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 Gulthmere Queries: More Unknown Locales

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Markustay Posted - 30 May 2012 : 19:39:54
On the FRIA maps, I see a town of Gurnth near a smallish mountain called Machran Spire - anyone have any idea where this is from? I would assume a novel - maybe the Harpers?

Another (related?) place within the Gulthmere is Krigala Gate - what the heck is that? (YES, I know its a gate... I get THAT part...)

I also note Karsus' Keep - I am assuming here that is the place that is touched-upon in the Elminster trilogy/omnibus? I no longer have The Annotated Elminster - perhaps those other locales are also associated with that story?

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated - mapping without all my sources has become extremely difficult. HERE is a screenshot of what I am looking at in the FRIA.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dalor Darden Posted - 01 Jun 2012 : 04:39:14
Originally posted by Markustay

I assumed as much.

NEW Question: Is Westgate actually at the mouth of the River Thunn?

Nevermind. Although I couldn't find it in any text description, a map of the city clearly show the river running THROUGH it.

It seems like a rather TINY river eh?
Markustay Posted - 31 May 2012 : 18:21:35
I assumed as much.

NEW Question: Is Westgate actually at the mouth of the River Thunn?

Nevermind. Although I couldn't find it in any text description, a map of the city clearly show the river running THROUGH it.
Barastir Posted - 31 May 2012 : 02:18:39
Have I mentioned Nobanion's dominion in 2e was located in Krigala?
Markustay Posted - 30 May 2012 : 23:24:06
Thanks guys - I think that about covers it.

@Eric - Their are hidden chunks of lore-gold in everything everything written by Ed.
Faraer Posted - 30 May 2012 : 21:04:54
The village of Gurnth is from Vilhon Reach (DM's book p. 16, player's book p. 8).
Barastir Posted - 30 May 2012 : 20:30:09
Originally posted by Markustay
Another (related?) place within the Gulthmere is Krigala Gate - what the heck is that? (YES, I know its a gate... I get THAT part...

Well, do you know that Krigala is one of the planes of the Beastlands, right? Planescape stuff, it is the eternal day plane, IIRC (the plane with diurnal animals).
ericlboyd Posted - 30 May 2012 : 20:07:01
I believe I stuck it in there, but I don't recall why. (I had a huge list of obscure lore I kept feeding to the developer of the 3rd patch.)

My best guess is that it's buried in Prayers for the Faithful, but that's just a guess. Ed stuck a lot of new places in that fantastic tome.


Originally posted by Markustay

On the FRIA maps, I see a town of Gurnth near a smallish mountain called Machran Spire - anyone have any idea where this is from? I would assume a novel - maybe the Harpers?

Another (related?) place within the Gulthmere is Krigala Gate - what the heck is that? (YES, I know its a gate... I get THAT part...)

I also note Karsus' Keep - I am assuming here that is the place that is touched-upon in the Elminster trilogy/omnibus? I no longer have The Annotated Elminster - perhaps those other locales are also associated with that story?

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated - mapping without all my sources has become extremely difficult. HERE is a screenshot of what I am looking at in the FRIA.

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