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 Sages of Realmslore
 Placing the Finnish pantheon in time and space?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
varyar Posted - 21 Jan 2025 : 16:44:24
Hello all,

I'm curious about the idea that the Finnish pantheon as a whole tried to establish itself on Faerūn in the past. We know Kiputytto was present but died (twice, per a recent-ish Ed Greenwood tweet) and that Mielikki and Loviatar are still going strong.

But when and where did they (and any other divine relations) appear on Toril? Faiths & Avatars doesn't give much information that I could find. I looked around here but while I found a fair number of interesting ideas, none of it was very recent. At the very latest, Kiputytto was around after the fall of Netheril, when Talona defeated her in one of the successor states. What is the earliest they might have appeared, though?

What do the sages here think on the matter?
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Alberto_Magnus Posted - 22 Jan 2025 : 04:57:36
- a little bit OT, but it is interesting to notice that aside Mielikki, Loviatar and Kiputytto in the Finnish epic Kalevala there is mention of a goddess called Ilmatar.
Also, Loviatar and her sister/alter ego Lohui seem to have, in Finnish mythology, Talona's portfolio rather than pain and the dark side of lust. It is interesting since in Faiths & Avatars there is the story of how their rivalry began while serving Bhaal. And if I remember correctly it was Talona herself who slew Kiputytto.
TBeholder Posted - 22 Jan 2025 : 02:49:55
It does not need to be "as a whole". It would be enough that they are not terribly busy lately, and occasionally spy on each other.
"Hey, Loviatar's kip is lively these days. Is she up to something? Let's see... Oh." Rinse, repeat.
sleyvas Posted - 22 Jan 2025 : 00:46:54
The city of Medinat Muskawoon in the Desert of Desolation module was placed in FR after initially having been in Greyhawk. It had a ruined temple of Untamo (god of sleep and dreams)
TomCosta Posted - 21 Jan 2025 : 23:30:08
I'm with Wooly. No reason to believe they all tried. On Hallowed Ground suggests the rest of the pantheon have become somewhat uncaring about their fates, with only the younger Loviatar and Mielikki striving to remain vital.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 21 Jan 2025 : 22:14:48
I don't recall anything saying the entire pantheon tried to come to Toril.

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