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 Sages of Realmslore
 Rulers of Halruaa/Nimbral

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ElfBane Posted - 14 Jun 2016 : 19:42:47
Are any of the Sages here knowledgeable about the rulers of Halruaa and Nimbral? As in a list of said rulers? I believe they are both non-hereditary Mageocracys, but a list of them would be nice. Especially Nimbral, since it's lore is fairly recent (1300 yrs. or so). Thanks for any help.
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TomCosta Posted - 22 Jun 2016 : 19:48:35
Elaine Cunningham's Counselors and Kings trilogy (an excellent read btw) is set in pre-Spell Plague Halruaa and gets into the nobility there a bit. This is mostly summarized in the 3.5E Shining South supplement.
Gareth Posted - 15 Jun 2016 : 21:47:14
Ed Greenwood's Spellstorm is worth a read for a few bits of Halruaa and NImbral lore from what I remember. Heck, its just worth a read regardless :)
hashimashadoo Posted - 15 Jun 2016 : 21:22:16
Nimbral was ruled by a council of 26 archmages since the Time of Troubles. They were all related to each other and highly introverted. I don't think any of them were given names but they also had other noble families like the Greyswords (a scion of which came to rule Loudwater).

Before the Godswar, Nimbral was ruled by the Church of Leira and looooong before that, by moon elves.
George Krashos Posted - 15 Jun 2016 : 12:23:54
There's no canon list of rulers for either nation. Nimbral is very undetailed in the published lore and the sources on Halruaa only mention two leaders, Mycontil and Zalathorm.

-- George Krashos
ElfBane Posted - 15 Jun 2016 : 10:01:23
Pre-Spellplague, if possible. Nimbral has a relatively short history, only 1300 yrs. or so since the Halruaans conquered the island. But Halruaa goes back to the Fall of Netheril, so a list of their rulers is probably quite long, if it exists at all!

Any information/lore would be helpful though, if it exists.
George Krashos Posted - 14 Jun 2016 : 22:35:17
What era are we talking about? Pre or post-Spellplague?

-- George Krashos

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