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 Sages of Realmslore
 "Twin Crowns of Myrmoran"

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Masked Mage Posted - 09 Jun 2016 : 19:08:17
In Wyrms of the North these were mentioned. Are they detailed or even mentioned anywhere else?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Masked Mage Posted - 10 Jun 2016 : 21:23:56
I also can't believe I've never read that adventure before - fantastic work there Eric L Boyd!
The Masked Mage Posted - 10 Jun 2016 : 21:18:35
Thanks for that - I was reading the online version of the WotN article which WOTC converted to 3rd E and doesn't seem to mention the dungeon mag.
sleyvas Posted - 09 Jun 2016 : 21:50:45
Oh yeah, the eye of Myrkul adventure. I've always wanted to run it. It was written by Eric L. Boyd and was chock full of lore.

On the crowns, just in case you can't get ahold of that copy, it says that the crowns were crafted Iniarv, the oft-absent Mage-Royal of Uthtower, for the twin Princes Uth II of Uthtower and Ornoth of Yarlith when the kingdom was split between them after their father died.

Its rumored that Iniarv enchanted the crowns, because the two monarchs ruled capably, never disagreed and both died peacefully in their sleep at an old age in the same year (whether they died at the same time isn't noted).
Gary Dallison Posted - 09 Jun 2016 : 21:02:26
Well I took a quick glance at Dragon Magazine 258 and it said to read Dungeon 73 for more details.

I'd have a look at that (I can't believe I've never read it before either). Loads of lore and history in that issue.
Gary Dallison Posted - 09 Jun 2016 : 19:49:30
Well off the top of my head ive got nothing. I suspect there will be nothing more official either but i feel like a bit of speculation today so i might have a read and see what comes to mind.
The Masked Mage Posted - 09 Jun 2016 : 19:10:32
I should note they were mentioned in the description of Voaraghamanthar, "the Black Death"
in Dragon Magazine #258

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