobROE
Someone could start pestering Richard Baker (on the WotC boards) for the information (doubt he'd tell us, but who knows).

Does anyone know if Steven Schend might possibly be the good hands that EG mentioned?

Oh, that would be awesome. I hold Steven Schend in exceedingly high regard.

Thanks, guy. Blushingly appreciated....

By the by, while Ed would be sure to make some silly comment about my hands, they're not the ones penning the next Waterdeep sourcebook. After all, I did my turn with City of Splendors, so it's time for someone else to take the reins. And I'll concur that the scribe behind it all is indeed the best choice (aside from Ed, of course). We're all in for a treat, without a doubt.

Steven Schend
Who'd love a trip to the Beer Golem, but alas it's too early in the day....
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Jul 2004 : 16:52:46
Ditto that... With as much as I've read on Waterdeep, I still want more!
Faraer Posted - 09 Jul 2004 : 16:33:18
I imagine the Waterdeep sourcebook will be something like 40 pages of crunchy bits, 60 pages repeating existing information, and 60 pages of new information. Anyone who thinks Waterdeep has been 'done' in print just doesn't understand the Realms: probably hundreds of pages of more lore already exist, Ed could write thousands more -- let alone 60-odd.
George Krashos Posted - 09 Jul 2004 : 16:17:32
If Ed has faith in the author, then the "Waterdeep" product due for next year will definitely be "a good thing". Despite what people may think of the place and that it has been 'done' there is still a surprising amount of realmslore out there that wasn't incorporated into "City of Splendors".

Similarly, there are good bits scattered throughout the novels (Elminster in Hell springs to mind) and Volo's Guide to Waterdeep that need fleshing out and links to the foundation information we have now. I'm confident it's going to be a good product, to go with "Serpent Kingdoms", "Shining South" and other, as yet unrevealed, products in '05. The golden age of FR 3E if you will ...

-- George Krashos
Lady Kazandra Posted - 09 Jul 2004 : 14:34:40
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Have no fears! I know who the principal author of the Waterdeep sourcebook MUST be (sorry, I WON’T divulge it), and can pass on these relevant words from Ed: “That project is in very good hands. The result will be superb.”
So rest easy, scribes!

That's good to hear. I must admit that my feeling for this particular tome increases positively every day. I've even started reading through all of the 2e tomes based on the City of Splendors just so I can have most of the previous facts about Waterdeep fresh in my mind.
Bookwyrm Posted - 07 Jul 2004 : 04:42:54
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Have no fears! I know who the principal author of the Waterdeep sourcebook MUST be (sorry, I WON’T divulge it), and can pass on these relevant words from Ed: “That project is in very good hands. The result will be superb.”
So rest easy, scribes!

I'll rest as easily as one can when waiting so eagerly for such important tomes.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Jul 2004 : 22:43:13
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by BobROE
Someone could start pestering Richard Baker (on the WotC boards) for the information (doubt he'd tell us, but who knows).

Does anyone know if Steven Schend might possibly be the good hands that EG mentioned?

Oh, that would be awesome. I hold Steven Schend in exceedingly high regard.
BobROE Posted - 06 Jul 2004 : 21:22:54
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Does anyone know if Steven Schend might possibly be the good hands that EG mentioned?

We can hope, but I doubt he'd tell us if we asked.
SiriusBlack Posted - 06 Jul 2004 : 21:02:25
Originally posted by BobROE
Someone could start pestering Richard Baker (on the WotC boards) for the information (doubt he'd tell us, but who knows).

Does anyone know if Steven Schend might possibly be the good hands that EG mentioned?
BobROE Posted - 06 Jul 2004 : 19:58:02
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by The Hooded One

Have no fears! I know who the principal author of the Waterdeep sourcebook MUST be (sorry, I WON’T divulge it), and can pass on these relevant words from Ed: “That project is in very good hands. The result will be superb.”

Thanks THO for the information.

Someone could start pestering Richard Baker (on the WotC boards) for the information (doubt he'd tell us, but who knows).
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Jul 2004 : 17:10:29
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Have no fears! I know who the principal author of the Waterdeep sourcebook MUST be (sorry, I WON’T divulge it), and can pass on these relevant words from Ed: “That project is in very good hands. The result will be superb.”
So rest easy, scribes!
As for the Waterdeep novel, I’m told there’s some peripheral Watchful Order involvement at the end and (very briefly) near the beginning, too, but Order members aren’t main characters or onstage much. One can’t have everything.

That is quite reassuring, milady Hooded One. Ever since I got my hands on Volo's Guide to Waterdeep so many years ago, the City of Splendors has been my fave place in the Realms. My hope is that the new sourcebook does the city justice, doesn't ret-con everything, and isn't full of useless crunch like the "Waterdhavian guy" PrC.

If Ed says it's gonna be good, I'm willing to believe him.
SiriusBlack Posted - 06 Jul 2004 : 16:48:50
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Have no fears! I know who the principal author of the Waterdeep sourcebook MUST be (sorry, I WON’T divulge it), and can pass on these relevant words from Ed: “That project is in very good hands. The result will be superb.”

Thanks THO for the information.
The Hooded One Posted - 06 Jul 2004 : 15:50:46
Have no fears! I know who the principal author of the Waterdeep sourcebook MUST be (sorry, I WON’T divulge it), and can pass on these relevant words from Ed: “That project is in very good hands. The result will be superb.”
So rest easy, scribes!
As for the Waterdeep novel, I’m told there’s some peripheral Watchful Order involvement at the end and (very briefly) near the beginning, too, but Order members aren’t main characters or onstage much. One can’t have everything.
Senbar Flay Posted - 03 Jul 2004 : 19:45:01
I know magic of Faerun has info on the order as well as the guild Wizard Ptesttige class and the forgotten realms Campaign setting ha some info on it in the Waterdeep section.
SiriusBlack Posted - 03 Jul 2004 : 15:04:26
Originally posted by Bookwyrm

Well, I could be wrong, but I seem to recall someone here mentioning that there was going to be a sourcebook along with the novel.

No, you are correct. The news was announced on WOTC and ENWorld before here if I recall correctly. I'm just curious about the authors as I was given the impression from the EG thread that he's being consulted but is not the primary author if an author at all.


It makes good marketing sense to do it, anyway. I'd do it to update Waterdeep both in edition and in events, since it's been so long since the (wonderful) box set.

Exactly, it does make good marketing sense. I really hope to see Waterdeep given justice in the book and not just page, after page, after page of PrCs.


I wonder if it turns out Waterdeep has a mythal?

No, but you have heard of the Waterdeep elf set to debut within the product, right?


(Sorry, feeling cranky at the moment. Time for my medication, I guess. )

Cranky? You? Next you'll be saying I come across as sarcastic at times. Crazy talk...just crazy talk.
Bookwyrm Posted - 03 Jul 2004 : 14:42:30
Well, I could be wrong, but I seem to recall someone here mentioning that there was going to be a sourcebook along with the novel. It makes good marketing sense to do it, anyway. I'd do it to update Waterdeep both in edition and in events, since it's been so long since the (wonderful) box set.

Of course, WotC will do it just to make certain that everyone knows they're charge. Make certain that no one looks back to the old TSR, no sir.

I wonder if it turns out Waterdeep has a mythal?

(Sorry, feeling cranky at the moment. Time for my medication, I guess. )
SiriusBlack Posted - 03 Jul 2004 : 14:35:18
Originally posted by Bookwyrm

There's also a Waterdeep source book in the works, isn't there? Likely they'll have some in it. And who knows, maybe there'll actually be some grounding in the Realms for this stuff.

I'm very eager to find out who the author(s) is for the source book.
Bookwyrm Posted - 03 Jul 2004 : 12:21:33
There's also a Waterdeep source book in the works, isn't there? Likely they'll have some in it. And who knows, maybe there'll actually be some grounding in the Realms for this stuff.
SiriusBlack Posted - 03 Jul 2004 : 04:56:12
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
I do believe that he was being sarcastic. We need a sarcastic smilie, for just SB if for no one else!

Great...I'll have an icon named after me.

Yes, I was saying the last comment very tongue in cheek. Apologies if that wasn't clear. I would have used the rolling eyes icon. However, all that seems to do lately is get me warnings.

Malorik, there is an upcoming novel set within Waterdeep. If you are interested, you or another scribe could ask either Elaine Cunningham or Ed Greenwood if the wizard's guild within the city will at all be featured.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 03 Jul 2004 : 04:41:56
Originally posted by Arivia

Originally posted by SiriusBlack
Well at least we haven't seen any Realms PrC end up in a generic D&D book...Thank Vhaeraun something like that can never happen.

I hope you're being sarcastic here, Sirius-the 3.5 DMG, Complete Divine, and Complete Warrior all have FR classes in them converted to core D&D.

I do believe that he was being sarcastic. We need a sarcastic smilie, for just SB if for no one else!
Arivia Posted - 03 Jul 2004 : 03:38:56
Originally posted by SiriusBlack
Well at least we haven't seen any Realms PrC end up in a generic D&D book...Thank Vhaeraun something like that can never happen.

I hope you're being sarcastic here, Sirius-the 3.5 DMG, Complete Divine, and Complete Warrior all have FR classes in them converted to core D&D.
SiriusBlack Posted - 03 Jul 2004 : 03:06:32
Originally posted by Arivia
The PrC was horrible-a cut and paste with Realms names slapped on from Tome and Blood's Mage of the Arcane Order,

Well at least we haven't seen any Realms PrC end up in a generic D&D book...Thank Vhaeraun something like that can never happen.
Arivia Posted - 03 Jul 2004 : 02:26:18
Originally posted by Bookwyrm

City of Splenders box set. Nothing in 3.xe has anything on it -- except the PrC, which was just a generic class anyway.

The PrC was horrible-a cut and paste with Realms names slapped on from Tome and Blood's Mage of the Arcane Order, which was specifically noted as a generic class that should not be used-it was an example framework to work from. Or at least I think that was what it said-I haven't looked at either PrC in quite awhile(due to their horrible design and generic roots).
SiriusBlack Posted - 02 Jul 2004 : 19:15:29
Originally posted by Bookwyrm

City of Splenders box set. Nothing in 3.xe has anything on it -- except the PrC, which was just a generic class anyway.

Magic of Faerun has the PrC if I recall right. I'd have to look at the PDF to be certain.

City of Splendors is available via RPGnow as a download. I think it's $5 or $6.

In case you are interested Malorik.

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