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 A question for Eric Boyd

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dargoth Posted - 03 May 2004 : 06:00:14


A number of Monsters that appear in the Mere of Dead Men havent been converted to 3ed and I was wondering whether some of the monsters will be converted in SK

Megalomen (3 different types)
Penanggalan (Maybe this will appear in the book of Undead that Andy Collins did)
Battle Horror?
Eblis (Tome of Horrors)
Quickwoods (Tome of Horrors)
Night Riders (Eric Boyds site)
gaunts (Eric Boyds site)
Mudmen (Tome of Horrors)
Knight Denizen

14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 10 Feb 2007 : 18:34:49
Originally posted by ericlboyd

I could see aging them to mature adult, but I also think it still works as is. Remember, 3e dragons have gotten much more terrifying than 2e. You could also boost their destructive ability with magic items, spells (e.g. enlarge, bull's strength).


...and give that Large dragon a few levels of Barbarian and you'll see the HPs and sheer danger factor increase tenfold!
Dargoth Posted - 10 Feb 2007 : 07:37:39
any thoughts on Knight Denizen?

Im thinking some sort of Yuggoloth (Mykrul was after all NE) or maybe a Narzugon although it doesnt fit the description
ericlboyd Posted - 24 Jun 2004 : 02:04:59
It seems reasonable, although I will point out that tainted ones originated in Cult of the Dragon.

Dargoth Posted - 24 Jun 2004 : 01:46:54
Hey Eric

Do you reckon the Megalomen would be 3ed Tainted ones?
Sarelle Posted - 22 Jun 2004 : 11:32:31
And Eric was correct, on BOZ's site they have:


BOZ Posted - 21 Jun 2004 : 21:02:35
hi. :)

pretty sure that the Eblis, Quickwood, and Mudmen are all in the Tome of Horrors, by Necromancer Games. :)
ericlboyd Posted - 05 May 2004 : 02:58:47
I could see aging them to mature adult, but I also think it still works as is. Remember, 3e dragons have gotten much more terrifying than 2e. You could also boost their destructive ability with magic items, spells (e.g. enlarge, bull's strength).

Dargoth Posted - 05 May 2004 : 01:20:47
Hey Eric

Do you reckon Voaraghamanthar and Waervaerendor should be aged to Mature adult?

Some how I find it difficult to believe that a Large Black Dragon could have beaten the Garrision at the Ruins of Inavir tower and caused the level of destruction described in Eye of Mykrul.

If there Mature Adults then they become Huge
Dargoth Posted - 04 May 2004 : 01:27:55
Originally posted by ericlboyd

I don't believe any of the requested monsters are detailed in SK.

You can find unofficial conversions of some of them (gaunts and night riders) here:

You might also check out the Creature Catalog ( They might have what you're looking for.


Thanks Eric

Do you reckon the Megalomen are 3ed Tainted ones?
ericlboyd Posted - 03 May 2004 : 14:41:29
I don't believe any of the requested monsters are detailed in SK.

You can find unofficial conversions of some of them (gaunts and night riders) here:

You might also check out the Creature Catalog ( They might have what you're looking for.

Dargoth Posted - 03 May 2004 : 07:31:26
One things for sure Voaraghamanthar and Waervaerendor arent as physically intimidating in 3ed they used to be Gigantic in 2ed now Adult Black Dragons are only large.


The cover of issue 73 is now pretty deceptive
Arivia Posted - 03 May 2004 : 06:24:15
Originally posted by Dargoth

I just dont want to buy OA for one monster

Regarding the Eblis, theres a bird called an Ibis detailed in ROF perhaps that what your thinking of

I get what you mean, and yes, that would be it.
Dargoth Posted - 03 May 2004 : 06:21:16
Originally posted by Arivia

Some of those have been handled.

As you know, the Penanggalan is covered in OA.
The Battle Horror should be easy to do, considering the changes and the fact the helmed horror's already been converted.
The Eblis(I believe) was covered in Races of Faerun.
I have a vague feeling gaunts have been converted, but I have no clue where.


I just dont want to buy OA for one monster

Regarding the Eblis, theres a bird called an Ibis detailed in ROF perhaps that what your thinking of
Arivia Posted - 03 May 2004 : 06:12:17
Some of those have been handled.

As you know, the Penanggalan is covered in OA.
The Battle Horror should be easy to do, considering the changes and the fact the helmed horror's already been converted.
The Eblis(I believe) was covered in Races of Faerun.
I have a vague feeling gaunts have been converted, but I have no clue where.

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